Changes for version 1.0000 - 2010-02-24

  • NOTE: This release is not compatible with previous releases in either API or data storage, which is the reason for the change in version number. I've made a number of changes in this release, which are noted below, which will provide more options, more flexibility, better speed, and less storage usage. I appologize for any inconvenience.
    • Enabled keep alives, which speeds up requests.
    • Added an FAQ.
    • Quoting doesn't quote itemName().
    • Fixed the copy() method.
    • Fixed broken documentation on the new() method in SimpleDB::Class::Item.
    • Now using Moose attributes for SimpleDB attributes created by the add_attributes() method in SimpleDB::Class::Item. Thanks to Paul Driver for his help in this.
    • belongs_to generated methods now return undef rather than dying if the associated attribute has no value.
    • Fixed a bug with date strings.
    • Now using MooseX::Types for data validation and coercion.
    • Now works with multi-value field types, and others. See SimpleDB::Class::Types for details. This breaks backward compatibility with data storage for ints.
    • Implemented RFE #54786: SimpleDB::Class::HTTP should use XML::Simple with ForceArray for Item
    • Implemented RFE #54617: Wishlist: parameterized domain names. See the domain_prefix attribute in new() in SimpleDB::Class for details.
    • The 'id' field is no longer generated by SimpleDB::Class::Item at put, and you should remove it from all of your items. If you have queries that use it, use 'itemName()' in those queries instead of 'id'. This change breaks backward compatibility of data storage (because you should no longer have attributes named 'id') and the API.
    • The object retrieved by a 'belongs_to' method is now cached in memory so that if it's requested again on the same object it won't have to fetch it again. See belongs_to() in SimpleDB::Class::Item for details.
    • Options passing has changed in several methods. See count(), insert(), min(), max(), and search() in SimpleDB::Class::Domain. See count() and search() in SimpleDB::Class::ResultSet. This breaks backward compatibility of the API.
    • Added options to many methods for the new ConsistentRead option that Amazon added last week.



An Object Relational Mapper (ORM) for the Amazon SimpleDB service.
Memcached interface for SimpleDB.
A schematic representation of a SimpleDB domain.
Exceptions thrown by SimpleDB::Class.
The network interface to the SimpleDB service.
An object representation from an item in a SimpleDB domain.
An iterator of items from a domain.
Provides utility methods to classes that need to instantiate items.
SQL generation tools for SimpleDB.
Attribute types.