Raisin - REST-like API web micro-framework for Perl.


use Raisin::API;
use Types::Standard qw(Int Str);

my %USERS = (
    1 => {
        name => 'Darth Wader',
        password => 'deathstar',
        email => '',
    2 => {
        name => 'Luke Skywalker',
        password => 'qwerty',
        email => '',

namespace user => sub {
    params [
        #required/optional => [name, type, default, regex]
        optional => ['start', Int, 0],
        optional => ['count', Int, 10],
    get => sub {
        my $params = shift;

        my @users
            = map { { id => $_, %{ $USERS{$_} } } }
              sort { $a <=> $b } keys %USERS;

        my $max_count = scalar(@users) - 1;
        my $start = $params->{start} > $max_count ? $max_count : $params->{start};
        my $count = $params->{count} > $max_count ? $max_count : $params->{count};

        my @slice = @users[$start .. $count];
        { data => \@slice }

    get 'all' => sub {
        my @users
            = map { { id => $_, %{ $USERS{$_} } } }
              sort { $a <=> $b } keys %USERS;
        { data => \@users }

    params [
        required => ['name', Str],
        required => ['password', Str],
        optional => ['email', Str, undef, qr/.+\@.+/],
    post => sub {
        my $params = shift;

        my $id = max(keys %USERS) + 1;
        $USERS{$id} = $params;

        { success => 1 }

    route_param id => Int,
    sub {
        get sub {
            my $params = shift;
            $USERS{ $params->{id} };



Raisin is a REST-like API web micro-framework for Perl. It's designed to run on Plack, providing a simple DSL to easily develop RESTful APIs. It was inspired by Grape.



Adds a route to application.

namespace user => sub { ... };


Define a route parameter as a namespace route_param.

route_param id => Int, sub { ... };

params, del, get, patch, post, put

It is are shortcuts to route restricted to the corresponding HTTP method.

Each method could consists of max three parameters:

  • params - optional only if didn't starts from params keyword, required otherwise;

  • path - optional;

  • subroutine - required;

Where only subroutine is required.

get sub { 'GET' };

del 'all' => sub { 'OK' };

params [
    required => ['id', Int],
    optional => ['key', Str],
get => sub { 'GET' };

params [
    required => ['id', Int],
    optional => ['name', Str],
put => 'all' => sub {


An alias for $self->req, this provides quick access to the Raisin::Request object for the current route.

Use req to get access to the request headers, params, etc.

use DDP;
p req->headers;
p req->params;

say req->header('X-Header');

See also Plack::Request.


An alias for $self->res, this provides quick access to the Raisin::Response object for the current route.

Use res to set up response parameters.

res->headers(['X-Application' => 'Raisin Application']);

See also Plack::Response.


An alias for $self->params that gets the GET and POST parameters. When used with no arguments, it will return an array with the names of all http parameters. Otherwise, it will return the value of the requested http parameter.

Returns Hash::MultiValue object.

say param('key'); # -> value
say param(); # -> { key => 'value' }


An alias for $self->session that returns (optional) psgix.session hash. When it exists, you can retrieve and store per-session data from and to this hash.

# store param
session->{hello} = 'World!';

# read param
say session->{name};


Set an API version header.

api_version 1.23;


Loads a plugin from Raisin::Plugin::Format namespace.

Already exists Raisin::Plugin::Format::JSON and Raisin::Plugin::Format::YAML.

api_format 'json';


Loads a Raisin module. The module options may be specified after the module name. Compatible with Kelp modules.

plugin 'Logger', params => [outputs => [['Screen', min_level => 'debug']]];


Loads middleware to your application.

middleware '+Plack::Middleware::Session' => { store => 'File' };
middleware '+Plack::Middleware::ContentLength';
middleware 'Runtime'; # will be loaded Plack::Middleware::Runtime


Mount multiple API implementations inside another one. These don't have to be different versions, but may be components of the same API.


package RaisinApp;

use Raisin::API;

api_format 'json';

mount 'RaisinApp::User';
mount 'RaisinApp::Host';


run, new

Creates and returns a PSGI ready subroutine, and makes the app ready for Plack.


Request parameters are available through the params hash object. This includes GET, POST and PUT parameters, along with any named parameters you specify in your route strings.

Parameters are automatically populated from the request body on POST and PUT for form input, JSON and YAML content-types.

In the case of conflict between either of:

  • route string parameters

  • GET, POST and PUT parameters

  • the contents of the request body on POST and PUT

route string parameters will have precedence.

Query string and body parameters will be merged (see "parameters" in Plack::Request)

Validation and coercion

You can define validations and coercion options for your parameters using a params block.

Parameters can be required and optional. optional parameters can have a default value.

get params => [
    required => ['name', Str],
    optional => ['number', Int, 10],
sub {
    my $params = shift;
    "$params->{number}: $params->{name}";

Positional arguments:

  • name

  • type

  • default value

  • regex

Optional parameters can have a default value.


Raisin supports Moo(se)-compatible type constraint so you can use any of the Moose, Moo or Type::Tiny type constraints.

By default Raisin depends on Type::Tiny and it's Types::Standard type contraint library.

You can create your own types as well. See Type::Tiny::Manual and Moose::Manual::Types.


This blocks can be executed before or after every API call, using before, after, before_validation and after_validation.

Before and after callbacks execute in the following order:

  • before

  • before_validation

  • after_validation

  • after

The block applies to every API call

before sub {
    my $self = shift;
    say $self->req->method . "\t" . $self->req->path;

after_validation sub {
    my $self = shift;
    say $self->res->body;

Steps 3 and 4 only happen if validation succeeds.


By default, Raisin supports YAML, JSON, and TEXT content-types. The default format is TEXT.

Response format can be determined by Accept header or route extension.

Serialization takes place automatically. For example, you do not have to call encode_json in each JSON API implementation.

Your API can declare which types to support by using api_format.

api_format 'json';

Custom formatters for existing and additional types can be defined with a Raisin::Plugin::Format.


Call JSON::encode_json and JSON::decode_json.


Call YAML::Dump and YAML::Load.


Call Data::Dumper->Dump if output data is not a string.

The order for choosing the format is the following.

  • Use the route extension.

  • Use the value of the Accept header.

  • Use the api_format if specified.

  • Fallback to TEXT.


Raisin has a built-in logger and support for Log::Dispatch. You can enable it by:

plugin 'Logger', outputs => [['Screen', min_level => 'debug']];

Or use Raisin::Logger with a fallback option:

plugin 'Logger', fallback => 1;

Exports log subroutine.

log(debug => 'Debug!');
log(warn => 'Warn!');
log(error => 'Error!');

See Raisin::Plugin::Logger.


Raisin script

You can see application routes with the following command:

$ raisin --routes examples/simple/
  GET     /user
  GET     /user/all
  POST    /user
  GET     /user/{id}
  PUT     /user/{id}
  GET     /user/{id}/bump
  PUT     /user/{id}/bump
  GET     /failed

Verbose output with route parameters:

$ raisin --routes --params examples/simple/
  GET     /user
    optional: `start', type: Integer, default: 0
    optional: `count', type: Integer, default: 10

  GET     /user/all

  POST    /user
    required: `name', type: String
    required: `password', type: String
    optional: `email', type: String

  GET     /user/{id}
    required: `id', type: Integer

  PUT     /user/{id}
    optional: `password', type: String
    optional: `email', type: String
    required: `id', type: Integer

  GET     /user/{id}/bump
    required: `id', type: Integer

  PUT     /user/{id}/bump
    required: `id', type: Integer

  GET     /failed

  GET     /params


Swagger compatible API documentations.

plugin 'APIDocs';

Documentation will be available on http://<url>/api-docs URL. So you can use this URL in Swagger UI.

For more see Raisin::Plugin::APIDocs.


You can easily add any Plack middleware to your application using middleware keyword. See "middleware" in Raisin.


Raisin can be extended using custom modules. Each new module must be a subclass of the Raisin::Plugin namespace. Modules' job is to initialize and register new methods into the web application class.

For more see "plugin" in Raisin and Raisin::Plugin.


See Plack::Test, Test::More and etc.

my $app = Plack::Util::load_psgi("$Bin/../script/");

test_psgi $app, sub {
    my $cb  = shift;
    my $res = $cb->(GET '/user');

    subtest 'GET /user' => sub {
        if (!is $res->code, 200) {
            diag $res->content;
            BAIL_OUT 'FAILED!';
        my $got = Load($res->content);
        isdeeply $got, $expected, 'Data!';


Deploying a Raisin application is done the same way any other Plack application is deployed:

> plackup -E deployment -s Starman app.psgi


use Plack::Builder;
use RaisinApp;
use KelpApp;

builder {
    mount '/' => KelpApp->new->run;
    mount '/api/rest' => RaisinApp->new;


use Plack::Builder;
use Dancer ':syntax';
use Dancer::Handler;
use RaisinApp;

my $dancer = sub {
    setting appdir => '/home/dotcloud/current';
    load_app "My::App";
    my $env = shift;
    my $req = Dancer::Request->new(env => $env);

builder {
    mount "/" => $dancer;
    mount '/api/rest' => RaisinApp->new;


use Plack::Builder;
use RaisinApp;

builder {
    mount '/' => builder {
        enable 'Deflater';
        require '';

    mount '/api/rest' => RaisinApp->new;

Also see Plack::Builder, Plack::App::URLMap.


See examples.



Artur Khabibullin - rtkh <at>


This module was inspired both by Grape and Kelp, which was inspired by Dancer, which in its turn was inspired by Sinatra.


This module and all the modules in this package are governed by the same license as Perl itself.