Weather::Com - fetching weather information from


  #!/usr/bin/perl -w
  use Weather::Com::Finder;

  # you have to fill in your ids from here
  my $PartnerId  = 'somepartnerid';
  my $LicenseKey = 'mylicense';

  my %weatherargs = (
	'partner_id' => $PartnerId,
	'license'    => $LicenseKey,

  my $weather_finder = Weather::Com::Finder->new(%weatherargs);
  my @locations = $weather_finder->find('Heidelberg');
  foreach my $location (@locations) {
    print "Found weather for city: ", $location->name(), "\n";
    print "Current Conditions are ", 
      $location->current_conditions()->description(), "\n";


Weather::Com provides three interfaces to access weather information from

Except from the main high level interface, there is also a simple, very easy to use one called Weather::Com::Simple. And if you want, you can also use the low level interface that is the basis for the two high level interfaces, directly (Weather::Com::Cached or even Weather::Com::Base).

Please refer to the POD of these modules directly for detailed information.

The data provided by and made accessible by this OO interface can be used for free under special terms. Please have a look at the application programming guide of


The usual way to use the Weather::Com module would be to instantiate a Weather::Com::Finder that allows you to search for a location by a search string or postal code or whatever may understand.

The finder returns an arrayref or an array of locations (depending on how you call the find() method). Each location is an object of Weather::Com::Location. The locations consist of location specific data, one Weather::Com::CurrentConditions object and a Weather::Com::Units object.

Forecast information (up to 10 days) will be available with the next release.

Configuration parameters

You will need a configuration hash to instantiate a Weather::Com::Finder object. Except of the partner_id and the license all parameters are optional and have sensible defaults.

use Weather::Com::Finder;

my %config = (
	partner_id => 'somepartnerid',	# mandatory
	license    => 'somelicensekey'	# mandatory
	units      => 's',
 	cache      => '/tmp/weather',
 	timeout    => 300,
 	debug      => 1,
	proxy      => '',
	proxy_user => 'myaccount',
	proxy_pass => 'myproxy_pass'

The valid parameters are:

partner_id => 'somepartnerid'

To be allowed to fetch weather information from you need to register (free of charge) to get a so called Partner Id and a License Key.

license => 'somelicensekey'

See partner_id.

cache => '/any/path'

Maybe you want to define a special path to put the cache files into. The cache directory defaults to ".".

units => s | m

This parameter defines whether to fetch information in metric (m) or US (s) format.

Defaults to 'm'.

timeout => some integer (in seconds)

The timeout for LWP::UserAgent to get an HTTP request done usually is set to 180s. If you need a longer timeout or for some reasons a shorter one you can set this here.

Defaults to 180 seconds.

debug => 0 | 1

Set debugging on/off.

Defaults to 0 (off).

proxy => 'none' | ''

Usually no proxy is used by the LWP::UserAgent module used to communicate with If you want to use an HTTP proxy you can specify one here.

proxy_user => undef | 'myuser'

If specified, this parameter is provided to the proxy for authentication purposes.

Defaults to undef.

proxy_pass => undef | 'mypassword'

If specified, this parameter is provided to the proxy for authentication purposes.

Defaults to undef.


Usually one would start by searching for a location. This is done by instantiating a Weather::Com::Finder object providing all necessary information about the license, the proxy if one is needed, etc.

my $finder = Weather::Com::Finder->new(%config);

Then you call the finders find() method to search for locations whose name or whose postal code matches against the searchstring. The finder then returns an array (or arrayref) of Weather::Com::Location objects.

# if you want an array of locations:
my @locations = $finder->find('Heidelberg');

# or if you prefer an arrayref:
my $locations = $finder->find('Heidelberg');

For further information please refer to Weather::Com::Finder.


The Weather::Com::Location object contains information about the location itself (longitude, latitude, current local time, etc.), a Weather::Com::Units object that contains all information about the units of messures currently used with this location, and a Weather::Com::CurrentConditions object containing the current weather conditions of the location.

foreach my $location (@locations) {
	print "Found location with name: ", $location->name(), "\n";
	print "The longitude of this location is: ", $location->longitude(), "\n";

All information in the Weather::Com::Location object is updated with each single call of one of its methods corresponding to the caching rules implemented in Weather::Com::Cached.

For detailed information about the Weather::Com::Location class please refer to Weather::Com::Location.


The units class provides all units of measure corresponding to the data of the location object. You'll get an instance of this class by calling the units() method of your location object.

For detailed information about the Weather::Com::Units class please refer to Weather::Com::Units.


Each location has a Weather::Com::CurrentConditions object accessible via its current_conditions() method.

my $conditions = $location->current_conditions();
print "Current temperature is ", $conditions->temperature(), "°C\n";
print "but it feels like ", $conditions->windchill(), "°C!\n";

Anytime you call a method of your Weather::Com::CurrentConditions object, its data is refreshed automatically if needed according to the caching rules.

For detailed information about this class please refer to Weather::Com::CurrentConditions.

Other classes

There are a some other classes that are used to represent groups of weather data like wind (speed, direction, etc.), UV index, air pressure, etc.

Objects of these classes belong to objects of class Weather::Com::CurrentConditions or Weather::Com::Forecast that will be introduced with the next release. These objects data will only refresh when you call the corresponding method of the parent object.

For detailed information about these classes please refer to their own POD.

Classes available with this version are:


Provides access to the barometric pressure data.

For detailed information about this class please refer to Weather::Com::AirPressure.


Provides access to the uv index of the parent object.

For detailed information about this class please refer to Weather::Com::UVIndex.


Provides access to wind speed, maximum gust, direction in degrees, etc.


If you plan to extend these module, e.g. with some other caching mechanisms, please contact me. Perhaps we can add your stuff to this module.


Detailed documentation of the main interface

Weather::Com::Finder, Weather::Com::Location, Weather::Com::Units, Weather::Com::CurrentConditions, Weather::Com::AirPressure, Weather::Com::UVIndex, Weather::Com::Wind

Detailed documentation of the Simple API


Detailed documentation of the low level interface

Weather::Com::Cached and Weather::Com::Base


Thomas Schnuecker, <>


Copyright (C) 2004-2005 by Thomas Schnuecker

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

The data provided by and made accessible by this OO interface can be used for free under special terms. Please have a look at the application programming guide of (

1 POD Error

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 209:

Non-ASCII character seen before =encoding in '"°C\n";'. Assuming CP1252