SDL2::Event - General event structure


use SDL2 qw[:all];
# TODO: I need to whip up a quick example


SDL2::Event is a C union which generalizes all known SDL2 events.


As a union, this object main contain the following structures:

type - Event type, shared with all events
common - SDL2::CommonEvent
display - SDL2::DisplayEvent
window - SDL2::WindowEvent
key - SDL2::KeyboardEvent
edit - SDL2::TextEditingEvent
text - SDL2::TextInputEvent
motion - SDL2::MouseMotionEvent
button - SDL2::MouseButtonEvent
wheel - SDL2::MouseWheelEvent
jaxis - SDL2::JoyAxisEvent
jball - SDL2::JoyBallEvent
jhat - SDL2::JoyHatEvent
jbutton - SDL2::JoyButtonEvent
jdevice - SDL2::JoyDeviceEvent
caxis - SDL2::ControllerAxisEvent
cbutton - SDL2::ControllerButtonEvent
cdevice - SDL2::ControllerDeviceEvent
adevice - SDL2::AudioDeviceEvent
sensor - SDL2::SensorEvent
quit - SDL2::QuitEvent
user - SDL2::UserEvent
syswm - SDL2::SysWMEvent
tfinger - SDL2::TouchFingerEvent
mgesture - SDL2::MultiGestureEvent
dgesture - SDL2::DollarGestureEvent
drop - SDL2::DropEvent
padding - Raw data used internally to protect ABI compatibility between VC++ and GCC


Sanko Robinson <>