Muster::Hook::Costings - Muster hook for costings derivation
version 0.61
Muster::Hook::Costings does costings derivation; that is, derives costs of things from the page meta-data plus looking up information in various databases.
This just does a bunch of specific calculations; I haven't figured out a good way of defining derivations in a config file.
Initialize, and register hooks.
Process (scan or modify) a leaf object. This only does stuff in the scan phase. This expects the leaf meta-data to be populated.
my $new_leaf = $self->process(%args);
Calculate overheads like listing fees and COMMISSION (which depends on the total, backwards)
Do a SELECT query, and return the first column of results. This is a freeform query, so the caller must be careful to formulate it correctly.
my $results = $self->_do_one_col_query($dbname,$query);
Do a SELECT query, and return all the results. This is a freeform query, so the caller must be careful to formulate it correctly.
my $results = $self->_do_n_col_query($dbname,$query);