Changes for version 0.56 - 2011-12-18
- Spelling error (RT #69817, patch from Fabrizio Regalli)
- Added use_ok tests (RT #72856, suggested by Gregor Herrmann)
- Added missing use URI::Escape (RT #72857, patch from Gregor Herrmann)
- Bumped dependency on MooseX::StrictConstructor to 0.16 (RT #73229, suggested by Andrew Main)
- Enforce dependency versions (RT #73193, suggested by Andrew Main)
Command line for Amazon s3 cloud storage
Use the Amazon S3 - Simple Storage Service
convenience object for working with Amazon S3 buckets
An easy-to-use Amazon S3 client
An easy-to-use Amazon S3 client bucket
An easy-to-use Amazon S3 client object
Create a signed HTTP::Request
Base class for request objects
An internal class to create a bucket
An internal class to delete a bucket
An internal class to delete an object
An internal class to get a bucket's access control
An internal class to get a bucket's location constraint
An internal class to get an object
An internal class to get an object's access control
An internal class to list all buckets
An internal class to list a bucket
An internal class to put an object
An internal class to set a bucket's access control
An internal class to set an object's access control