Time::Storable - Store times in a portable format


use Time::Storable;


The idea is to provide some format for storing dates - particularly dates that fall outside of the epoch - that is, either before 1970, or after 2038. This is a combination of Time::JulianDay type dates, and regular epoch time type time stamps.

The time is stored in a single format, rather than in two numbers, for simplicity of putting this in a database. This module provides a full set of tools for getting useful information out of this time storage format, so that it is not a burden to put it in this format.

The time format used here is just experimental. I'm not sure if this is the best way do to things or not. It's susceptible to rounding error if you treat it like a number. But the whole point of making it look like a number was specifically so that you can put it in numerical database fields, rather than having to put it in a string field.

Please let me know what you think about this, and I'll incorporate ideas into the next version.

Eventually there will be convenient ways to get seconds, minutes, hours, days, months, years out of a Time::Storable string. Perhaps even this evening.


Rich Bowen <>

