POE::Filter::XML - A POE Filter for parsing XML


 use POE::Filter::XML;
 my $filter = POE::Filter::XML->new();

 my $wheel = POE::Wheel:ReadWrite->new(
 	Filter		=> $filter,
	InputEvent	=> 'input_event',


POE::Filter::XML provides POE with a completely encapsulated XML parsing strategy for POE::Wheels that will be dealing with XML streams.

POE::Filter::XML relies upon XML::SAX and XML::SAX::ParserFactory to acquire a parser for parsing XML.

The assumed parser is XML::SAX::Expat::Incremental (Need a real push parser)

Default, the Filter will spit out POE::Filter::XML::Nodes because that is what the default XML::SAX compliant Handler produces from the stream it is given. You are of course encouraged to override the default Handler for your own purposes if you feel POE::Filter::XML::Node to be inadequate.

Also, Filter requires POE::Filter::XML::Nodes for put(). If you are wanting to send raw XML, it is recommened that you subclass the Filter and override put()


Since POE::Filter::XML follows the POE::Filter API look to POE::Filter for documentation. Deviations from Filter API will be covered here.


new() accepts a total of three(3) arguments that are all optional: (1) a string that is XML waiting to be parsed (i.e. xml received from the wheel before the Filter was instantiated), (2) a coderef to be executed upon a parsing error, (3) and a XML::SAX compliant Handler.

If no options are specified, then a default coderef containing a simple Carp::confess is generated, and a new instance of POE::Filter::XML::Handler is used.


reset() is an internal method that gets called when either a stream_start(1) POE::Filter::XML::Node gets placed into the filter via put(), or when a stream_end(1) POE::Filter::XML::Node is pulled out of the queue of finished Nodes via get_one(). This facilitates automagical behavior when using the Filter within the XMPP protocol that requires a many new stream initiations. This method really should never be called outside of the Filter, but it is documented here in case the Filter is used outside of the POE context.

Internally reset() gets another parser, calls reset() on the stored handler and then deletes any data in the buffer.


Previous versions relied upon XML::Parser (an expat derivative) or a very poor pure perl XML parser pulled from XML::Stream. XML::SAX is now the standard and has greatly simplified development on this project.

Meta filtering was removed. No one was using it and the increased level of indirection was a posible source of performance issues.

put() now requires POE::Filter::XML::Nodes. Raw XML text can no longer be put() into the stream without subclassing the Filter and overriding put().

reset() semantics were properly worked out to now be automagical and consistent. Thanks Eric Waters (


Copyright (c) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Nicholas Perez. Released and distributed under the GPL.

1 POD Error

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 244:

=back doesn't take any parameters, but you said =back 4