Sort::Key - Perl extension for sorting objects by some key


use Sort::Key qw(keysort nkeysort ikeysort);

@by_name = keysort { "$_->{surname} $_->{name}" } @people;
@by_age = nkeysort { $_->{age} } @people;
@by_sons = ikeysort { $_->{sons} } @people;


Sort::Key provides a set of functions to sort object arrays by some (calculated) key value.

It is faster and uses less memory than other alternatives implemented around perl sort function (ST, GRM, etc.)


None by default.

Functions available from this module are:

keysort { CALC_KEY } @array

returns the elements on @array sorted by the key calculated applying { CALC_KEY } to them.

Inside { CALC_KEY }, the object is available as $_.

For example:

@a=({name=>john, surname=>smith}, {name=>paul, surname=>belvedere});
@by_name=keysort {$_->{name}} @a;

This function honours the use locale pragma.

nkeysort { CALC_KEY } @array

similar to keysort but compares the keys numerically instead of as strings.

This function honours the use integer pragma, i.e.:

use integer;
my @s=(2.4, 2.0, 1.6, 1.2, 0.8);
my @ns = nkeysort { $_ } @s;
print "@ns\n"


0.8 1.6 1.2 2.4 2
rnkeysort { CALC_KEY } @array

works as nkeysort, comparing keys in reverse (or descending) numerical order.

ikeysort { CALC_KEY } @array

works as keysort but compares the keys as integers.

rikeysort { CALC_KEY } @array

works as ikeysort, but in reverser (descending order).

keysort_inplace { CALC_KEY } @array
nkeysort_inplace { CALC_KEY } @array
ikeysort_inplace { CALC_KEY } @array
rkeysort_inplace { CALC_KEY } @array
rnkeysort_inplace { CALC_KEY } @array
rikeysort_inplace { CALC_KEY } @array

work as the corresponding keysort functions but sorting the array inplace.


perl sort function, integer, locale.

And alternative to this module is Sort::Maker.


Salvador Fandiño, <>


Copyright (C) 2005 by Salvador Fandiño

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.4 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.