Lirc::Client - A client library for the Linux Infrared Remote Control


use Lirc::Client;
my $lirc = Lirc::Client->new( 'progname' );
do {                            # Loop while getting ir codes
  my $code = $lirc->nextcode;    # wait for a new ir code
  print "Lirc> $code\n";        
  process( $code );              # do whatever you want with the code
} while( defined $code );


This module provides a simple interface to the Linux Infrared Remote Control (Lirc). The module encasuplates parsing the Lirc config file (.lircrc), openning a connection to the Lirc device, and blocking while waiting for application specific IR commands.

Use Details

new( program, [lircrc-file], [lircd-device], [debug-flag] )
my $lirc = Lirc::Client->new( 'progname', "$ENV{HOME}/.lircrc", '/etc/lircd', 0 );

Defines the program token used in the Lirc config file, opens and parses the Lirc config file (defaults to ~/.lircrc if none specified), connects to the Lirc device (defaults to /etc/lircd if none specified), and returns the Lirc::Client object. Pass a non-false debug-flag to have various debug information printed (defaults to false).

my $code = $lirc->nextcode;

Retrieves the next IR command associated with the progname as defined in new(), blocking if none is available.

my @list = $lirc->recongnized_commands();

Returns a list of all the recongnized commands for this application (as defined in the call to new().


Closes the Lirc device pipe, etc.


The Lirc Project -
Remote Roadie -

My suite of perl scripts which provide both a more powerful interface layer between Lirc/Xmms, and various tools to manage your digital music files and playlists.


Mark V. Grimes (mgrimes <at> alumni <dot> duke <dot> edu)


None I am aware of. But recongnized_commands() is relatively untested. Need to report repeated keys to the client app. Maybe an event based implementation should be added.