cpan-release-counts - display graph of CPAN releases by year for single user or all users
cpan-release-counts [--user NEILB] [--char =] [--width 40] [--year YYYY] [-monthly]
cpan-release-counts generates a text graph of all CPAN releases by year, either across all users, or for a specific user. The most likely usage is to see your personal release history:
% cpan-release-counts --user RJBS
2003 ( 4)
2004 (137) #############
2005 ( 87) ########
2006 (277) ##########################
2007 (238) ######################
2008 (219) #####################
2009 (382) ####################################
2010 (379) ####################################
2011 (195) ##################
2012 (172) ################
2013 (519) #################################################
2014 ( 58) #####
If you don't specify a user, you'll get a graph of all releases each year. You can also change the character used when drawing the bars, and the maximum width used for the longest bar:
% cpan-release-counts --char = --width 30
1995 ( 193)
1996 ( 634)
1997 ( 1403) =
1998 ( 2253) ==
1999 ( 2705) ===
2000 ( 3475) ====
2001 ( 5649) ======
2002 ( 7511) ========
2003 (10129) ===========
2004 (11331) =============
2005 (12410) ==============
2006 (12773) ==============
2007 (14536) ================
2008 (18534) =====================
2009 (21078) ========================
2010 (22225) =========================
2011 (21893) =========================
2012 (22669) ==========================
2013 (25768) ==============================
2014 ( 3502) ====
If you use the --monthly switch, you'll get the counts broken down by month. You can also restrict the data to a particular year:
% cpan-release-counts --year 2003 --monthly --width 40
200301 (769) ################################
200302 (688) ############################
200303 (880) ####################################
200304 (812) ##################################
200305 (821) ##################################
200306 (902) #####################################
200307 (913) ######################################
200308 (907) #####################################
200309 (955) ########################################
200310 (841) ###################################
200311 (785) ################################
200312 (856) ###################################
CPAN::ReleaseHistory is used to get data for all CPAN releases.
Neil Bowers <>
This software is copyright (c) 2014 by Neil Bowers <>.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.