DTA::CAB::index - automatically generated index of DTA::CAB sub-modules
"Cascaded Analysis Broker" for robust linguistic analysis
- DTA::CAB::Analyzer
generic analyzer API
- DTA::CAB::Analyzer::Alias
analyzer alias
- DTA::CAB::Analyzer::Automaton
generic analysis automaton API
- DTA::CAB::Analyzer::Automaton::Dyn
generic analysis automaton API
- DTA::CAB::Analyzer::Automaton::Gfsm
generic analysis automaton API: Gfsm automata
- DTA::CAB::Analyzer::Automaton::Gfsm::XL
Gfsm::XL::Cascade-based transductions
- DTA::CAB::Analyzer::Cache::Static
DTA static cache (wrapper)
- DTA::CAB::Analyzer::Cache::Static
Static cache using DTA::CAB::Analyzer::Dict::JsonDB
- DTA::CAB::Analyzer::Cache::Static::BDB
Static cache using DTA::CAB::Analyzer::Dict::JsonDB
- DTA::CAB::Analyzer::Common
common analyzers for DTA::CAB suite
- DTA::CAB::Analyzer::DTAClean
Chain::DTA cleanup (prune sensitive and redundant data from document)
- DTA::CAB::Analyzer::DTAMapClass
post-processing for DTA chain: mapping class
- DTA::CAB::Analyzer::Dict
generic analysis dictionary API using Lingua::TT::Dict
- DTA::CAB::Analyzer::Dict::BDB
generic analysis dictionary API using Lingua::TT::DBFile
- DTA::CAB::Analyzer::Dict::CDB
generic analysis dictionary API using Lingua::TT::CDBFile
- DTA::CAB::Analyzer::Dict::Json
generic analysis dictionary API using JSON values
- DTA::CAB::Analyzer::Dict::JsonCDB
generic analysis dictionary API using JSON values
- DTA::CAB::Analyzer::Dict::JsonDB
generic analysis dictionary API using JSON values
- DTA::CAB::Analyzer::DmootSub
sub-analysis (Morph,toka) of dmoot targets
- DTA::CAB::Analyzer::DocClassify
DocClassify::Mapper wrapper
- DTA::CAB::Analyzer::Dyn
generic analyzer API: dynamic code generation
- DTA::CAB::Analyzer::EqLemma
lemma-equivalence class expander: default
- DTA::CAB::Analyzer::EqLemma::BDB
DB dictionary-based lemma-equivalence expander
- DTA::CAB::Analyzer::EqLemma::CDB
CDB dictionary-based lemma-equivalence expander
- DTA::CAB::Analyzer::EqLemma::FST
lemma-equivalence class expansion via Gfsm::Automaton
- DTA::CAB::Analyzer::EqLemma::JsonCDB
DB dictionary-based equivalence-class expander, rewrite variant
- DTA::CAB::Analyzer::EqPho
phonetic equivalence class expander
- DTA::CAB::Analyzer::EqPho::BDB
DB dictionary-based phonetic equivalence expander
- DTA::CAB::Analyzer::EqPho::CDB
DB dictionary-based phonetic equivalence expander
- DTA::CAB::Analyzer::EqPho::Cascade
phonetic equivalence expander via Gfsm::XL cascade
- DTA::CAB::Analyzer::EqPho::Dict
dictionary-based phonetic form expander
- DTA::CAB::Analyzer::EqPho::FST
FST-based phonetic form expander
- DTA::CAB::Analyzer::EqPho::JsonCDB
Json-valued CDB dictionary-based phonetic equivalence expander
- DTA::CAB::Analyzer::EqPhoX
phonetic equivalence class expansion: intensional, via gfsmxl cascade
- DTA::CAB::Analyzer::EqRW
rewrite-equivalence class expander: default
- DTA::CAB::Analyzer::EqRW::BDB
DB dictionary-based rewrite-equivalence expander
- DTA::CAB::Analyzer::EqRW::CDB
CDB dictionary-based rewrite-equivalence expander
- DTA::CAB::Analyzer::EqRW::Dict
dictionary-based rewrite-equivalence expander
- DTA::CAB::Analyzer::EqRW::FST
FST-based rewrite-equivalence expander
- DTA::CAB::Analyzer::EqRW::JsonCDB
Json-valued CDB dictionary-based phonetic equivalence expander
- DTA::CAB::Analyzer::EqTagh
lemma-equivalence class expansion: TAGH via FST
- DTA::CAB::Analyzer::ExLex
DTA exception lexicon using DTA::CAB::Analyzer::Dict::JsonDB
- DTA::CAB::Analyzer::ExLex
DTA type-wise exception lexicon (wrapper)
- DTA::CAB::Analyzer::ExLex::BDB
DTA exception lexicon using DTA::CAB::Analyzer::Dict::JsonDB
- DTA::CAB::Analyzer::Extra
extra bonus analyzers for DTA::CAB suite
- DTA::CAB::Analyzer::GermaNet
wrapper for GermaNet relation expanders
- DTA::CAB::Analyzer::GermaNet::Hypernyms
GermaNet relation expander: hyperonymy (superclasses)
- DTA::CAB::Analyzer::GermaNet::Hyponyms
GermaNet relation expander: hyponymy (subclasses)
- DTA::CAB::Analyzer::GermaNet::RelationClosure
wrapper for GermaNet relation expanders
- DTA::CAB::Analyzer::GermaNet::Synonyms
GermaNet relation expander: synonyms
- DTA::CAB::Analyzer::Koeln
phonetic digest analysis using Text::Phonetic::Koeln
- DTA::CAB::Analyzer::LTS
letter-to-sound analysis via Gfsm automata
- DTA::CAB::Analyzer::LangId
Lingua::LangId::Map wrapper
- DTA::CAB::Analyzer::LangId::Simple
simple language guesser using stopword lists
- DTA::CAB::Analyzer::Lemmatizer
lemma extractor for TAGH analyses or bare text
- DTA::CAB::Analyzer::Metaphone
phonetic digest analysis using Text::Phonetic::Metaphone
- DTA::CAB::Analyzer::Moot
generic Moot HMM tagger/disambiguator analysis API
- DTA::CAB::Analyzer::Moot
generic Moot HMM tagger/disambiguator analysis API
- DTA::CAB::Analyzer::Moot::Boltzmann
Moot analysis API for word n-gram disambiguation using dynamic lexicon
- DTA::CAB::Analyzer::Moot::DynLex
Moot analysis API for word n-gram disambiguation using dynamic lexicon
- DTA::CAB::Analyzer::MootSub
post-processing for moot PoS tagger in DTA chain
- DTA::CAB::Analyzer::Morph
morphological analysis via Gfsm automata
- DTA::CAB::Analyzer::Morph::Latin
latin pesudo-morphology analysis (wrapper)
- DTA::CAB::Analyzer::Morph::Latin::BDB
auxilliary latin word recognizer via external full-form DB
- DTA::CAB::Analyzer::Morph::Latin::CDB
auxilliary latin word recognizer via external full-form DB
- DTA::CAB::Analyzer::Morph::Latin::Dict
auxilliary latin word recognizer via external full-form dictionary
- DTA::CAB::Analyzer::Morph::Latin::FST
auxilliary morphological analysis via Gfsm automaton
- DTA::CAB::Analyzer::MorphSafe
safety checker for analyses output by DTA::CAB::Analyzer::Morph (TAGH)
- DTA::CAB::Analyzer::Null
null analyzer (dummy)
- DTA::CAB::Analyzer::Phonem
phonetic digest analysis using Text::Phonetic::Phonem
- DTA::CAB::Analyzer::Phonix
phonetic digest analysis using Text::Phonetic::Phonix
- DTA::CAB::Analyzer::Rewrite
rewrite analysis via Gfsm::XL cascade
- DTA::CAB::Analyzer::RewriteSub
sub-analysis (LTS, Morph) of rewrite targets
- DTA::CAB::Analyzer::Soundex
phonetic digest analysis using Text::Phonetic::Soundex
- DTA::CAB::Analyzer::SynCoPe
DTA chain: RPC-XML query of an existing SynCoPe server
- DTA::CAB::Analyzer::SynCoPe::NER
DTA chain: RPC-XML query of an existing SynCoPe server: named-entity recogniztion
- DTA::CAB::Analyzer::TextPhonetic
phonetic digest analysis using Text::Phonetic
- DTA::CAB::Analyzer::TokPP
type-level heuristic token preprocessor (for punctuation etc): high-level wrapper
- DTA::CAB::Analyzer::TokPP
type-level heuristic token preprocessor (for punctuation etc)
- DTA::CAB::Analyzer::TokPP::Waste
type-level heuristic token preprocessor (for punctuation etc) using Moot::Waste::Annotator
- DTA::CAB::Analyzer::Unicruft
latin-1 approximator using libunicruft
- DTA::CAB::Analyzer::Unidecode
latin-1 approximator using Text::Unidecode (old)
- DTA::CAB::Cache::LRU
generic least-recently-used cache
- DTA::CAB::Chain
serial multi-analyzer pipeline
- DTA::CAB::Chain::DTA
Deutsches Textarchiv canonicalization chain class
- DTA::CAB::Chain::Multi
serial multi-analyzer pipelines with name-based dispatch
- DTA::CAB::Chain::Tweet
tweet-munging multi-chain
- DTA::CAB::Client
abstract class for DTA::CAB server clients
- DTA::CAB::Client::CGIWrapper
CGI wrapper for DTA::CAB::Client::XmlRpc
- DTA::CAB::Client::HTTP
generic HTTP server client for DTA::CAB
- DTA::CAB::Client::XmlRpc
DTA::CAB XML-RPC server clients
- DTA::CAB::Comment
DTA::CAB data: comments
- DTA::CAB::Common
common dependencies for DTA::CAB suite
- DTA::CAB::Datum
generic API for data (tokens,sentences,documents,...) passed to/from DTA::CAB::Analyzer
- DTA::CAB::Document
generic API for whole documents passed to/from DTA::CAB::Analyzer
- DTA::CAB::Fork::Pool
generic thread pool for DTA::CAB
- DTA::CAB::Format
Base class for DTA::CAB::Datum I/O
- DTA::CAB::Format::Builtin
load built-in DTA::CAB::Format subclasses
- DTA::CAB::Format::CSV
Datum I/O: concise minimal-output human-readable text
- DTA::CAB::Format::CSV1g
Datum I/O: concise minimal-output human-readable text, unigrams
- DTA::CAB::Format::ExpandList
Datum I/O: expansion list for use with DDC
- DTA::CAB::Format::JSON
Datum parser|formatter: JSON code via JSON::XS
- DTA::CAB::Format::Null
Datum parser|formatter (dummy)
- DTA::CAB::Format::Perl
Datum parser|formatter: perl code via Data::Dumper, eval()
- DTA::CAB::Format::Raw
Document parser: raw untokenized text (dispatch)
- DTA::CAB::Format::Raw::HTTP
Document parser: raw untokenized text via HTTP tokenizer API
- DTA::CAB::Format::Raw::Perl
Document parser: raw untokenized text, pure-perl hack
- DTA::CAB::Format::Raw::Waste
Document parser: raw untokenized text using Moot::Waste
- DTA::CAB::Format::Registry
registry for DTA::CAB I/O formats
- DTA::CAB::Format::SQLite
Datum parser|formatter: SQLite database (for DTA EvalCorpus)
- DTA::CAB::Format::Storable
Datum parser using Storable::freeze() & co.
- DTA::CAB::Format::SynCoPe::CSV
Datum parser: SynCoPe CSV (for NE-recognizer)
- DTA::CAB::Format::TCF
Datum parser|formatter: CLARIN-D TCF (selected features only)
- DTA::CAB::Format::TEI
Datum parser|formatter: TEI-XML using DTA::TokWrap
- DTA::CAB::Format::TEIws
TEI-XML with //w and //s elements, as output by DTA::TokWrap
- DTA::CAB::Format::TJ
Datum parser: one-token-per-line text; token data as JSON
- DTA::CAB::Format::TT
Datum parser: one-token-per-line text
- DTA::CAB::Format::Text
Datum parser: verbose human-readable text
- DTA::CAB::Format::XmlCommon
Datum parser|formatter: XML: base class
- DTA::CAB::Format::XmlNative
Datum parser|formatter: XML (native)
- DTA::CAB::Format::XmlPerl
Datum parser|formatter: XML (perl-like)
- DTA::CAB::Format::XmlRpc
Datum parser: XML-RPC using RPC::XML
- DTA::CAB::Format::XmlTokWrap
Datum parser|formatter: XML (DTA::TokWrap .t.xml)
- DTA::CAB::Format::XmlTokWrapFast
DTA::TokWrap XML, fast quick & dirty I/O for (.ddc).t.xml
- DTA::CAB::Format::XmlVz
Datum parser|formatter: XML (Vz)
- DTA::CAB::Format::YAML
Datum parser|formatter: YAML code (generic)
- DTA::CAB::Logger
DTA::CAB logging facility using Log::Log4perl
- DTA::CAB::Persistent
abstract class for persistent & configurable objects
- DTA::CAB::Queue::Client
UNIX-socket based queue: server
- DTA::CAB::Queue::File
file-based queue
- DTA::CAB::Queue::Server
UNIX-socket based queue: server for command-line analyzer
- DTA::CAB::Sentence
generic API for sentences passed to/from DTA::CAB::Analyzer
- DTA::CAB::Server
abstract class for DTA::CAB servers
- DTA::CAB::Server::HTTP
DTA::CAB standalone HTTP server using HTTP::Daemon
- DTA::CAB::Server::HTTP::Handler
abstract handler API class for DTA::CAB::Server::HTTP
- DTA::CAB::Server::HTTP::Handler::Alias
DTA::CAB::Server::HTTP::Handler class: path alias
- DTA::CAB::Server::HTTP::Handler::Builtin
DTA::CAB::Server::HTTP::Handler: built-in classes
- DTA::CAB::Server::HTTP::Handler::CGI
DTA::CAB::Server::HTTP::Handler class: CGI form processing
- DTA::CAB::Server::HTTP::Handler::Directory
CAB HTTP Server: request handler: directory
- DTA::CAB::Server::HTTP::Handler::File
CAB HTTP Server: request handler: static file
- DTA::CAB::Server::HTTP::Handler::Query
CAB HTTP Server: request handler: analyzer queries by CGI form
- DTA::CAB::Server::HTTP::Handler::QueryFormats
CAB HTTP Server: request handler: format list queries
- DTA::CAB::Server::HTTP::Handler::QueryList
CAB HTTP Server: request handler: analyzer list queries
- DTA::CAB::Server::HTTP::Handler::Response
CAB HTTP Server: request handler: static response
- DTA::CAB::Server::HTTP::Handler::Template
DTA::CAB::Server::HTTP::Handler class: Template-Toolkit templates
- DTA::CAB::Server::HTTP::Handler::XmlRpc
CAB HTTP Server: request handler: XML-RPC queries (backwards-compatible)
- DTA::CAB::Server::XmlRpc
DTA::CAB XML-RPC server using RPC::XML
- DTA::CAB::Socket
UNIX-socket based queue: common utilities
- DTA::CAB::Socket::UNIX
UNIX-socket based queue: common utilities
- DTA::CAB::Token
generic API for tokens passed to/from DTA::CAB::Analyzer
- DTA::CAB::Unify
DTA::CAB unification utiltities
- DTA::CAB::Utils
generic DTA::CAB utilities
- DTA::CAB::Version
version constants for DTA::CAB
- DTA::CAB::Version
DTA::CAB version constants (auto-generated)
- DTA::CAB::index
automatically generated index of DTA::CAB sub-modules
- DTA::CAB::HttpProtocol
HTTP query protocol for use with DTA::CAB::Server::HTTP::Handler::Query
- DTA::CAB::WebServiceHowto
User documentation for DTA::CAB web-service
- DTA::CAB::XmlRpcProtocol
XML-RPC protocol for use with DTA::CAB::Server::XmlRpc
Bryan Jurish <>
Copyright (C) 2008-2019 by Bryan Jurish
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.24.1 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.