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package Redis::Fast;
use XSLoader;
our $VERSION = '0.08';
XSLoader::load __PACKAGE__, $VERSION;
use strict;
use Carp qw/confess/;
use Encode;
use Scalar::Util qw(weaken);
sub _new_on_connect_cb {
my ($self, $on_conn, $password, $name) = @_;
weaken $self;
return sub {
# If we are in PubSub mode we shouldn't perform any command besides
# (p)(un)subscribe
if (! $self->is_subscriber) {
defined $name
and try {
my $n = $name;
$n = $n->($self) if ref($n) eq 'CODE';
$self->client_setname($n) if defined $n;
my $data = $self->__get_data;
defined $data->{current_database}
and $self->select($data->{current_database});
my $subscribers = $self->__get_data->{subscribers};
$self->__get_data->{subscribers} = {};
$self->__get_data->{cbs} = undef;
foreach my $topic (CORE::keys(%{$subscribers})) {
if ($topic =~ /(p?message):(.*)$/ ) {
my ($key, $channel) = ($1, $2);
my $subs = $subscribers->{$topic};
if ($key eq 'message') {
$self->__subscription_cmd('', 0, subscribe => $channel, $_) for @$subs;
} else {
$self->__subscription_cmd('p', 0, psubscribe => $channel, $_) for @$subs;
defined $on_conn
and $on_conn->($self);
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my %args = @_;
my $self = $class->_new;
#$self->{debug} = $args{debug} || $ENV{REDIS_DEBUG};
if ($ENV{REDIS_SERVER} && !$args{sock} && !$args{server}) {
if ($ENV{REDIS_SERVER} =~ m!^/!) {
$args{sock} = $ENV{REDIS_SERVER};
elsif ($ENV{REDIS_SERVER} =~ m!^unix:(.+)!) {
$args{sock} = $1;
elsif ($ENV{REDIS_SERVER} =~ m!^(tcp:)?(.+)!) {
$args{server} = $2;
my $on_conn = $args{on_connect};
my $password = $args{password};
my $name = $args{name};
$self->__set_on_connect($self->_new_on_connect_cb($on_conn, $password, $name));
subscribers => {},
sentinels_cnx_timeout => $args{sentinels_cnx_timeout},
sentinels_read_timeout => $args{sentinels_read_timeout},
sentinels_write_timeout => $args{sentinels_write_timeout},
no_sentinels_list_update => $args{no_sentinels_list_update},
if ($args{sock}) {
} elsif ($args{sentinels}) {
my $sentinels = $args{sentinels};
ref $sentinels eq 'ARRAY'
or croak("'sentinels' param must be an ArrayRef");
defined($self->__get_data->{service} = $args{service})
or croak("Need 'service' name when using 'sentinels'!");
$self->__get_data->{sentinels} = $sentinels;
my $on_build_sock = sub {
my $data = $self->__get_data;
my $sentinels = $data->{sentinels};
# try to connect to a sentinel
my $status;
foreach my $sentinel_address (@$sentinels) {
my $sentinel = eval {
server => $sentinel_address,
cnx_timeout => ( exists $data->{sentinels_cnx_timeout}
? $data->{sentinels_cnx_timeout} : 0.1),
read_timeout => ( exists $data->{sentinels_read_timeout}
? $data->{sentinels_read_timeout} : 1 ),
write_timeout => ( exists $data->{sentinels_write_timeout}
? $data->{sentinels_write_timeout} : 1 ),
} or next;
my $server_address = $sentinel->get_service_address($data->{service});
defined $server_address
or $status ||= "Sentinels don't know this service",
$server_address eq 'IDONTKNOW'
and $status = "service is configured in one Sentinel, but was never reached",
# we found the service, set the server
my ($server, $port) = split /:/, $server_address;
$self->__connection_info($server, $port);
if (! $data->{no_sentinels_list_update} ) {
# move the elected sentinel at the front of the list and add
# additional sentinels
my $idx = 2;
my %h = ( ( map { $_ => $idx++ } @{$data->{sentinels}}),
$sentinel_address => 1,
$data->{sentinels} = [
( sort { $h{$a} <=> $h{$b} } keys %h ), # sorted existing sentinels,
grep { ! $h{$_}; } # list of unknown
map { +{ @$_ }->{name}; } # names of
$sentinel->sentinel( # sentinels
sentinels => $data->{service} # for this service
} else {
my ($server, $port) = split /:/, ($args{server} || '');
$self->__connection_info($server, $port);
#$self->{is_subscriber} = 0;
#$self->{subscribers} = {};
$self->__set_reconnect($args{reconnect} || 0);
$self->__set_every($args{every} || 1000);
$self->__set_cnx_timeout($args{cnx_timeout} || -1);
$self->__set_read_timeout($args{read_timeout} || -1);
$self->__set_write_timeout($args{write_timeout} || -1);
$self->connect unless $args{no_auto_connect_on_new};
return $self;
### Deal with common, general case, Redis commands
my $command = $AUTOLOAD;
$command =~ s/.*://;
my @command = split /_/, uc $command;
my $method = sub {
my $self = shift;
my ($ret, $error) = $self->__std_cmd(@command, @_);
confess "[$command] $error, " if defined $error;
return (wantarray && ref $ret eq 'ARRAY') ? @$ret : $ret;
# Save this method for future calls
no strict 'refs';
*$AUTOLOAD = $method;
goto $method;
sub __with_reconnect {
my ($self, $cb) = @_;
confess "not implemented";
### Commands with extra logic
sub keys {
my $self = shift;
my ($ret, $error) = $self->__keys(@_);
confess "[keys] $error, " if defined $error;
return $ret unless ref $ret eq 'ARRAY';
return @$ret;
sub ping {
my $self = shift;
return unless $self->__sock;
return scalar try {
my ($ret, $error) = $self->__std_cmd('ping');
return if defined $error;
return $ret;
} catch {
return ;
sub info {
my $self = shift;
my ($ret, $error) = $self->__info(@_);
confess "[keys] $error, " if defined $error;
return $ret unless ref $ret eq 'ARRAY';
return @$ret;
sub quit {
my $self = shift;
sub shutdown {
my $self = shift;
sub select {
my $self = shift;
my $database = shift;
my ($ret, $error) = $self->__std_cmd('SELECT', $database, @_);
confess "[SELECT] $error, " if defined $error;
$self->__get_data->{current_database} = $database;
return $ret;
sub __subscription_cmd {
my $self = shift;
my $pr = shift;
my $unsub = shift;
my $command = shift;
my $cb = pop;
weaken $self;
confess("Missing required callback in call to $command(), ")
unless ref($cb) eq 'CODE';
while($self->__get_data->{cbs}) {
my @subs = @_;
@subs = $self->__process_unsubscribe_requests($cb, $pr, @subs)
if $unsub;
if(@subs) {
$self->__get_data->{cbs} = { map { ("${pr}message:$_" => $cb) } @subs };
for my $sub(@subs) {
while($self->__get_data->{cbs}) {
sub __subscription_callbak {
my $self = shift;
my $cb = $self->__get_data->{callback};
return $cb if $cb;
weaken $self;
$cb = sub {
my $cbs = $self->__get_data->{cbs};
if($cbs) {
$self->__process_subscription_changes($cbs, @_);
unless(%$cbs) {
$self->__get_data->{cbs} = undef;
} else {
$self->__get_data->{callback} = $cb;
return $cb;
sub subscribe { shift->__subscription_cmd('', 0, subscribe => @_) }
sub psubscribe { shift->__subscription_cmd('p', 0, psubscribe => @_) }
sub unsubscribe { shift->__subscription_cmd('', 1, unsubscribe => @_) }
sub punsubscribe { shift->__subscription_cmd('p', 1, punsubscribe => @_) }
sub __process_unsubscribe_requests {
my ($self, $cb, $pr, @unsubs) = @_;
my $subs = $self->__get_data->{subscribers};
my @subs_to_unsubscribe;
for my $sub (@unsubs) {
my $key = "${pr}message:$sub";
next unless $subs->{$key} && @{ $subs->{$key} };
my $cbs = $subs->{$key} = [grep { $_ ne $cb } @{ $subs->{$key} }];
next if @$cbs;
delete $subs->{$key};
push @subs_to_unsubscribe, $sub;
return @subs_to_unsubscribe;
sub __process_subscription_changes {
my ($self, $expected, $m, $error) = @_;
my $subs = $self->__get_data->{subscribers};
## Deal with pending PUBLISH'ed messages
if ($m->[0] =~ /^p?message$/) {
return ;
my ($key, $unsub) = $m->[0] =~ m/^(p)?(un)?subscribe$/;
$key .= "message:$m->[1]";
my $cb = delete $expected->{$key};
push @{ $subs->{$key} }, $cb unless $unsub;
sub __process_pubsub_msg {
my ($self, $m) = @_;
my $subs = $self->__get_data->{subscribers};
my $sub = $m->[1];
my $cbid = "$m->[0]:$sub";
my $data = pop @$m;
my $topic = $m->[2] || $sub;
if (!exists $subs->{$cbid}) {
warn "Message for topic '$topic' ($cbid) without expected callback, ";
return 0;
$_->($data, $topic, $sub) for @{ $subs->{$cbid} };
return 1;
sub __is_valid_command {
my ($self, $cmd) = @_;
confess("Cannot use command '$cmd' while in SUBSCRIBE mode, ")
if $self->is_subscriber;
1; # End of Redis.pm
=encoding utf-8
=head1 NAME
Redis::Fast - Perl binding for Redis database
## Defaults to $ENV{REDIS_SERVER} or
my $redis = Redis::Fast->new;
my $redis = Redis::Fast->new(server => 'redis.example.com:8080');
## Set the connection name (requires Redis 2.6.9)
my $redis = Redis::Fast->new(
server => 'redis.example.com:8080',
name => 'my_connection_name',
my $generation = 0;
my $redis = Redis::Fast->new(
server => 'redis.example.com:8080',
name => sub { "cache-$$-".++$generation },
## Use UNIX domain socket
my $redis = Redis::Fast->new(sock => '/path/to/socket');
## Enable auto-reconnect
## Try to reconnect every 500ms up to 60 seconds until success
## Die if you can't after that
my $redis = Redis::Fast->new(reconnect => 60);
## Try each 100ms upto 2 seconds (every is in milisecs)
my $redis = Redis::Fast->new(reconnect => 2, every => 100);
## Disable the automatic utf8 encoding => much more performance
## !!!! This will be the default after 2.000, see ENCODING below
my $redis = Redis::Fast->new(encoding => undef);
## Use all the regular Redis commands, they all accept a list of
## arguments
## See http://redis.io/commands for full list
$redis->set('key' => 'value');
$redis->sort('list', 'DESC');
$redis->sort(qw{list LIMIT 0 5 ALPHA DESC});
## Add a coderef argument to run a command in the background
$redis->sort(qw{list LIMIT 0 5 ALPHA DESC}, sub {
my ($reply, $error) = @_;
die "Oops, got an error: $error\n" if defined $error;
print "$_\n" for @$reply;
## or
## Or run a large batch of commands in a pipeline
my %hash = _get_large_batch_of_commands();
$redis->hset('h', $_, $hash{$_}, sub {}) for keys %hash;
## Publish/Subscribe
sub {
my ($message, $topic, $subscribed_topic) = @_
## $subscribed_topic can be different from topic if
## you use psubscribe() with wildcards
$redis->psubscribe('nasdaq.*', sub {...});
## Blocks and waits for messages, calls subscribe() callbacks
## ... forever
my $timeout = 10;
$redis->wait_for_messages($timeout) while 1;
## ... until some condition
my $keep_going = 1; ## other code will set to false to quit
$redis->wait_for_messages($timeout) while $keep_going;
$redis->publish('topic_1', 'message');
C<Redis::Fast> is a wrapper around Salvatore Sanfilippo's
It is compatible with L<Redis.pm|https://github.com/melo/perl-redis>.
This version supports protocol 2.x (multi-bulk) or later of Redis available at
=head2 Redis.pm
Benchmark: running 00_ping, 10_set, 11_set_r, 20_get, 21_get_r, 30_incr, 30_incr_r, 40_lpush, 50_lpop, 90_h_get, 90_h_set for at least 5 CPU seconds...
00_ping: 8 wallclock secs ( 0.69 usr + 4.77 sys = 5.46 CPU) @ 5538.64/s (n=30241)
10_set: 8 wallclock secs ( 1.07 usr + 4.01 sys = 5.08 CPU) @ 5794.09/s (n=29434)
11_set_r: 7 wallclock secs ( 0.42 usr + 4.84 sys = 5.26 CPU) @ 5051.33/s (n=26570)
20_get: 8 wallclock secs ( 0.69 usr + 4.82 sys = 5.51 CPU) @ 5080.40/s (n=27993)
21_get_r: 7 wallclock secs ( 2.21 usr + 3.09 sys = 5.30 CPU) @ 5389.06/s (n=28562)
30_incr: 7 wallclock secs ( 0.69 usr + 4.73 sys = 5.42 CPU) @ 5671.77/s (n=30741)
30_incr_r: 7 wallclock secs ( 0.85 usr + 4.31 sys = 5.16 CPU) @ 5824.42/s (n=30054)
40_lpush: 8 wallclock secs ( 0.60 usr + 4.77 sys = 5.37 CPU) @ 5832.59/s (n=31321)
50_lpop: 7 wallclock secs ( 1.24 usr + 4.17 sys = 5.41 CPU) @ 5112.75/s (n=27660)
90_h_get: 7 wallclock secs ( 0.63 usr + 4.65 sys = 5.28 CPU) @ 5716.29/s (n=30182)
90_h_set: 7 wallclock secs ( 0.65 usr + 4.74 sys = 5.39 CPU) @ 5593.14/s (n=30147)
=head2 Redis::Fast
Redis::Fast is 50% faster than Redis.pm.
Benchmark: running 00_ping, 10_set, 11_set_r, 20_get, 21_get_r, 30_incr, 30_incr_r, 40_lpush, 50_lpop, 90_h_get, 90_h_set for at least 5 CPU seconds...
00_ping: 9 wallclock secs ( 0.18 usr + 4.84 sys = 5.02 CPU) @ 7939.24/s (n=39855)
10_set: 10 wallclock secs ( 0.31 usr + 5.40 sys = 5.71 CPU) @ 7454.64/s (n=42566)
11_set_r: 9 wallclock secs ( 0.31 usr + 4.87 sys = 5.18 CPU) @ 7993.05/s (n=41404)
20_get: 10 wallclock secs ( 0.27 usr + 4.84 sys = 5.11 CPU) @ 8350.68/s (n=42672)
21_get_r: 10 wallclock secs ( 0.32 usr + 5.17 sys = 5.49 CPU) @ 8238.62/s (n=45230)
30_incr: 9 wallclock secs ( 0.23 usr + 5.27 sys = 5.50 CPU) @ 8221.82/s (n=45220)
30_incr_r: 8 wallclock secs ( 0.28 usr + 4.91 sys = 5.19 CPU) @ 8092.29/s (n=41999)
40_lpush: 9 wallclock secs ( 0.18 usr + 5.06 sys = 5.24 CPU) @ 8312.02/s (n=43555)
50_lpop: 9 wallclock secs ( 0.20 usr + 4.84 sys = 5.04 CPU) @ 8010.12/s (n=40371)
90_h_get: 9 wallclock secs ( 0.19 usr + 5.51 sys = 5.70 CPU) @ 7467.72/s (n=42566)
90_h_set: 8 wallclock secs ( 0.28 usr + 4.83 sys = 5.11 CPU) @ 7724.07/s (n=39470)o
use warnings;
use strict;
use Time::HiRes qw/time/;
use Redis;
my $count = 100000;
my $r = Redis->new;
my $start = time;
for(1..$count) {
$r->set('hoge', 'fuga', sub{});
printf "Redis.pm:\n%.2f/s\n", $count / (time - $start);
my $r = Redis::Fast->new;
my $start = time;
for(1..$count) {
$r->set('hoge', 'fuga', sub{});
printf "Redis::Fast:\n%.2f/s\n", $count / (time - $start);
Redis::Fast is 4x faster than Redis.pm in pipeline mode.
=head1 AUTHOR
Ichinose Shogo E<lt>shogo82148@gmail.comE<gt>
=head1 SEE ALSO
=over 4
=item *