bookmark web application
web application for content management
page rendering
generate initial boilerplate app
scan pages for metadata
generates boilerplate for muster webapp
Muster hook base class
Muster hook for costings derivation
Muster counter directives.
Muster hook for field derivation
Muster base class for preprocessor directives
Muster hook for dynamic fields
Muster hook for field substitution
Muster graph directive using GraphViz.
Muster header and footer hook.
Muster image and thumbnailing directive
Muster include-page directive
Muster hook for links
Muster map and pmap directive.
Muster meta directive
Muster shortcut directive
Muster SQL-report directive
Muster table directive.
Muster template directive.
scanning and processing hooks
a file in a Muster content tree
an EXIF-containing file in a Muster content tree
an EPUB file in a Muster content tree
a GIF file in a Muster content tree
a JPEG file in a Muster content tree
a Markdown file in a Muster content tree
a PDF file in a Muster content tree
a PNG file in a Muster content tree
a plain text file in a Muster content tree
keeping meta-data about pages
helping with pages
updating meta-data about pages
in lib/Muster/Hook/