SimpleDB::Class::ResultSet - An iterator of items from a domain.


version 1.0000


This class is an iterator to walk to the items passed back from a query.

Warning: Once you have a result set and you start calling methods on it, it will begin iterating over the result set. Therefore you can't call both next and search, or any other combinations of methods on an existing result set.

Warning: If you call a method like search on a result set which causes another query to be run, know that the original result set must be very small. This is because there is a limit of 20 comparisons per request as a limitation of SimpleDB.


The following methods are available from this class.

new ( params )



A hash.


Required. A SimpleDB::Class object.


Required. A SimpleDB::Class::Item subclass name.


A result as returned from the send_request() method from SimpleDB::Class::HTTP. Either this or a where is required.


A where clause as defined in SimpleDB::Class::SQL. Either this or a result is required.


A boolean that if set true will get around Eventual Consistency, but at a reduced performance.

item_class ( )

Returns the item_class passed into the constructor.

consistent ( )

Returns the consistent value passed into the constructor.

where ( )

Returns the where passed into the constructor.

simpledb ( )

Returns the simpledb passed into the constructor.

result ( )

Returns the result passed into the constructor, or the one generated by fetch_result() if a where is passed into the constructor.

has_result ()

A boolean indicating whether a result was passed into the constructor, or generated by fetch_result().

iterator ( )

Returns an integer which represents the current position in the result set as traversed by next().

fetch_result ( )

Fetches a result, based on a where clause passed into a constructor, and then makes it accessible via the result() method.

count ( [ options ] )

Counts the items in the result set. Returns an integer.


A hash of extra options you can pass to modify the count.


A where clause as defined by SimpleDB::Class::SQL. If this is specified, then an additional query is executed before counting the items in the result set.

search ( options )

Just like "search" in SimpleDB::Class::Domain, but searches within the confines of the current result set, and then returns a new result set.


A hash of extra options to modify the search.


A where clause as defined by SimpleDB::Class::SQL.

update ( attributes )

Calls update and then put on all the items in the result set.


A hash reference containing name/value pairs to update in each item.

delete ( )

Calls delete on all the items in the result set.

next ()

Returns the next result in the result set. Also fetches th next partial result set if there's a next token in the first result set and you've iterated through the first partial set.


SimpleDB::Class is Copyright 2009-2010 Plain Black Corporation ( and is licensed under the same terms as Perl itself.