Tk::Widget - Base class of all widgets


package Tk::Whatever;
require Tk::Widget;
@ISA = qw(Tk::Widget);   
Construct Tk::Widget 'Whatever';

sub Tk_cmd { \&Tk::whatever }


The Tk::Widget is an abstract base class for all Tk widgets.

Generic methods available to all widgets include:

Getimage( name )

Given name, look for an image file with that base name and return a Tk::Image. File extensions are tried in this order: xpm, gif, ppm, xbm until a valid iamge is found. If no image is found, try a builtin image with that name.

EventType( ?value? )

Return or set the tixEvent variable option. Currently, the only option used is "type".


The above documentaion on generic methods is catastrophically incomplete.