The Perl and Raku Conference 2025: Greenville, South Carolina - June 27-29 Learn more

use 5.014000;
use strict;
use parent qw/Exporter/;
no if $] > 5.017011, warnings => 'experimental::smartmatch';
use Digest::SHA qw/sha256_hex/;
use Expect;
use File::Basename qw/fileparse/;
use File::Copy qw/cp/;
use File::Slurp qw/read_file write_file/;
use List::MoreUtils qw/natatime/;
use Log::Log4perl qw/get_logger/;
use String::ShellQuote qw/shell_quote/;
our $VERSION = '5999.000_005';
our @EXPORT_OK = qw/prepare_files stopvms/;
our (%vm, %pid);
sub runvm {
my ($name, $arg) = @_;
return unless $ENV{GRUNTMASTER_VM};
$cmd .= ' ' . $arg if $arg;
get_logger->trace("Starting VM $name ($cmd)");
$vm{$name} = Expect->new;
$vm{$name}->expect(5, '# ') or get_logger->logdie("Error while starting VM $name: ". $vm{$name}->error);
sub stopvms {
kill KILL => $_->pid for values %vm;
%vm = %pid = ();
sub execlist_finish {
my ($vm, $kill) = @_;
if ($vm{$vm}) {
warn "Cannot kill VM\n" if $kill;
$vm{$vm}->expect(5, '# ');
} else {
kill KILL => $pid{$vm} if $kill;
waitpid $pid{$vm}, 0;
return if $kill;
my $er = "exec-result-$vm";
die "gruntmaster-exec died\n" if -z $er;
my ($excode, $exmsg) = read_file $er;
unlink $er;
chomp ($excode, $exmsg); ## no critic (ProhibitParensWithBuiltins)
get_logger->trace("Exec result from $vm: $excode $exmsg");
die [$excode, $exmsg] if $excode; ## no critic (RequireCarping)
sub execlist {
my ($vm, @args) = @_;
my $er = "exec-result-$vm";
if ($vm{$vm}) {
my $cmd = ">$er " . shell_quote 'gruntmaster-exec', @args;
get_logger->trace("Running in VM $vm: $cmd");
$vm{$vm}->send($cmd, "\n");
} else {
$pid{$vm} = fork // die "Cannot fork\n";
unless ($pid{$vm}) {
open STDOUT, '>', $er or die "Cannot open $er\n";
get_logger->trace("Running: gruntmaster-exec @args");
exec 'gruntmaster-exec', @args;
sub mkrun{
my $format = shift;
local *__ANON__ = 'mkrun_runner';
my ($name, %args) = @_;
get_logger->trace("Running $name...");
my $basename = fileparse $name, qr/[.][^.]*/s;
my @args = ('--sudo');
push @args, '--keep-stderr' if $ENV{TEST_VERBOSE};
push @args, '--timeout', $args{timeout} if $args{timeout};
push @args, '--mlimit', $args{mlimit} if $args{mlimit};
push @args, '--olimit', $args{olimit} if $args{olimit};
my @fds = exists $args{fds} ? @{$args{fds}} : ();
my $it = natatime 2, @fds;
while (my ($fd, $file) = $it->()) {
push @args, "--fd=$fd $file";
execlist $basename, @args, '--', "./$basename", @{$args{args}};
execlist_finish $basename unless $args{nonblocking}
sub prepare{
my ($name, $format) = @_;
get_logger->trace("Preparing file $name...");
try {
execlist prog => '--fd=1 >>errors', '--fd=2 >>errors', 'gruntmaster-compile', $format, $name;
execlist_finish 'prog';
} catch {
my $exmsg = $_->[1];
die "Compile error ($exmsg)\n"
} finally {
$Gruntmaster::Daemon::errors .= read_file 'errors';
$Gruntmaster::Daemon::errors .= "\n" if -s 'errors';
unlink 'errors';
sub prepare_files{
my $meta = shift;
if ($meta->{runner} eq 'Interactive') {
runvm ver => '-serial unix:vm.sock,nowait,server';
runvm prog => '-serial unix:vm.sock,nowait';
} else {
runvm $_ for keys %{$meta->{files}};
for my $file (values %{$meta->{files}}) {
my ($format, $name, $content) = @{$file}{qw/format name content/};
$file->{run} = mkrun($format);
write_file $name, $content;
my $key = lc sha256_hex($content) . '-' . $format;
my $cachefn = "$ENV{GRUNTMASTER_CCACHE}/$key";
my $exefn = fileparse $name, qr/[.][^.]*/s;
if (cp $cachefn, $exefn) {
get_logger->trace("File $name found in compilation cache")
} else {
prepare $name, $format;
cp $exefn, $cachefn
} else {
prepare $name, $format
=encoding utf-8
=head1 NAME
Gruntmaster::Daemon::Format - Utility functions for handling source files
use Gruntmaster::Daemon::Format qw/prepare_files/;
prepare_files { files => {
prog => {
name => '',
format => 'PERL',
content => 'print "Hello, world!"'
ver => {
name => 'ver.cpp',
format => 'CPP',
content => ...
Gruntmaster::Daemon::Format exports utility functions for handling source files.
=item B<prepare_files> I<$meta>
Compiles all the source files in C<< $meta->{files} >>.
=head1 AUTHOR
Marius Gavrilescu E<lt>marius@ieval.roE<gt>
Copyright (C) 2014 by Marius Gavrilescu
This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.