PApp::Parser - PApp format file parser



This module manages papp files (parsing, compiling etc..). Sorry, you have to look at the examples to understand the descriptions here :(

This module exports nothing at the moment, but might soon export phtml2perl and other nifty functions.

phtml2perl "pthml-code";

Convert <phtml> code to normal perl. The following four mode-switches are allowed, the initial mode is "?>" (i.e. interpolated html).

<:	start verbatim perl section ("perl-mode")
:>	start plain html section (non-interpolated html)
<?	start perl expression (single expr, result will echo'd) (eval this!)
?>	start interpolated html section (similar to qq[...]>)

Within plain and interpolated html sections you can also use the __"string" construct to mark (and map) internationalized text. The construct must be used verbatim: two underlines, one double-quote, text, and a trailing double-quote. For more complex uses, just escape to perl (e.g. <?__"xxx"?>).

White space is preserved all over the html-sections. If you do not like this (e.g. you want to output a png or other binary data) use perl section instead.

In html sections (and only there!), you can also use preprocessor commands (the # must be at the beginning of the line, between the # and the command anme can be any amount of white space, just like in C!)

#if any_perl_condition
  any phtml code
#elif any_perl_conditon

And also these experimental preprocessor commands (these currently trash the line number info, though!)

#?? condition ?? if-yes-phtml-code
#?? condition ?? if-yes-phtml-code ?? if-no-phtml-code




Marc Lehmann <>