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Apache::AxKit::StyleFinder - Execute module based on <?xml-stylesheet?>
# in .htaccess
PerlSetVar StylesheetMap "text/xsl => XML::XSLT::transformfiles, \
application/x-mystyle => My::Style"
PerlSetVar PreferredStyle "default style"
PerlSetVar DefaultStyleMap "/default.xsl text/xsl"
This module automatically detects XML stylesheet types and associates modules/functions with those stylesheets according to the StylesheetMap variable. See http://www.w3.org/TR/xml-stylesheet for details on the xml-stylesheet processing instruction that this module uses.
This module also checks for you whether the xml file and stylesheet files exist, so you don't need to check that in your template/stylesheet implementation if you don't want to. If an error occurs at any point it is logged in the error log, and DECLINED is returned, so that other Apache modules might have a chance to process the file.
In the mapping you can either present a function (fully qualified with package), or a package. Different parameters are passed depending on whether you specify a function or a package:
- 'type' => Package::function
The function receives the xml filename as the first parameter, and the stylesheet filename as the second parameter. The return value of the method is not considered, and Apache always returns OK.
- 'type' => Package
The Package's handler() function is called, with the Apache::Request object as the first parameter, the xml filename as the second parameter and the stylesheet filename as the third parameter. Apache returns whatever the return value of the handler() function is.
If no <?xml-stylesheet?> processing instruction is found, or that processing instruction is in some way broken, then the option DefaultStyleMap is checked for, and the href and type in that variable (separated by whitespace) are used instead.
Cascading Style Sheets
I'm not talking about HTML css here. I'm talking about any type of stylesheet system that you want to cascade. i.e. you want the output of one stylesheet to be the input to the next. This system supports cascading by default, but you can turn this off using the directive:
PerlSetVar StylesCascade Off
To your httpd.conf or .htaccess file. However... it is the responsibility of the module in question (the module that is cascading) to pass on the output to the next stylesheet's input. To do this a module must store it's DOM tree output in $r->pnotes('dom_tree'). This module will figure out for you all the caching and printing the DOM tree (using $dom->toString).
Stylesheet Choice
Choosing from multiple stylesheets is a difficult problem. There are many things to consider. With a cascading system, which the HTML specification was designed for, it's a simple choice, and well defined by the HTML specification. However for non-cascading systems it gets a little harder.
The approach I've taken is a scoring system. The scoring is based on the selected "title", the selected "media" and the values in xml-stylesheet. The selected media and title can both be set one of two ways. The first is to specify them in httpd.conf or .htaccess:
PerlSetVar PreferredMedia print
PerlSetVar PreferredStyle "my alternate style"
This is a rather static setting, and a better way is to use a stacked handlers and set the notes 'preferred_style' and preferred_media'. To do this setup Apache::AxKit::StyleFinder as the first handler in a chain:
PerlHandler My::MediaExtractor \
My::StyleExtractor \
This actually sets up 2 extra handlers: One extracts the media and one extracts the preferred stylesheet. There are many potential ways to do this - its up to you how you do it. I suggest either a value in the querystring, or a PATH_INFO, or for media types you could/should use a browser detection routine combined with perhaps a querystring/PATH_INFO for requesting a printable version. That's just a suggestion... See AXDTL::StyleChooser::QueryString and Apache::AxKit::StyleChooser::PathInfo for working examples that you can use.
Having set all that up, how does Apache::AxKit::StyleFinder pick a stylesheet to use. After all, it has to pick just one stylesheet if it's not in cascading mode. The scoring is based on whether the xml-stylesheet references a persistant stylesheet, a preferred stylesheet, or an alternate stylesheet, all combined with what I consider to be errors, and the values given for media and preferred style by the methods above. Here is the table of scoring used:
| Media | Title | Title |
Score | Matches | Exists | Matches | Alternate
0 no no - no
3 yes no - no
5 no yes N/A no
8 no yes yes yes
10 yes yes N/A no
15 yes yes yes yes
-5 (err?) yes no - yes
-10 (err?) no no - yes
It's also worth noting that the default media if it doesn't exist is "screen", and this is also the default if it doesn't get set by one of the above methods. So the chances of a media match are quite high. And it's worth noting that Cocoon-style broken media types are not supported. The media types must come from the list in REC-html40, or they will simply be ignored.
If you think this table is in some way incorrect, let me know. I did put quite a bit of thought into it, but I'm sure it could probably be improved somehow. Before you come back to me about it though, please do read the HTML40 specification. It has some details about what defines a preferred, persistant and alternate stylesheet that are relevant here.
Cascading Styles
Of course the above is irrelevant when you leave the default option of StylesCascade Yes on. When that is the case, the stylesheets chosen are according to the rules specified by the W3C at http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/styles.html for details on the rules involved, but the basics are:
If no title is defined (and alternate="..." doesn't exist or is "no") then this is a persistent stylesheet, and is always applied (provided the media matches).
If a title is defined and alternate="no" (or isn't present), this is a preferred stylesheet, and is used if no preferred stylesheet is chosen (see details above on choosing a preferred style).
If alternate="yes", a title must be defined. This stylesheet is used if and only if it is selected as a preferred style.
Media type must always match (media="all" matches everything). The default media type is "screen" if it is not provided in the processing instruction. If no module provides media matching capabilities, then the default media of "screen" is used to compare to the value in the processing instruction.
Matt Sergeant, matt@sergeant.org
This module is distributed under the same terms as Perl itself.