# You may distribute under the terms of either the GNU General Public License
# or the Artistic License (the same terms as Perl itself)
# (C) Paul Evans, 2009-2011 -- leonerd@leonerd.org.uk
package Tickit::Term;
use strict;
our $VERSION = '0.09';
use Encode qw( find_encoding );
my $ESC = "\e";
my $CSI = "$ESC\[";
=head1 NAME
C<Tickit::Term> - terminal formatting abstraction
Provides terminal control primatives for L<Tickit>; a number of methods that
control the terminal by writing control strings. This object itself performs
no acutal IO work; it writes bytes to a delegated object given to the
constructor called the writer.
This object is not normally constructed directly by the containing
application; instead it is used indirectly by other parts of the C<Tickit>
=head2 $term = Tickit::Term->find_for_term( %params )
Attempts to load and construct a subclass determined by the current terminal
type (as given by C<$ENV{TERM}>). If this fails, returns a normal
C<Tickit::Term> instead.
sub find_for_term
my $class = shift;
if( defined( my $term = $ENV{TERM} ) ) {
my $subclass = "${class}::$term";
( my $file = "$subclass.pm" ) =~ s{::}{/}g;
my $self;
eval { require $file and $self = $subclass->new( @_ ) } and
return $self;
return $class->new( @_ );
=head2 $term = Tickit::Term->new( %params )
Constructs a new C<Tickit::Term> object.
Takes the following named arguments at construction time:
=over 8
=item encoding => STRING
Optional. If supplied, applies the named encoding to the Unicode string
supplied to the C<print> method.
=item writer => OBJECT
An object delegated to for sending strings of terminal control bytes to the
terminal itself. This object must support a single method, C<write>, taking
a string of bytes.
$writer->write( $data )
Such an interface is supported by an C<IO::Handle> object.
sub new
my $class = shift;
my %params = @_;
my $encoding = delete $params{encoding};
my $self = bless {
writer => $params{writer},
}, $class;
my $ti = Term::Terminfo->new();
# Precache some terminfo flags that we know won't change
$self->{has_bce} = $ti->getflag( "bce" );
if( defined $encoding ) {
$self->{encoder} = find_encoding( $encoding );
$self->{pen} = {};
# Almost certainly we'll start in a mode where the cursor is still visible
$self->{mode_cursorvis} = 1;
return $self;
sub write
my $self = shift;
$self->{writer}->write( @_ );
=head1 METHODS
sub set_size
my $self = shift;
( $self->{lines}, $self->{cols} ) = @_;
sub lines { shift->{lines} }
sub cols { shift->{cols} }
=head2 $term->print( $text )
Print the given text to the terminal at the current cursor position
sub print
my $self = shift;
my ( $text ) = @_;
$text = $self->{encoder}->encode( $text ) if $self->{encoder};
$self->write( $text );
=head2 $term->goto( $line, $col )
Move the cursor to the given position on the screen. If only one parameter is
defined, does not alter the other. Both C<$line> and C<$col> are 0-based.
sub goto
my $self = shift;
my ( $line, $col ) = @_;
if( defined $col and defined $line ) {
$self->write( sprintf "${CSI}%d;%dH", $line+1, $col+1 );
elsif( defined $line ) {
$self->write( sprintf "${CSI}%dH", $line+1 );
elsif( defined $col ) {
$self->write( sprintf "${CSI}%dG", $col+1 );
=head2 $term->move( $downward, $rightward )
Move the cursor relative to where it currently is.
sub move
my $self = shift;
my ( $downward, $rightward ) = @_;
if( $downward and $downward > 0 ) {
$self->write( sprintf "${CSI}%dB", $downward );
elsif( $downward and $downward < 0 ) {
$self->write( sprintf "${CSI}%dA", -$downward );
if( $rightward and $rightward > 0 ) {
$self->write( sprintf "${CSI}%dC", $rightward );
elsif( $rightward and $rightward < 0 ) {
$self->write( sprintf "${CSI}%dD", -$rightward );
=head2 $success = $term->scrollrect( $top, $left, $lines, $cols, $downward, $rightward )
Attempt to scroll the rectangle of the screen defined by the first four
parameters by an amount given by the latter two. Since most terminals cannot
perform arbitrary rectangle scrolling, this method returns a boolean to
indicate if it was successful. The caller should test this return value and
fall back to another drawing strategy if the attempt was unsuccessful.
The cursor may move as a result of calling this method; its location is
undefined if this method returns successful.
sub scrollrect
my $self = shift;
my ( $top, $left, $lines, $cols, $downward, $rightward ) = @_;
return 1 if !$downward and !$rightward;
if( $left == 0 and $cols == $self->cols and $rightward == 0 ) {
$self->_scroll_lines( $top, $top + $lines - 1, $downward );
return 1;
if( $left + $cols == $self->cols and $downward == 0 ) {
foreach my $line ( $top .. $top + $lines - 1 ) {
$self->goto( $line, $left );
$rightward > 0 ? $self->insertch( $rightward )
: $self->deletech( -$rightward );
return 1;
return 0;
sub _scroll_lines
my $self = shift;
my ( $from, $to, $by ) = @_;
$self->write( sprintf "${CSI}%d;%dr", $from+1, $to+1 );
if( $by > 0 ) {
$self->goto( $to );
$self->write( "\n" x $by );
else {
$self->goto( $from );
$self->write( "${ESC}M" x abs($by) ); # ESC M = Reverse Index
$self->write( "${CSI}r" );
sub _colspec_to_sgr
my $self = shift;
my ( $spec, $is_bg ) = @_;
return $spec + ($is_bg?40:30) if $spec < 8;
return +($spec-8) + ($is_bg?100:90) if $spec >= 8 and $spec < 16;
# Defaults
return $is_bg?49:39;
# Methods to make SGRs out of attribute values
sub _make_sgr_fg { defined $_[1] ? $_[0]->_colspec_to_sgr( $_[1], 0 ) : 39 }
sub _make_sgr_bg { defined $_[1] ? $_[0]->_colspec_to_sgr( $_[1], 1 ) : 49 }
sub _make_sgr_b { $_[1] ? 1 : 22 }
sub _make_sgr_u { $_[1] ? 4 : 24 }
sub _make_sgr_i { $_[1] ? 3 : 23 }
sub _make_sgr_rv { $_[1] ? 7 : 27 }
sub _make_sgr_af { $_[1] ? $_[1]+10 : 10 }
=head2 $term->chpen( %attrs )
Changes the current pen attributes to those given. Any attribute whose value
is given as C<undef> is reset. Any attributes not named are unchanged.
For details of the supported pen attributes, see L<Tickit::Pen>.
sub chpen
my $self = shift;
my %new = @_;
my $pen = $self->{pen};
my @SGR;
foreach my $attr (@Tickit::Pen::ALL_ATTRS) {
next unless exists $new{$attr};
my $val = $new{$attr};
next if !defined $pen->{$attr} and !defined $val and exists $pen->{$attr};
next if defined $pen->{$attr} and defined $val and $pen->{$attr} eq $val;
$pen->{$attr} = $val;
my $method = "_make_sgr_$attr";
push @SGR, $self->$method( $val );
# Shortcut - if there's no pen attributes left, just send SGR reset. Fewer
# bytes down possibly-slow terminal link that way.
if( grep { $pen->{$_} } keys %$pen ) {
$self->write( "${CSI}" . join( ";", @SGR ) . "m" ) if @SGR;
else {
$self->write( "${CSI}m" );
=head2 $term->setpen( %attrs )
Similar to C<chpen>, but completely defines the state of the terminal pen. Any
attribute not given will be reset to its default value.
sub setpen
my $self = shift;
my %new = @_;
$self->chpen( map { $_ => $new{$_} } @Tickit::Pen::ALL_ATTRS );
=head2 $term->clear
Erase the entire screen
sub clear
my $self = shift;
$self->write( "${CSI}2J" );
=head2 $term->eraseinline
Clear the current line from the cursor onwards.
sub eraseinline
my $self = shift;
$self->write( "${CSI}K" );
=head2 $term->erasech( $count, $moveend )
Erase C<$count> characters forwards. If C<$moveend> is true, the cursor is
moved to the end of the erased region. If defined but false, the cursor will
remain where it is. If undefined, the terminal will perform whichever of these
behaviours is more efficient, and the cursor will end at some undefined
Using C<$moveend> may be more efficient than separate C<erasech> and C<goto>
calls on terminals that do not have an erase function, as it will be
implemented by printing spaces. This removes the need for two cursor jumps.
sub erasech
my $self = shift;
my ( $count, $moveend ) = @_;
# If we have a background colour and the term does not have background
# colour erase, we'll need to print spaces to set the colour
if( $self->{pen}{bg} and !$self->{has_bce} ) {
$self->write( " " x $count );
$self->write( sprintf "${CSI}%dD", $count ) if defined $moveend and !$moveend;
else {
$self->write( sprintf "${CSI}%dX", $count );
$self->write( sprintf "${CSI}%dC", $count ) if $moveend;
=head2 $term->insertch( $count )
Insert C<$count> blank characters, shifting following text to the right.
sub insertch
my $self = shift;
my ( $count ) = @_;
$self->write( sprintf "${CSI}%d@", $count );
=head2 $term->deletech( $count )
Delete the following C<$count> characters, shifting the remaining text to the
left. The terminal will fill the empty region with blanks.
sub deletech
my $self = shift;
my ( $count ) = @_;
$self->write( sprintf "${CSI}%dP", $count );
=head2 $term->mode_altscreen( $on )
Set or clear the DEC Alternate Screen mode
sub mode_altscreen
my $self = shift;
my ( $on ) = @_;
$self->write( $on ? "${CSI}?1049h" : "${CSI}?1049l" );
=head2 $term->mode_cursorvis( $on )
Set or clear the cursor visible mode
sub mode_cursorvis
my $self = shift;
my ( $on ) = @_;
return if $self->{mode_cursorvis} == $on;
$self->{mode_cursorvis} = $on;
$self->write( $on ? "${CSI}?25h" : "${CSI}?25l" );
=head2 $term->mode_mouse( $on )
Set or clear the mouse tracking mode
sub mode_mouse
my $self = shift;
my ( $on ) = @_;
$self->write( $on ? "${CSI}?1002h" : "${CSI}?1002l" );
=head1 TODO
=over 4
=item *
Track cursor position, and optimise (or eliminate entirely) C<goto> calls.
=head1 AUTHOR
Paul Evans <leonerd@leonerd.org.uk>