Geo::OSM::StaticMap - Generate URLs to Open Street Map static maps
version 0.1
my $staticmap = Geo::OSM::StaticMap->new(
center => [ 48.213950, 16.336290 ], # lat, lon
zoom => 17,
size => [ 756, 476 ], # width, height
markers => [ [ 48.213950, 16.336290, 'red-pushpin' ] ], # lat, lon, marker
maptype => 'mapnik',
my $url = $staticmap->url();
# Alternatively let center and zoom be calculated from markers
my $staticmap_url = Geo::OSM::StaticMap->new(
size => [ 756, 476 ], # width, height
markers => [ [ 51.8785011494, -0.3767887732, 'ol-marker' ],
[ 51.455313, -2.591902, 'ol-marker' ], ],
# lat, lon, marker
Generate URLs for Open Street Map static maps. This is basically a simple wrapper for staticMapLite
Map center and zoom level will be (not very exactly) calculated from the coordinates of markers given if center and zoom parameters are ommited.
If no markers are given, the center parameter will default to 0 lat, 0 lon which very likely will not be what you need.
Consult for a list of valid values for markers and maptype.
Returns URL string to fetch actual static map image via HTTP(S). All parameters can also be passed to the constructor.
- baseurl
Baseurl of the static map service. Defaults to
- markers
Array reference of array references of latitude and longitude pairs with a marker specifier.
E.g. [ [ 51.8785011494, -0.3767887732, 'ol-marker' ], [ 51.455313, -2.591902, 'ol-marker' ], ]
See for a list of valid values for markers.
- size
Mapsize string. Width and height separated by 'x'
- maptype
See for a list of valid values. Defaults to 'mapnik'
- center
Array reference to latitude and longitude pair. Will be calculated automatically of ommited and markers have been given.
- zoom
OSM zoom level. Will be calculated automatically of ommited and markers have been given.
Private methods
Builder for the center of the map. Defaults to [0,0] which is not useful in most cases.
Center will be calculated along the markers' bounding box if markers have been given.
Builder for the OSM zoom level. Defaults to 17. If no center and no zoom parameters but markers have been supplied, zoom level will be calculated along the markers' bounding box
$self->midpoint_to( { lat => $lat1, lon => $lon1 }, { lat => $lat2, lon => $lon2 } );
Returns the midpoint along a great circle path between the two points.
This function is more or less a copy of Geo::Calc::midpoint_to but without the baggage the module dependencies of Geo::Calc are bringing in.
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc Geo::OSM::StaticMap
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Midpoint calculation inspired by Geo::Calc
Michael Kröll <>
This software is copyright (c) 2011 by Michael Kröll.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
1 POD Error
The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:
- Around line 320:
Non-ASCII character seen before =encoding in 'Kröll'. Assuming UTF-8