Math::Int64 - Manipulate 64 bits integers in Perl
use Math::Int64 qw(int64);
my $i = int64(1);
my $j = $i << 40;
my $k = int64("12345678901234567890");
print($i + $j * 1000000);
This module adds support for 64 bit integers, signed and unsigned, to Perl.
- int64()
- int64($value)
Creates a new int64 value and initializes it to
, where $value can be a Perl number or a string containing a number.For instance:
$i = int64(34); $j = int64("-123454321234543212345"); $k = int64(1234567698478483938988988); # wrong!!! # the unquoted number would # be converted first to a # real number causing it to # loose some precision.
Once the int64 number is created it can be manipulated as any other Perl value supporting all the standard operations (addition, negation, multiplication, postincrement, etc.).
- net_to_int64($str)
Converts an 8 bytes string containing an int64 in network order to the internal representation used by this module.
- int64_to_net($int64)
Returns an 8 bytes string with the representation of the int64 value in network order.
- native_to_int64($str)
- int64_to_native($int64)
similar to net_to_int64 and int64_to_net, but using the native CPU order.
- int64_to_number($int64)
returns the optimum representation of the int64 value using Perl internal types (IV, UV or NV). Precision could be lost.
For instance:
for my $l (10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60) { my $i = int64(1) << $l; my $n = int64_to_number($i); print "int64:$i => perl:$n\n"; }
- uint64
- uint64_to_number
- net_to_uint64
- uint64_to_net
- native_to_uint64
- uint64_to_native
These functions are similar to their int64 counterparts, but manipulate 64 bit unsigned integers.
At this moment, this module requires int64 support from the C compiler. Also, it doesn't take any advantage of perls with 64 bit IVs.
For bug reports, feature requests or just help using this module, use the RT system at or send my and email or both!
Other modules that allow Perl to support larger integers or numbers are Math::BigInt, Math::BigRat and Math::Big, Math::BigInt::BitVect, Math::BigInt::Pari and Math::BigInt::GMP.
Copyright © 2007, 2009 by Salvador Fandiño (
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.8 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.