our $VERSION = '0.06';
use strict;
use 5.010;
use Carp;
use AE;
use Fcntl ();
use Method::WeakCallback qw(weak_method_callback);
sub flock {
my ($class, %opts) = @_;
my $type = delete $opts{type} // 'flock';
$type =~ /^(?:flock|fcntl)$/ or croak "invalid lock type '$type'";
my $mode = delete $opts{mode} // '+<';
my $lock_mode = delete $opts{lock_mode} // $mode;
my $delay = delete $opts{delay} || 0.1;
my $user_cb = delete $opts{cb} // croak "cb argument is missing";
my $max_time;
if (defined(my $timeout = delete $opts{timeout})) {
$max_time = AE::now() + $timeout;
my $fh;
my $file = delete $opts{file};
if (defined $file) {
my $open_mode = delete $opts{open_mode} // $mode;
$open_mode =~ /^\+?(?:<|>>?)/ or croak "bad mode specification";
open $fh, $mode, $file or return
else {
$fh = delete $opts{fh} // croak "file or fh argument is required";
my $self = { file => $file,
fh => $fh,
type => $type,
max_time => $max_time,
user_cb => $user_cb,
delay => $delay };
bless $self, $class;
if ($type eq 'fcntl') {
$self->{$_} = delete($opts{lock_start}) // 0
for qw(lock_start lock_whence lock_len);
$self->{operation} = ($lock_mode eq '<' ? Fcntl::F_RDLCK() : Fcntl::F_WRLCK());
else {
$self->{operation} = ($lock_mode eq '<' ? Fcntl::LOCK_SH() : Fcntl::LOCK_EX());
%opts and croak "unkwnown arguments found (".join(', ', sort keys %opts).")";
my $alcb = $self->{acquire_lock_cb} = weak_method_callback($self, '_acquire_lock');
sub _acquire_lock {
my $self = shift;
my $operation = $self->{opertation};
my $now = AE::now;
my $ok;
if ($self->{type} eq 'flock') {
$ok = CORE::flock($self->{fh}, $self->{operation}|Fcntl::LOCK_NB());
else {
require Fcntl::Packer;
my %flock = (type => $self->{operation});
$flock{$_} = $self->{"lock_$_"} for qw(whence start len);
$ok = fcntl($self->{fh}, Fcntl::F_SETLK, Fcntl::Packer::pack_fcntl_flock(\%flock));
if ($ok) {
elsif ($! == Errno::EAGAIN() and
(!defined($self->{max_time}) or $self->{max_time} >= $now)) {
# we add some randomness into the delay to avoid the case
# where all the contenders follow exactly the same pattern so
# that they end looking for the pattern all at once every time
# (and obviosly all but one failing).
$self->{timer} = &AE::timer($self->{delay} * (0.8 + rand 0.40), 0, $self->{acquire_lock_cb});
else {
# release all the references, the object is useless from this
# point on time.
%$self = ();
=head1 NAME
AnyEvent::FileLock - Lock files asynchronously
use AnyEvent::FileLock;
my $w = AnyEvent::FileLock->flock(file => $fn,
cb => sub { ... },
mode => '<',
delay => $seconds,
timeout => $timeout);
This module tries to lock some file repeatedly until it success or a
timeout happens.
=head2 API
The function provides a unique method C<flock> accepting the following
=over 4
=item fh => $file_handle
When this argument is given the passed file handle is used as the file
locking target.
=item file => $file_name
When this argument is given a file with the given name will be opened
or created and then the module will try to lock it.
=item type => $lock_type
C<$lock_type> may be C<fcntl> or C<flock> and determines the way used
to obtain the lock under the hood.
The default is C<flock>.
In order to use locks of type C<fcntl>, the module L<Fctnl::Packer>
has to be also installed.
=item cb => $sub_ref
The given function is called once the lock is acquired on the
file with the file handle passed as an argument.
In case of error (i.e. timeout) C<undef> will be passed instead of the
file handle. The error can be retrieved from C<$!>.
The user is responsible for closing the file handle or calling
C<flock($fh, LOCK_UN)> (or the corresponding L<fcntl(2)> F<F_UNLCK>)
on it when required.
=item open_mode => $mode
The mode used to open the file when the argument C<file> is
passed. Accepted values are C<< < >>, C<< > >>, C<<< >> >>>, C<< +< >>
and C<< +> >>.
=item lock_mode => $mode
The mode used when locking the file, it accepts the same set of values
as C<open_mode>. C<< < >> means shared access and everything else
exclusive access.
=item mode => $mode
Configures both C<open_mode> and C<lock_mode>.
=item timeout => $seconds
The operation is aborted if the lock operation can not be completed
for the given lapse.
Note that this timeout is approximate, it is checked just after every
failed locking attempt.
=item delay => $seconds
Time to be delayed between consecutive locking attempts. Defaults to 1
Some randomness will be added to the delay to avoid the degenerate
case where all the contenders look for the lock at the same time
every time.
=item whence => $whence
=item start => $start
=item len => $len
When C<fcntl> is selected as the lock type, this three additional
arguments can be used to define the section of the file that has to be
locked. See L<fcntl(2)> for the details.
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<perlfunc/flock>, L<perlfunc/fcntl>, L<fcntl(2)>, L<Fcntl>,
=head1 AUTHORS
Salvador FandiE<ntilde>o, E<lt>sfandino@yahoo.comE<gt>
Manfred Stock, E<lt>mstock@cpan.orgE<gt>
Copyright (C) 2013, 2017 by Qindel FormaciE<oacute>n y Servicios S.L.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.14.2 or,
at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.