# @(#)$Id: Roles.pm 1165 2012-04-03 10:40:39Z pjf $
use strict;
use version; our $VERSION = qv( sprintf '0.6.%d', q$Rev: 1165 $ =~ /\d+/gmx );
use CatalystX::Usul::Functions qw(is_member throw);
__PACKAGE__->mk_accessors( qw(cache users) );
sub new {
my ($class, $app, $attrs) = @_;
$attrs->{cache} ||= {};
return $class->next::method( $app, $attrs );
sub get_member_list {
my ($self, $role) = @_; my (%found, @members) = ((), ());
my $role_ref = $self->_get_role( $role ) or return;
if ($role_ref->{users}) {
for (@{ $role_ref->{users} }) {
$found{ $_ } or push @members, $_; $found{ $_ } = TRUE;
if (defined $self->users and $role_ref->{id}) {
for ($self->users->get_users_by_rid( $role_ref->{id} )) {
$found{ $_ } or push @members, $_; $found{ $_ } = TRUE;
return sort @members;
sub get_name {
my ($self, $rid) = @_; defined $rid or return;
my (undef, $id2name) = $self->_load; defined $id2name or return;
return exists $id2name->{ $rid } ? $id2name->{ $rid } : NUL;
sub get_rid {
my ($self, $role) = @_;
my $role_ref = $self->_get_role( $role ) or return;
return defined $role_ref->{id} ? $role_ref->{id} : undef;
sub get_roles {
my ($self, $user, $rid) = @_; $user or throw 'User not specified';
my ($cache, $id2name, $user2role) = $self->_load; my @roles;
# Get either all roles or a specific users roles
if (lc $user eq q(all)) { @roles = keys %{ $cache } }
elsif (defined $user2role) {
@roles = exists $user2role->{ $user } ? @{ $user2role->{ $user } } : ();
else {
@roles = grep { is_member $user, $cache->{ $_ }->{users} }
keys %{ $cache };
my @tmp = sort { lc $a cmp lc $b } @roles;
# If checking a specific user then add its primary role name
if (lc $user ne q(all)) {
if (not defined $rid and defined $self->users) {
$rid = $self->users->get_primary_rid( $user );
if (defined $rid and defined $id2name and exists $id2name->{ $rid }) {
unshift @tmp, $id2name->{ $rid };
# Deduplicate list of roles
my %tmp = (); @roles = ();
for (@tmp) { unless ($tmp{ $_ }) { push @roles, $_; $tmp{ $_ } = TRUE } }
return @roles;
sub is_member_of_role {
my ($self, $role, $user) = @_;
($user and $self->is_role( $role )) or return;
return is_member $user, $self->get_member_list( $role );
sub is_role {
return $_[ 0 ]->_get_role( $_[ 1 ] ) ? TRUE : FALSE;
# Private methods
sub _cache_results {
my ($self, $key) = @_; my $cache = { %{ $self->cache } };
$self->lock->reset( k => $key );
return ($cache->{roles}, $cache->{id2name}, $cache->{user2role});
sub _get_role {
my ($self, $role) = @_; $role or return; my ($cache) = $self->_load;
return exists $cache->{ $role } ? $cache->{ $role } : NUL;
=head1 Name
CatalystX::Usul::Roles - Manage the roles and their members
=head1 Version
0.6.$Revision: 1165 $
=head1 Synopsis
use CatalystX::Usul::Roles::DBIC;
my $class = CatalystX::Usul::Roles::DBIC;
my $role_obj = $class->new( $app, $config );
=head1 Description
Implements the base class for role data stores. Each factory subclass
should inherit from this and implement the required list of methods
=head1 Subroutines/Methods
=head2 new
=head2 add_roles_to_user
$role_obj->add_roles_to_user( $args );
Adds the user to one or more roles. The user is passed in
C<< $args->{user} >> and C<< $args->{field} >> is the field to extract
from the request object. Calls C<f_add_user_to_role> in the
factory subclass to add one user to one role. A suitable message from
the stash C<$s> is added to the result div upon success
=head2 add_users_to_role
$role_obj->add_users_to_role( $args );
Adds one or more users to the specified role. The role is passed in
C<< $args->{role} >> and C<< $args->{field} >> is the field to extract
from the request object. Calls C<f_add_user_to_role> in the
factory subclass to add one user to one role. A suitable message from
the stash C<$s> is added to the result div upon success
=head2 create
Creates a new role. The I<name> field from the request object is
passed to C<f_create> in the factory subclass. A suitable message from
the stash C<$s> is added to the result div upon success
=head2 delete
Deletes an existing role. The I<role> field from the request object
is passed to the C<f_delete> method in the factory subclass. A
suitable message from the stash C<$s> is added to the result div
=head2 get_member_list
@members = $role_obj->get_member_list( $role );
Returns the list of members of a given role
=head2 get_name
$role = $role_obj->get_name( $rid );
Returns the role name of the given role id
=head2 get_rid
$rid = $role_obj->get_rid( $role );
Returns the role id of the given role name
=head2 get_roles
@roles = $role_obj->get_roles( $user, $rid );
Returns the list of roles that the given user is a member of. If the
user I<all> is specified then a list of all roles is returned. If a
specific user is passed then the C<$rid> will be used as that users
primary role id. If C<$rid> is not specified then the primary role
id will be looked up via the user object
=head2 is_member_of_role
$bool = $role_obj->is_member_of_role( $role, $user );
Returns true if the given user is a member of the given role, returns
false otherwise
=head2 is_role
$bool = $role_obj->is_role( $role );
Returns true if C<$role> exists, false otherwise
=head2 remove_roles_from_user
$role_obj->remove_roles_from_user( $args );
Removes a user from one or more roles
=head2 remove_users_from_role
$role_obj->remove_users_from_role( $args );
Removes one or more users from a role
=head2 role_manager_form
Adds data to the stash which displays the role management screen
=head2 update
Called as an action from the the management screen. This method determines
if users have been added and/or removed from the selected role and calls
L</add_users_to_role> and/or L</remove_users_from_role> as appropriate
=head1 Diagnostics
=head1 Configuration and Environment
=head1 Dependencies
=over 3
=item L<CatalystX::Usul::Model>
=head1 Incompatibilities
There are no known incompatibilities in this module
=head1 Bugs and Limitations
There are no known bugs in this module.
Please report problems to the address below.
Patches are welcome
=head1 Author
Peter Flanigan, C<< <Support at RoxSoft.co.uk> >>
=head1 License and Copyright
Copyright (c) 2008 Peter Flanigan. All rights reserved
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself. See L<perlartistic>
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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