Tips of the Day

This section contains the Tips of the Day, ordered by most important to least important.


For first time users of Deliantra, consider skimming through the tutorial. You can also access it by pressing the Help button at the top.

Apply and Examine Keys

The Spacebar usually applies the topmost object on the ground, while the Return (or Enter) key examines it. See the keyboard for more keyboard mappings.

The Completer

You can type most commands by simply typing an abbreviation whenever the play area has the keyboard focus. See the keyboard for more info.

The Mouse

The left mouse button usually examines an item. The middle mouse button usually applies an item (which can mean a lot of things, such as drinking, wearing, wielding and so on). The right mouse button usually opens a menu with further options. For example, the right-mouse-button menu of the playing area gives you quick access to the playerbook and autopickup, while the RMB-menu in the skills window lets you create key bindings for using skills.


You can let your character automatically pick up stuff when you are moving over a map space: First select which items to pick up in the Setup/Pickup window, then enable/disable it using the right mouse button menu of the playing area.

It's customary to disable autopickup in civilised areas, to reduce the risk of taking an item you should not pick up.

Moving the Map

You can move the map (not the minimap) around by dragging it with the middle mouse button. This is useful when you rearrange your windows and want to move the center of the map.


This section contains some of the tooltips of the Deliantra client.

Keyboard Modifiers

This box shows which keyboard modifiers (Shift, Ctrl etc.) are currently active ("pressed").


Ctrl determines wether an action invoked via the keyboard (moving, firing) is executed once per keypress or repeatedly as fast as possible.

In once mode, each time you press a key, your character will try to execute the action once. If you try to execute actions faster than your character is able to, the actions will be queued.

In REPEAT mode, your character keep executing the action as long as you keep the keys pressed, as fast as it is able to do. This allows you to run faster with a fast character, but msot importantly enables you to stop immediately, as no matter how fast your character is, stopping to press the keys will stop your character.


Shift determines wether you move or fire when pressing an arrow key. For example, when you have applied a bow, then pressing Shift-Arrow will firean arrow instead of moving your character. Less obviously, this also works for anything else in your range slot, such as spells or skills.


Shows wether the alt key is pressed or not. The alt key is not used for controlling your character.


NumLock isn't used by Deliantra, but on some operating systems, having it on makes it impossible to use the numeric keypad for moving or firing, so best leave it off when playing Deliantra.

Health points. Measures of how much damage you can take before dying. Hit points are determined from your level and are influenced by the value of your Con stat. Hp value may range between 1 to beyond 500, and higher values indicate a greater ability to withstand punishment.

Spell points. Measures of how much "fuel" you have for casting spells and incantations. Mana is calculated from your level and your Pow. Mana values can range between 1 to beyond 500 (glowing crystals can increase the current spell points beyond your normal maximum). Higher values indicate greater amounts of mana.

Grace points - how favored you are by your god. In game terms, how much divine magic (prayers) you can cast. Your level, Wis and Pow effect what the value of grace is. Praying on an altar of your god can increase this value to twice your normal maximum. Grace can take on large positive and negative values. Positive values indicate favor by the gods.

Food. Ranges between 0 (starving) and 999 (satiated). If it reaches 0 and your character cannot find some food to eat (e.g. in your inventory), it begins to die (health points decrease). Some magic can speed up or slow down the character digestion. Healing wounds will speed up digestion too.

Experience points and overall level - experience is increased as a reward for appropriate action (such as killing monsters) and may decrease as a result of a magical attack or dying. Level is directly derived from the experience value. As the level of the character increases, the character becomes able to succeed at more difficult tasks. A character's level starts at a value of 1 and may range up beyond 100.

Attack Slots - how you attack when you fire (shift-direction, spell, skill etc.) - your range slot, or you walk/run into something - your combat slot. You can apply both a ranged attack weapon (such as a spell, horn, rod, bow etc.) and a combat attack weapon (such as a sword, knife etc.) at the same time, but only one of them - marked with a * - will be wielded at any one time. You can quickly toggle between the two slots by using KP-Plus, but usually the server will automatically switch between the two slots as needed.

Physical Strength, determines damage dealt with weapons, how much you can carry, and how often you can attack.

Dexterity, your physical agility. Determines chance of being hit and affects armor class and speed.

Constitution, physical health and toughness. Determines how many healthpoints you can have.

Intelligence, your ability to learn and use skills and incantations (both prayers and magic) and determines how much spell points you can have.

Wisdom, the ability to learn and use divine magic (prayers). Determines how many grace points you can have.

Power, your magical potential. Influences the strength of spell effects, and also how much your spell and grace points increase when leveling up.

Charisma, how well you are received by NPCs. Affects buying and selling prices in shops, the oratory and singing skills and a few other things.

Weapon Class, effectiveness of melee/missile attacks. Lower is more potent. Current weapon, level and Str are some things which effect the value of Wc. The value of Wc may range between 25 and -72.

Armour Class, how protected you are from being hit by any attack. Lower values are better. Ac is based on your race and is modified by the Dex and current armour worn. For characters that cannot wear armour, Ac improves as their level increases.

Damage, how much damage your melee/missile attack inflicts. Higher values indicate a greater amount of damage will be inflicted with each attack.

Armour, how much damage (from physical attacks) will be subtracted from successful hits made upon you. This value ranges between 0 to 99%. Current armour worn primarily determines Arm value. This is the same as the physical resistance.

Speed, how fast you can move. The value roughly means how many movements per second you can make. It may range between nearly 0 ("very slow") to higher than 40 ("lightning fast"). Base speed is determined from the Dex stat and modified downward proportionally by the amount of weight carried which exceeds the Max Carry limit. The armour worn also sets the upper limit on speed.

Weapon Speed, how many attacks you may make per second when combatting. Higher values indicate faster attack speed. Current weapon and Dex effect the value of weapon speed.

Enter a message here that you want to tell the NPC and press return.

Sometimes you have to tell an NPC something you cannot find out during a normal conversation (such as a password). In those cases you have to use this text entry. You can also enter responses manually instead of using the response buttons below.

The Command Completer

This is your central interface to send text commands to the server. To enter a verbatim command to send to the server, just type the command, followed by a space, and press return.

Typing the initial letters of words (or just any letters) displays guesses for commands you might want to use.

You can use the cursor-up and cursor-down keys to select between those guesses.

Right-Click opens a menu where you can select further options, sich as redefining key bindings.

Press a key (click on the entry to make sure it has keyboard focus)

User Interface Text Fragments

This section just contains some longer text fragment used by the Deliantra client.

Character Creation: Stats

Stats are a very important aspect of your character. You can use the tooltips to learn what each Stat governs.

The stats generated by the server are always sorted from Str (highest) to Cha (lowest). They will be modified later by both the race and the class you choose.

You can create another set of stats, swap two stat values with each other or accept the stats as shown below and continue.

Character Creation: Race

You can look at another race, or accept this race (you will cycle back to this race eventually, so you can take your time making this important choice.