EV - perl interface to libevent,


use EV;


my $w = EV::timer 2, 0, sub {
   warn "is called after 2s";

my $w = EV::timer 2, 1, sub {
   warn "is called roughly every 2s (repeat = 1)";

undef $w; # destroy event watcher again

my $w = EV::timer_abs 0, 60, sub {
   warn "is called every minute, on the minute, exactly";

# IO

my $w = EV::io \*STDIN, EV::READ | EV::PERSIST, sub {
   my ($w, $events) = @_; # all callbacks get the watcher object and event mask
   if ($events & EV::TIMEOUT) {
      warn "nothing received on stdin for 10 seconds, retrying";
   } else {
      warn "stdin is readable, you entered: ", <STDIN>;
$w->timeout (10);

my $w = EV::timed_io \*STDIN, EV::READ, 30, sub {
   my ($w, $events) = @_;
   if ($_[1] & EV::TIMEOUT) {
      warn "nothing entered within 30 seconds, bye bye.\n";
   } else {
      my $line = <STDIN>;
      warn "you entered something, you again have 30 seconds.\n";


my $w = EV::signal 'QUIT', sub {
   warn "sigquit received\n";

my $w = EV::signal 3, sub {
   warn "sigquit received (this is GNU/Linux, right?)\n";

EV::dispatch; # loop as long as watchers are active
EV::loop;     # the same thing
EV::loop EV::LOOP_ONCE;     # block until some events could be handles
EV::loop EV::LOOP_NONBLOCK; # check and handle some events, but do not wait


This module provides an interface to libevent ( You probably should acquaint yourself with its documentation and source code to be able to use this module fully.

Please note thta this module disables the libevent EPOLL method by default, see BUGS, below, if you need to enable it.



How many priority levels are available.


Must contain a reference to a function that is called when a callback throws an exception (with $@ containing thr error). The default prints an informative message and continues.

If this callback throws an exception it will be silently ignored.

$time = EV::now

Returns the time in (fractional) seconds since the epoch.

$version = EV::version
$method = EV::method

Return version string and event polling method used.

EV::loopexit $after

Exit any active loop or dispatch after $after seconds or immediately if $after is missing or zero.


Same as EV::loop 0.

EV::event $callback

Creates a new event watcher waiting for nothing, calling the given callback.

my $w = EV::io $fileno_or_fh, $eventmask, $callback
my $w = EV::io_ns $fileno_or_fh, $eventmask, $callback

As long as the returned watcher object is alive, call the $callback when the events specified in $eventmask happen. Initially, the timeout is disabled.

You can additionall set a timeout to occur on the watcher, but note that this timeout will not be reset when you get an I/O event in the EV::PERSIST case, and reaching a timeout will always stop the watcher even in the EV::PERSIST case.

If you want a timeout to occur only after a specific time of inactivity, set a repeating timeout and do NOT use EV::PERSIST.

Eventmask can be one or more of these constants ORed together:

EV::READ     wait until read() wouldn't block anymore
EV::WRITE    wait until write() wouldn't block anymore
EV::PERSIST  stay active after a (non-timeout) event occured

The io_ns variant doesn't add/start the newly created watcher.

my $w = EV::timed_io $fileno_or_fh, $eventmask, $timeout, $callback
my $w = EV::timed_io_ns $fileno_or_fh, $eventmask, $timeout, $callback

Same as io and io_ns, but also specifies a timeout (as if there was a call to $w->timeout ($timout, 1). The persist flag is not allowed and will automatically be cleared. The watcher will be restarted after each event.

If the timeout is zero or undef, no timeout will be set, and a normal watcher (with the persist flag set!) will be created.

This has the effect of timing out after the specified period of inactivity has happened.

Due to the design of libevent, this is also relatively inefficient, having one or two io watchers and a separate timeout watcher that you reset on activity (by calling its start method) is usually more efficient.

my $w = EV::timer $after, $repeat, $callback
my $w = EV::timer_ns $after, $repeat, $callback

Calls the callback after $after seconds. If $repeat is true, the timer will be restarted after the callback returns. This means that the callback would be called roughly every $after seconds, prolonged by the time the callback takes.

The timer_ns variant doesn't add/start the newly created watcher.

my $w = EV::timer_abs $at, $interval, $callback
my $w = EV::timer_abs_ns $at, $interval, $callback

Similar to EV::timer, but the time is given as an absolute point in time ($at), plus an optional $interval.

If the $interval is zero, then the callback will be called at the time $at if that is in the future, or as soon as possible if its in the past. It will not automatically repeat.

If the $interval is nonzero, then the watcher will always be scheduled to time out at the next $at + integer * $interval time.

This can be used to schedule a callback to run at very regular intervals, as long as the processing time is less then the interval (otherwise obviously events will be skipped).

Another way to think about it (for the mathematically inclined) is that timer_abs will try to tun the callback at the next possible time where $time = $at (mod $interval), regardless of any time jumps.

The timer_abs_ns variant doesn't add/start the newly created watcher.

my $w = EV::signal $signal, $callback
my $w = EV::signal_ns $signal, $callback

Call the callback when $signal is received (the signal can be specified by number or by name, just as with kill or %SIG). Signal watchers are persistent no natter what.

EV will grab the signal for the process (the kernel only allows one component to receive signals) when you start a signal watcher, and removes it again when you stop it. Pelr does the same when you add/remove callbacks to %SIG, so watch out.

Unfortunately, only one handler can be registered per signal. Screw libevent.

The signal_ns variant doesn't add/start the newly created watcher.


All EV functions creating an event watcher (designated by my $w = above) support the following methods on the returned watcher object:

$w->add ($timeout)

Stops and (re-)starts the event watcher, setting the optional timeout to the given value, or clearing the timeout if none is given.


Stops and (re-)starts the event watcher without touching the timeout.


Stop the event watcher if it was started.

$current_callback = $w->cb
$old_callback = $w->cb ($new_callback)

Return the previously set callback and optionally set a new one.

$current_fh = $w->fh
$old_fh = $w->fh ($new_fh)

Returns the previously set filehandle and optionally set a new one (also clears the EV::SIGNAL flag when setting a filehandle).

$current_signal = $w->signal
$old_signal = $w->signal ($new_signal)

Returns the previously set signal number and optionally set a new one (also sets the EV::SIGNAL flag when setting a signal).

$current_eventmask = $w->events
$old_eventmask = $w->events ($new_eventmask)

Returns the previously set event mask and optionally set a new one.

$w->timeout ($after, $repeat)

Resets the timeout (see EV::timer for details).

$w->timeout_abs ($at, $interval)

Resets the timeout (see EV::timer_abs for details).

$w->priority_set ($priority)

Set the priority of the watcher to $priority (0 <= $priority < $EV::NPRI).


Lots. Libevent itself isn't well tested and rather buggy, and this module is quite new at the moment.

Please note that the epoll method is not, in general, reliable in programs that use fork (even if no libveent calls are being made in the forked process). If your program behaves erratically, try setting the environment variable EVENT_NOEPOLL first when running the program.

In general, if you fork, then you can only use the EV module in one of the children.


L<EV::DNS>, L<event(3)>, L<event.h>, L<evdns.h>.


Marc Lehmann <>