Take me over?
The maintainer of this distribution is looking for someone to take over!
If you're interested then please contact them via
mod_perl mime encoding sniffer for XML files
Matt's non-xslt template processor
Simple XPath web scripting
Choose stylesheet using PATH_INFO
Choose stylesheet using querystring
Execute module based on <?xml-stylesheet?>
in lib/Apache/AxKit.pm
in lib/Apache/AxKit/Language/XPathScript.pm
in lib/Apache/AxKit/Language/XSLT.pm
in lib/Apache/AxKit/MediaChooser/WAPCheck.pm
in lib/Apache/AxKit/StyleFinder.pm
in lib/Apache/AxKit/XMLFinder.pm
in lib/AxKit.pm
in lib/Apache/AxKit/Language/NotXSLT.pm