File::Next - File-finding iterator
Version 0.28
File::Next is a lightweight, taint-safe file-finding module. It's lightweight and has no non-core prerequisites.
use File::Next;
my $files = File::Next->files( '/tmp' );
while ( my $file = $files->() ) {
# do something...
Each of the public functions in File::Next returns an iterator that will walk through a directory tree. The simplest use case is:
use File::Next;
my $iter = File::Next->files( '/tmp' );
while ( my $file = $iter->() ) {
print $file, "\n";
# Prints...
Note that only files are returned by files()
's iterator.
The first parameter to any of the iterator factory functions may be a hashref of parameters.
Note that the iterator will only return files, not directories.
file_filter -> \&file_filter
The file_filter lets you check to see if it's really a file you want to get back. If the file_filter returns a true value, the file will be returned; if false, it will be skipped.
The file_filter function takes no arguments but rather does its work through a collection of variables.
is the current filename within that directory$File::Next::dir
is the current directory name$File::Next::name
is the complete pathname to the file
These are analogous to the same variables in File::Find.
my $iter = File::Find::files( { file_filter => sub { /\.txt$/ } }, '/tmp' );
By default, the file_filter is sub {1}
, or "all files".
descend_filter => \&descend_filter
The descend_filter lets you check to see if the iterator should descend into a given directory. Maybe you want to skip CVS and .svn directories.
my $descend_filter = sub { $_ ne "CVS" && $_ ne ".svn" }
The descend_filter function takes no arguments but rather does its work through a collection of variables.
is the current filename of the directory$File::Next::dir
is the complete directory name
The descend filter is NOT applied to any directory names specified in the constructor. For example,
my $iter = File::Find::files( { descend_filter => sub{0} }, '/tmp' );
always descends into /tmp, as you would expect.
By default, the descend_filter is sub {1}
, or "always descend".
error_handler => \&error_handler
If error_handler is set, then any errors will be sent through it. By default, this value is CORE::die
files( { \%parameters }, @starting points )
Returns an iterator that walks directories starting with the items in @starting_points.
All file-finding in this module is adapted from Mark Jason Dominus' marvelous Higher Order Perl, page 126.
Pulls out the files/dirs that might be worth looking into in $dir. If $dir is the empty string, then search the current directory. This is different than explicitly passing in a ".", because that will get prepended to the path names.
$parms is the hashref of parms passed into File::Next constructor.
Andy Lester, <andy at>
Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-file-next at
, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc File::Next
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Copyright 2006 Andy Lester, all rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.