rakubrew - Raku environment manager


rakubrew version          # or rakubrew current
rakubrew versions         # or rakubrew list
rakubrew global [version] # or rakubrew switch [<version>]
rakubrew shell [--unset|<version>]
rakubrew local [<version>]
rakubrew nuke [<version>] # or rakubrew unregister [<version>]
rakubrew rehash

rakubrew available        # or rakubrew list-available
rakubrew build [<backend>] [<tag>|<branch>|<sha-1>] [--configure-opts=<options>]
rakubrew triple [<rakudo-version> [<nqp-version> [<moar-version>]]]
rakubrew register <name> <path>
rakubrew build-zef [<zef-version>]
rakubrew download [<backend>] [<rakudo-version>]

rakubrew exec [--with <version>] <executable> [<executable-args>]
rakubrew which <executable>
rakubrew whence [--path] <executable>
rakubrew mode [env|shim]
rakubrew self-upgrade
rakubrew init

rakubrew test [<version>|all]

rakubrew help [--verbose|<command>]
rakubrew home
rakubrew rakubrew-version

COMMAND: version

Usage: rakubrew version|current <version>

Show the currently active Rakudo version.

COMMAND: current

Usage: rakubrew version|current <version>

Show the currently active Rakudo version.

COMMAND: versions

Usage: rakubrew versions|list <version>

List all installed Rakudo installations. The currently active Rakudo installation is marked with a star at the beginning of the line.


Usage: rakubrew versions|list <version>

List all installed Rakudo installations. The currently active Rakudo installation is marked with a star at the beginning of the line.

COMMAND: global

Usage: rakubrew global|switch <version>

Show or set the globally configured Rakudo version.

COMMAND: switch

Usage: rakubrew global|switch <version>

Show or set the globally configured Rakudo version.

COMMAND: shell

Usage: rakubrew shell [--unset|<version>]

Show, set or unset the shell version.

COMMAND: local

Usage: rakubrew local [--unset|<version>]

Show, set or unset the local version.


Usage: rakubrew nuke|unregister [<version>]

Removes an installed or registered version. Versions built by rakubrew are actually deleted, registered versions are only unregistered but not deleted.

COMMAND: unregister

Usage: rakubrew nuke|unregister [<version>]

Removes an installed or registered version. Versions built by rakubrew are actually deleted, registered versions are only unregistered but not deleted.

COMMAND: rehash

Usage: rakubrew rehash

Regenerate all shims. Newly installed scripts will not work unless this is called. This is only necessary in shim mode.

COMMAND: available

Usage: rakubrew available|list-available

List all Rakudo versions that can be installed. Installed versions will be marked with an asterisk at the beginning of the line. Releases marked with a 'D' have a precompiled archive available and can be downloaded and installed without compilation with the download subcommand.

COMMAND: list-available

Usage: rakubrew available|list-available

List all Rakudo versions that can be installed. Installed versions will be marked with an asterisk at the beginning of the line. Releases marked with a 'D' have a precompiled archive available and can be downloaded and installed without compilation with the download subcommand.

COMMAND: build-rakudo

Usage: rakubrew build[-rakudo] [jvm|moar|moar-blead|all] [tag|branch|sha-1] [--configure-opts=]

Download, compile and install a Rakudo version. Please note that this can take a while, be patient.

The arguments are:

  • The backend.

    • moar-blead is the moar and nqp backends at their main branch.

    • all will build all backends.

  • The version to build. Call list-available to see a list of available versions. When left empty the latest release is built. It is also possible to specify a tag, branch name or commit sha in the rakudo repo.

  • Configure options. Do note that it's not possible to specify a different installation folder with --prefix. If you want a rakudo to be installed into a different folder, build it manually and then use rakubrew register to have it available in Rakubrew.

COMMAND: triple

Usage: rakubrew triple [<rakudo-version> [<nqp-version> [<moar-version>]]]

Build a specific set of Rakudo, NQP and MoarVM commits. If you don't specify a version the latest one will be used.

COMMAND: register

Usage: rakubrew register <name> <path>

Register an externaly built / installed Rakudo version with rakubrew.

COMMAND: build-zef

Usage: rakubrew build-zef [<zef-version>]

Install Zef (at the given version) into the current Rakudo version.

COMMAND: download-rakudo

Usage: rakubrew download[-rakudo] [<backend>] [<rakudo-version>]

Download and install a precompiled release archive.


Usage: rakubrew exec [--with <version>] <executable> [<executable-args>]

Explicitly call an executable. You normally shouldn't need to do this. You can optionally pass a version string to execute a command in a specific version.

COMMAND: which

Usage: rakubrew which <executable>

Show the full path of the executable.

COMMAND: whence

Usage: rakubrew whence [--path] <executable>

List all versions that contain the given executable. when --path is given the path of the executables is given instead.


Usage: rakubrew mode [env|shim]

Show or set the mode of operation.

COMMAND: self-upgrade

Usage: rakubrew self-upgrade

Upgrade rakubrew itself.


Usage: rakubrew init

Show installation instructions.


Usage: rakubrew test [<version>|all]

Run Rakudo tests aka make test in the current, given or all installed versions.


Usage: rakubrew help [--verbose|<command>]

Display an overview of rakubrew commands. Add a specific command to display instructions for that command. Print the entire manual with the --verbose flag.


Usage: rakubrew home

Display the currently configured rakubrew home directory.

COMMAND: rakubrew-version

Usage: rakubrew rakubrew-version

Display the version of this rakubrew installation and some other information helpful for debugging. Include this information when you report a bug.