WebService::Cmis::ObjecType . Representation of a cmis object type
Parent class: WebService::Cmis::AtomEntry
- new()
- getAttributes -> %attrs
returns a hash of attributes of this object type
- getPropertyDefinitions -> %propertyDefinitions
returns a hash of WebService::Cmis::PropertyDefinition objects representing each property defined for this type.
- getAttribute($name) -> $value
getter to retrieve the attribute values
- reload
This method will re-fetch the ObjecType XML data from the CMIS service.
- getId() -> $id
returns the type ID of this object
- getBaseId
getter for cmis:baseId
- getDescription
getter for cmis:description
- getDisplayName
getter for cmis:displayName
- getLocalName
getter for cmis:localName
- getLocalNamespace
getter for cmis:localNamespace
- getQueryName
getter for cmis:queryName
- getContentStreamAllowed
getter for cmis:contentStreamAllowed
- isCreatable -> $boolean
getter for cmis:creatable
- isFileable -> $boolean
getter for cmis:fileable
See CMIS specification document File-able Objects
- isQueryable -> $boolean
getter for cmis:queryable
- isFulltextIndexed -> $boolean
getter for cmis:fulltextIndexed
- isIncludedInSupertypeQuery -> $boolean
getter for cmis:includedInSupertypeQuery
- isControllablePolicy -> $boolean
getter for cmis:controllablePolicy
- isControllableACL -> $boolean
getter for cmis:controllableACL
- isVersionable -> $boolean
getter for cmis:versionable
Copyright 2012 Michael Daum
This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See