OrePAN2::Injector - Inject a distribution to your DarkPAN


use OrePAN2::Injector;

my $injector = OrePAN2::Injector->new(directory => '/path/to/darkpan');

    { author => 'MAHITO' },


OrePAN2::Injector allows you to inject a distribution into your DarkPAN.


my $injector = OrePAN2::Injector->new(%attr)

Constructor. Here %attr might be:

  • directory

    Your DarkPAN directory path. This is required.

  • author

    Default author of distributions. If you omit this, then DUMMY will be used.

    BETA: As of OrePAN2 0.37, the author attribute accepts a code reference, so that you can calculate author whenever injecting distributions:

    my $author_cb = sub {
        my $source = shift;
        $source =~ m{authors/id/./../([^/]+)} ? $1 : "DUMMY";
    my $injector = OrePAN2::Injector->new(
        directory => '/path/to/darkpan',
        author => $author_cb,
    #=> Acme-Hoge-0.03 will be indexed with author MAHITO

    Note that the code reference $author_cb will be executed under the following circumstances:

    * the first argument is the $source argument to the inject method
    * the working directory of it is the top level of the distribution in question

$injector->inject($source, \%option)

Inject $source to your DarkPAN. Here $source is one of the following:

  • local archive file

    eg: /path/to/Text-TestBase-0.10.tar.gz

  • HTTP url


  • git repository

    eg: git://

    Note that you need to set up git repository as a installable git repo, that is, you need to put a META.json in your repository.

    If you are using Minilla or Milla, your repository is already ready to install.

    Supports the following URL types:

    git://        # tag
    git://         # branch

    They are compatible with cpanm.

  • module name

    eg: Data::Dumper

\%option might be:

  • author

    Author of the distribution. This overrides new's author attribute.




Copyright (C) tokuhirom.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.


tokuhirom <>