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use strict;
sub builtin {
json => 'Raisin::Encoder::JSON',
yaml => 'Raisin::Encoder::YAML',
=head1 NAME
Raisin::Decoder - A helper for L<Raisin::Middleware::Formatter> over decoder modules.
my $dec = Raisin::Decoder->new;
$dec->register(xml => 'Some::XML::Parser');
Provides an easy interface to use and register decoders.
The interface is identical to L<Raisin::Encoder>.
=head1 METHODS
=head2 builtin
Returns a list of encoders which are bundled with L<Raisin>.
They are: L<Raisin::Encoder::JSON>, L<Raisin::Encoder::YAML>.
=head1 AUTHOR
Artur Khabibullin - rtkh E<lt>atE<gt> cpan.org
=head1 LICENSE
This module and all the modules in this package are governed by the same license
as Perl itself.