PApp::Parser - PApp format file parser
This module manages papp files (parsing, compiling etc..). Sorry, you have to look at the examples to understand the descriptions here :(
This module exports nothing at the moment, but might soon export phtml2perl
and other nifty functions.
- phtml2perl "pthml-code";
Convert <phtml> code to normal perl. The following four mode-switches are allowed, the initial mode is "?>" (i.e. interpolated html).
<: start verbatim perl section ("perl-mode") :> start plain html section (non-interpolated html) <? start perl expression (single expr, result will echo'd) (eval this!) ?> start interpolated html section (similar to qq[...]>)
Within plain and interpolated html sections you can also use the __"string" construct to mark (and map) internationalized text. The construct must be used verbatim: two underlines, one double-quote, text, and a trailing double-quote. For more complex uses, just escape to perl (e.g. <?__"xxx"?>).
White space is preserved all over the html-sections. If you do not like this (e.g. you want to output a png or other binary data) use perl section instead.
In html sections (and only there!), you can also use preprocessor commands (the
must be at the beginning of the line, between the#
and the command anme can be any amount of white space, just like in C!)#if any_perl_condition any phtml code #elif any_perl_conditon ... #else ... #endif
And also these experimental preprocessor commands (these currently trash the line number info, though!)
#?? condition ?? if-yes-phtml-code #?? condition ?? if-yes-phtml-code ?? if-no-phtml-code
Marc Lehmann <>