Changes for version 1.7.0 - 2025-02-03

  • General code refactoring
  • Improved has_seqfu() handling when seqfu is not installed
  • Updated docs
  • Updated dist.ini with copyrights
  • Fixed bug in fu-grep (-n was attempting to reverse complement the string; invalid operation but output was fine)


Concatenate FASTA or FASTQ files
Find the common sequences between two files
A FASTA/FASTQ sequence counter
Get sequences by name (also using lists)
Extract sequences using patterns
Print sequence hashes
Filter FASTA/FASTQ files by sequence length
rename sequences
SeqFu testkit
Sort sequences by size
Dereplicate sequences and generate abundance information
A script to calculate N50 from one or multiple FASTA/FASTQ files.


Calculate N50 and related statistics for FASTA/FASTQ files with minimal dependencies
SeqFu utilities