Path::Abstract - Fast and featureful UNIX-style path manipulation
Version 0.091
use Path::Abstract;
my $path = Path::Abstract->new("/apple/banana");
# $parent is "/apple"
my $parent = $path->parent;
# $cherry is "/apple/banana/cherry.txt"
my $cherry = $path->child("cherry.txt");
Path::Abstract->new( <path> )
Path::Abstract->new( <part>, [ <part>, ..., <part> ] )
Create a new Path::Abstract
object using <path> or by joining each <part> with "/"
Returns the new Path::Abstract
Path::Abstract::path( <path> )
Path::Abstract::path( <part>, [ <part>, ..., <part> ] )
Create a new Path::Abstract
object using <path> or by joining each <part> with "/"
Returns the new Path::Abstract
Returns an exact copy of $path
$path->set( <path> )
$path->set( <part>, [ <part>, ..., <part> ] )
Set the path of $path to <path> or the concatenation of each <part> (separated by "/")
Returns $path
Returns true if $path is equal to ""
Returns true if $path is equal to "/"
Returns true if $path begins with "/"
path("/a/b")->is_tree # Returns true
path("c/d")->is_tree # Returns false
Returns true if $path does NOT begin with a "/"
path("c/d")->is_branch # Returns true
path("/a/b")->is_branch # Returns false
Change $path by prefixing a "/" if it doesn't have one already
Returns $path
Change $path by removing a leading "/" if it has one
Returns $path
Returns the path in list form by splitting at each "/"
path("c/d")->list # Returns ("c", "d")
path("/a/b/")->last # Returns ("a", "b")
Returns the first part of $path up to the first "/" (but not including the leading slash, if any)
path("c/d")->first # Returns "c"
path("/a/b")->first # Returns "a"
Returns the last part of $path up to the last "/"
path("c/d")->last # Returns "d"
path("/a/b/")->last # Returns "b"
Returns the path in string or scalar form
path("c/d")->get # Returns "c/d"
$path->push( <part>, [ <part>, ..., <part> ] )
$path->down( <part>, [ <part>, ..., <part> ] )
Modify $path by appending each <part> to the end of \$path, separated by "/"
Returns $path
$path->child( <part>, [ <part>, ..., <part> ] )
Make a copy of $path and push each <part> to the end of the new path.
Returns the new child path
$path->pop( <count> )
Modify $path by removing <count> parts from the end of $path
Returns the removed path as a Path::Abstract
$path->up( <count> )
Modify $path by removing <count> parts from the end of $path
Returns $path
$path->parent( <count> )
Make a copy of $path and pop <count> parts from the end of the new path
Returns the new parent path
$path->dir( <part>, [ <part>, ..., <part> ] )
Create a new Path::Class::Dir
object using $path as a base, and optionally extending it by each <part>
Returns the new dir object
$path->file( <part>, [ <part>, ..., <part> ] )
Create a new Path::Class::File
object using $path as a base, and optionally extending it by each <part>
Returns the new file object
Robert Krimen, <rkrimen at>
You can contribute or fork this project via GitHub:
git clone git:// Path-Abstract
Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-path-lite at
, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc Path::Abstract
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AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation
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Thanks to Joshua ben Jore, Max Kanat-Alexander, and Scott McWhirter for discovering the "use overload ..." slowdown issue.
Copyright 2007 Robert Krimen, all rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.