# emulate a slow web app that does DB query etc.
use Time::HiRes;
sub _sleep {
# If it's running in Coro, you can use Coro's co-operative multi
# tasking to do time-consuming task by yeilding to other threads:
# we use Coro::Timer::sleep to demonstrate that:
if ($INC{"Coro.pm"}) {
require Coro::Timer;
Coro::Timer::sleep( $_[0] );
} else {
Time::HiRes::sleep( $_[0] );
my $handler = sub {
_sleep 0.1; # emulate the DB/IO task that takes 0.1 second
return [ 200, [ "Content-Type" => "text/plain", "Content-Length" => 11 ], [ "Hello World" ] ];