Changes for version 0.9927 - 2010-03-29

  • require newer Log::Dispatch (confound)
  • StackTrace: Encode exceptions in utf-8 in case they include wide characters #95 (tokuhirom)
  • StackTrace: Depends on a new Devel::StackTrace::AsHTML that escapes wide characters
  • StackTrace: Display stacktrace only if the thrown exception is a direct error #91 (frodwith)
  • StackTrace: Added 'force' option to force stacktrace in 500 errors
  • Avoid warnings when response_cb filter returns undef in ARRAY response body #92 (hiratara)
  • URLMap: Ignore port number if it matches with SERVER_PORT #90 (omega)
  • URLMap: Enable debug print with PLACK_URLMAP_DEBUG=1 #94
  • JSONP: Fixed possible infinite-loop when using with IO response body (hiratara)
  • Fixed the compatiblity issues with FastCGI docs and tests with lighttpd 1.4.26 (tadam)
  • LighttpdScriptNameFix: Added 'script_name' option (tadam)


Run PSGI application with Plack servers


Converts HTTP::Request and HTTP::Response from/to PSGI env and response
Standalone PSGI compatible HTTP server
Perl Superglue for Web frameworks and Web Servers (PSGI toolkit)
cgi-bin replacement for Plack servers
Cascadable compound application
Serve static files from document root with directory index
Dispatch requests to FCGI servers
Serve static files from root directory
Run .psgi files from a directory
Map multiple apps in different paths
Compiles a CGI script as PSGI application
OO and DSL to enable Plack Middlewares
Base class for PSGI endpoints
Parse HTTP headers
Pure perl fallback of HTTP::Parser::XS
Connects PSGI applications and Web servers
Apache 1.3.x handlers to run PSGI application
Apache 2.0 handlers to run PSGI application
CGI handler for Plack
FastCGI handler for Plack
adapter for HTTP::Server::PSGI
Adapter for HTTP::Server::Simple
adapter for HTTP::Server::PSGI
(auto)load Plack Servers
Restarting loader
forking implementation of plackup
MIME type registry
Base class for easy-to-use PSGI middleware
Logs requests like Apache's log format
Logs requests with time and accurate body size
Simple basic authentication middleware
Enable buffering for non-streaming aware servers
Applies chunked encoding to the response body
Conditional wrapper for Plack middleware
Middleware to add "conditional", GET
Adds Content-Length header automatically
Automatically sets the Content-MD5 header on all String bodies
Set Error Document based on HTTP status code
Catch HTTP exceptions
auto delete response body in HEAD requests
Wraps JSON response in JSONP if callback parameter is specified
fixes wrong SCRIPT_NAME and PATH_INFO that lighttpd sets
Validate request and response
Uses Log::Log4perl to configure logger
Uses Log::Dispatch to configure logger
Overrides HTTP method with X-HTTP-Method-Override header
Send logs to /dev/null
Reorder HTTP headers for buggy clients
Allows PSGI apps to include or forward requests recursively
Refresh all modules in %INC
Sets an X-Runtime response header
Filters response content
Simple logger that prints to psgi.errors
Displays stack trace when your app dies
serve static files with Plack
Sample middleware to add X-Framework
Sets X-Sendfile (or a like) header for frontends
Portable HTTP request object from PSGI env hash
handles file upload requests
Portable HTTP Response object for PSGI response
plackup core
DEPRECATED. See Plack::Handler
temporary buffer to save bytes
Test PSGI applications with various backends
Run mocked HTTP tests through PSGI applications
Run HTTP tests through live Plack servers
Utility subroutines for Plack server and framework developers
Accessor generation utility for Plack


in lib/Plack/Test/
in lib/Plack/Handler/
in lib/Plack/Handler/HTTP/Server/
in lib/Plack/Middleware/
in lib/Plack/TempBuffer/
in lib/Plack/TempBuffer/
in lib/Plack/TempBuffer/
in lib/Plack/Test/
in lib/Plack/
in lib/Plack/