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# *************************************************************************
# Copyright (c) 2014-2015, SUSE LLC
# All rights reserved.
# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
# 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
# this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
# 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
# documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
# 3. Neither the name of SUSE LLC nor the names of its contributors may be
# used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without
# specific prior written permission.
# *************************************************************************
# ------------------------
# Top-level resources
# ------------------------
use strict;
use App::CELL qw( $CELL $log $core $meta $site );
use App::Dochazka::Common qw( $today init_timepiece );
use App::Dochazka::REST::ConnBank qw( $dbix_conn conn_status );
use App::Dochazka::REST::LDAP qw( populate_employee );
use App::Dochazka::REST::Model::Component qw( get_all_components );
use App::Dochazka::REST::Model::Privhistory qw( get_privhistory );
use App::Dochazka::REST::Model::Schedhistory qw( get_schedhistory );
use App::Dochazka::REST::Model::Schedule qw( get_all_schedules );
use App::Dochazka::REST::Shared qw( :ALL ); # all the shared_* functions
use App::Dochazka::REST::Holiday qw( holidays_in_daterange );
use File::Path qw( mkpath rmtree );
use Module::Runtime qw( use_module );
use Params::Validate qw( :all );
use Web::MREST::InitRouter qw( $router $resources );
use Web::MREST::Util qw( pod_to_html pod_to_text );
=head1 NAME
App::Dochazka::REST::Dispatch - Implementation of top-level resources
This module contains the C<init_router> method as well as all the resource
handlers referred to in the resource definitions.
This module uses some package variables, which are essentially constants, to do
its work.
my $fail = $CELL->status_not_ok;
my %iue_dispatch = (
'insert_employee' => \&shared_insert_employee,
'update_employee' => \&shared_update_employee,
=head2 init
This function is called by C<bin/mrest>.
sub init {
$log->debug("Entering " . __PACKAGE__. "::init");
my $status = App::Dochazka::REST::reset_mason_dir();
return $status unless $status->ok;
my $comp_root = $status->payload;
# get Mason components from database and write them to filesystem
$status = get_all_components( $dbix_conn );
if ( $status->ok and $status->code eq 'DISPATCH_RECORDS_FOUND' ) {
foreach my $comp ( @{ $status->payload } ) {
=head2 init_router
The "router" (i.e., L<Path::Router> instance) is initialized when the first
request comes in, as a first step before any processing of the request takes
This happens when L<Web::MREST::Resource> calls the C<init_router> method.
L<App::Dochazka::REST> implements its own C<init_router> method, overriding the
default one in L<Web::MREST::InitRouter>.
sub init_router {
$log->debug("Entering " . __PACKAGE__. "::init_router");
$router = Path::Router->new unless ref( $router ) and $router->can( 'match' );
=head2 Top-level handlers
These are largely (but not entirely) copy-pasted from L<Web::MREST::Dispatch>.
=head3 handler_bugreport
Handler for the C<bugreport> resource.
sub handler_bugreport {
my ( $self, $pass ) = @_;
$log->debug( "Entering " . __PACKAGE__ . "::handler_bugreport, pass number $pass" );
# first pass
return 1 if $pass == 1;
# second pass
return $CELL->status_ok( 'DISPATCH_BUGREPORT',
payload => { report_bugs_to => $site->DOCHAZKA_REPORT_BUGS_TO },
=head3 handler_configinfo
Handler for the C<configinfo> resource.
sub handler_configinfo {
my ( $self, $pass ) = @_;
$log->debug( "Entering " . __PACKAGE__ . "::handler_configinfo, pass number $pass" );
# first pass
return 1 if $pass == 1;
# second pass
return $CELL->status_ok( 'DISPATCH_CONFIGINFO',
payload => $meta->CELL_META_SITEDIR_LIST,
=head3 handler_dbstatus
Handler for the C<dbstatus> resource.
sub handler_dbstatus {
my ( $self, $pass ) = @_;
$log->debug( "Entering " . __PACKAGE__ . "::_get_dbstatus" );
$log->debug( "DBIx::Connector object: " . ref( $self->context->{'dbix_conn'} ) );
# first pass
return 1 if $pass == 1;
# second pass
my $conn = $self->context->{'dbix_conn'};
return $CELL->status_crit( "DOCHAZKA_NO_DBIX_CONNECTOR" ) unless ref( $conn ) and $conn->can( 'dbh' );
my $dbh = $conn->dbh;
my $noof_connections;
my $status;
try {
$conn->run( fixup => sub {
( $noof_connections ) = $_->selectrow_array(
} );
$log->notice( "Current number of DBI connections is $noof_connections" );
my $dbstatus = conn_status( $conn );
$status = $CELL->status_ok(
args => [ $dbstatus ],
payload => {
'conn_status' => $dbstatus,
'dbmsname' => $dbh->get_info(17),
'dbmsver' => $dbh->get_info(18),
'username' => $dbh->{Username},
'noof_connections' => ( $noof_connections += 0 ),
} catch {
$status = $CELL->status_err( 'DOCHAZKA_DBI_ERR', args => [ $_ ] );
return $status;
=head3 handler_docu
sub handler_docu {
my ( $self, $pass ) = @_;
$log->debug( "Entering " . __PACKAGE__ . "::handler_docu, pass number $pass" );
# first pass
return 1 if $pass == 1;
# '/docu/...' resources only
# the resource to be documented should be in the request body - if not, return 400
my $docu_resource = $self->context->{'request_entity'};
if ( $docu_resource ) {
$log->debug( "handler_docu: request body is ->$docu_resource<-" );
} else {
$self->mrest_declare_status( 'code' => 400, 'explanation' => 'Missing request entity' );
return $fail;
# the resource should be defined - if not, return 404
my $def = $resources->{$docu_resource};
$log->debug( "handler_docu: resource definition is " . Dumper( $def ) );
if ( ref( $def ) ne 'HASH' ) {
$self->mrest_declare_status( 'code' => 404,
'explanation' => "Could not find resource definition for $docu_resource"
return $fail;
# all green - assemble the requested documentation
my $method = $self->context->{'method'};
my $resource_name = $self->context->{'resource_name'};
my $pl = {
'resource' => $docu_resource,
my $docs = $def->{'documentation'} || <<"EOH";
The definition of resource $docu_resource lacks a 'documentation' property
# if they want POD, give them POD; if they want HTML, give them HTML, etc.
if ( $resource_name eq 'docu/pod' ) {
$pl->{'format'} = 'POD';
$pl->{'documentation'} = $docs;
} elsif ( $resource_name eq 'docu/html' ) {
$pl->{'format'} = 'HTML';
$pl->{'documentation'} = pod_to_html( $docs );
} else {
# fall back to plain text
$pl->{'format'} = 'text';
$pl->{'documentation'} = pod_to_text( $docs );
return $CELL->status_ok( 'DISPATCH_ONLINE_DOCUMENTATION', payload => $pl );
=head3 handler_echo
Echo request body back in the response
sub handler_echo {
my ( $self, $pass ) = @_;
$log->debug( "Entering " . __PACKAGE__ . "::handler_echo, pass number $pass" );
# first pass
return 1 if $pass == 1;
# second pass
return $CELL->status_ok( "ECHO_REQUEST_ENTITY", payload =>
$self->context->{'request_entity'} );
=head3 handler_forbidden
Handler for 'forbidden' resource.
sub handler_forbidden {
my ( $self, $pass ) = @_;
$log->debug( "Entering " . __PACKAGE__ . "::handler_forbidden, pass number $pass" );
# first pass
return 1 if $pass == 1;
# second pass
$self->mrest_declare_status( explanation => 'Resource forbidden by definition', permanent => 1 );
return $fail;
=head3 handler_holiday_tsrange
Handler for 'holiday/:tsrange' resource.
sub handler_holiday_tsrange {
my ( $self, $pass ) = @_;
$log->debug( "Entering " . __PACKAGE__ . "::handler_holiday_tsrange, pass number $pass" );
# first pass
if ( $pass == 1 ) {
my $status = split_tsrange(
if ( $status->not_ok ) {
$status->{'http_code'} = ( $status->code eq 'DOCHAZKA_DBI_ERR' )
? 500
: 400;
$self->mrest_declare_status( $status );
return 0;
my $datereg = qr/(\d+-\d+-\d+)/;
my ( $begin ) = $status->payload->[0] =~ $datereg;
my ( $end ) = $status->payload->[1] =~ $datereg;
if ( ! defined( $begin ) or ! defined( $end ) ) {
level => 'ERR',
code => 400,
return 0;
$self->context->{'stashed_daterange'} = {
"begin" => $begin,
"end" => $end,
# second pass
return $CELL->status_ok( 'DOCHAZKA_HOLIDAYS_IN_TSRANGE', payload =>
holidays_in_daterange( %{ $self->context->{'stashed_daterange'} } )
=head3 handler_param
Handler for 'param/:type/:param' resource.
sub handler_param {
my ( $self, $pass ) = @_;
$log->debug( "Entering " . __PACKAGE__ . "::handler_param, pass number $pass" );
# get parameters
my $method = $self->context->{'method'};
my $mapping = $self->context->{'mapping'};
my ( $type, $param );
if ( $mapping ) {
$type = $self->context->{'mapping'}->{'type'};
$param = $self->context->{'mapping'}->{'param'};
} else {
die "AAAHAHAHAAHAAHAAAAAAAA! no mapping?? in handler_param_get";
my $resource_name = $self->context->{'resource_name'};
my ( $bool, $param_obj );
if ( $type eq 'meta' ) {
$param_obj = $meta;
} elsif ( $type eq 'core' ) {
$param_obj = $core;
} elsif ( $type eq 'site' ) {
$param_obj = $site;
if ( ! $param_obj) {
$self->mrest_declare_status( code => '500', explanation => 'IMPROPER TYPE' );
return 0;
# first pass
if ( $pass == 1 ) {
$bool = $param_obj->exists( $param );
$bool = $bool ? 1 : 0;
$self->context->{'stash'}->{'param_value'} = $param_obj->get( $param ) if $bool;
return $bool;
# second pass
if ( $type ne 'meta' and $method =~ m/^(PUT)|(DELETE)$/ ) {
$self->mrest_declare_status( code => 400, explanation =>
'PUT and DELETE can be used with meta parameters only' );
return $fail;
if ( $method eq 'GET' ) {
return $CELL->status_ok( 'MREST_PARAMETER_VALUE', payload => {
$param => $self->context->{'stash'}->{'param_value'},
} );
} elsif ( $method eq 'PUT' ) {
$log->debug( "Request entity: " . Dumper( $self->context->{'request_entity'} ) );
return $param_obj->set( $param, $self->context->{'request_entity'} );
} elsif ( $method eq 'DELETE' ) {
delete $param_obj->{$param};
return $CELL->status_ok( 'MREST_PARAMETER_DELETED', payload => {
'type' => $type,
'param' => $param,
} );
=head3 handler_noop
Generalized handler for resources that don't do anything.
sub handler_noop {
my ( $self, $pass ) = @_;
$log->debug( "Entering " . __PACKAGE__ . "::handler_noop" );
# first pass
return 1 if $pass == 1;
# second pass
my $method = $self->context->{'method'};
my $resource_name = $self->context->{'resource_name'};
my $def = $resources->{$resource_name};
my $pl = {
'resource_name' => $resource_name,
'description' => $def->{$method}->{'description'},
'parent' => $def->{'parent'},
'children' => $def->{'children'},
return $CELL->status_ok( 'DISPATCH_NOOP',
payload => $pl
Handler for the C<session> resource.
sub handler_session {
my ( $self, $pass ) = @_;
$log->debug( "Entering " . __PACKAGE__ . "::handler_session" );
# first pass
return 1 if $pass == 1;
# second pass
return $CELL->status_ok( 'DISPATCH_SESSION_DATA', payload => {
session_id => $self->context->{'session_id'},
session => $self->context->{'session'},
} );
=head3 handler_version
Handler for the C<version> resource.
sub handler_version {
my ( $self, $pass ) = @_;
$log->debug( "Entering " . __PACKAGE__ . "::handler_version, pass number $pass" );
# first pass
return 1 if $pass == 1;
# second pass
my $param = $site->MREST_APPLICATION_MODULE;
my $version = use_module( $param )->version;
my $payload = ( $version )
? {
'application' => $param,
'version' => $version,
: "BUBBA did not find nothin";
return $CELL->status_ok( 'DISPATCH_VERSION', payload => $payload );
=head2 Activity handlers
=head3 handler_get_activity_all
Handler for 'GET activity/all'
sub handler_get_activity_all {
my ( $self, $pass ) = @_;
$log->debug( "Entering " . __PACKAGE__ . "::handler_get_activity_all" );
# first pass
return 1 if $pass == 1 ;
# second pass
return App::Dochazka::REST::Model::Activity::get_all_activities(
disabled => 0
=head3 handler_get_activity_all_disabled
Handler for 'GET activity/all/disabled'
sub handler_get_activity_all_disabled {
my ( $self, $pass ) = @_;
$log->debug( "Entering " . __PACKAGE__ . "::handler_get_activity_all_disabled" );
# first pass
return 1 if $pass == 1 ;
# second pass
return App::Dochazka::REST::Model::Activity::get_all_activities(
disabled => 1
=head3 handler_post_activity_aid
Handler for 'POST activity/aid' resource.
sub handler_post_activity_aid {
my ( $self, $pass ) = @_;
$log->debug( "Entering " . __PACKAGE__ . "::handler_post_activity_aid" );
# first pass
return 1 if $pass == 1;
# second pass
# - check that entity is kosher
my $status = shared_entity_check( $self, 'aid' );
return $status unless $status->ok;
my $context = $self->context;
my $entity = $context->{'request_entity'};
# - get aid and look it up
my $aid = $entity->{'aid'};
my $act = shared_first_pass_lookup( $self, 'AID', $aid );
return $fail unless $act;
# - perform the update
return shared_update_activity( $self, $act, $entity );
=head3 handler_post_activity_code
Handler for 'POST activity/code' resource. This is a little more complicated
because it can be either create or modify.
sub handler_post_activity_code {
my ( $self, $pass ) = @_;
$log->debug( "Entering " . __PACKAGE__ . "::handler_post_activity_code" );
# first pass
return 1 if $pass == 1;
# second pass
# - check that entity is kosher
my $status = shared_entity_check( $self, 'code' );
return $status unless $status->ok;
my $context = $self->context;
my $entity = $context->{'request_entity'};
# - create or modify?
my $code = $entity->{'code'};
my $act = shared_first_pass_lookup( $self, 'code', $code );
# - perform the insert/update
if ( $act ) {
return shared_update_activity( $self, $act, $entity );
} else {
return shared_insert_activity( $self, $code, $entity );
=head3 handler_activity_aid
Handler for the 'activity/aid/:aid' resource.
sub handler_activity_aid {
my ( $self, $pass ) = @_;
$log->debug( "Entering " . __PACKAGE__ . "::handler_activity_aid" );
my $context = $self->context;
# first pass
if ( $pass == 1 ) {
my $act = shared_first_pass_lookup( $self, 'AID', $context->{'mapping'}->{'aid'} );
return 0 unless $act;
$context->{'stashed_activity_object'} = $act;
return 1;
# second pass
if ( $context->{'method'} eq 'GET' ) {
return $CELL->status_ok( 'DISPATCH_ACTIVITY_FOUND',
payload => $context->{'stashed_activity_object'}
} elsif ( $context->{'method'} eq 'PUT' ) {
return shared_update_activity(
} elsif ( $context->{'method'} eq 'DELETE' ) {
return $context->{'stashed_activity_object'}->delete( $context );
return $CELL->status_crit("Aaaaaaaaaaahhh! Swallowed by the abyss" );
=head3 handler_get_activity_code
Handler for the 'GET activity/code/:code' resource.
sub handler_get_activity_code {
my ( $self, $pass ) = @_;
$log->debug( "Entering " . __PACKAGE__ . "::handler_get_activity_code" );
my $context = $self->context;
# first pass
if ( $pass == 1 ) {
my $act = shared_first_pass_lookup( $self, 'code', $context->{'mapping'}->{'code'} );
return 0 unless $act;
$context->{'stashed_activity_object'} = $act;
return 1;
# second pass
return $CELL->status_ok( 'DISPATCH_ACTIVITY_FOUND',
payload => $context->{'stashed_activity_object'}
=head3 handler_delete_activity_code
Handler for the 'DELETE activity/code/:code' resource.
sub handler_delete_activity_code {
my ( $self, $pass ) = @_;
$log->debug( "Entering " . __PACKAGE__ . "::handler_delete_activity_code" );
my $context = $self->context;
# first pass
if ( $pass == 1 ) {
my $act = shared_first_pass_lookup( $self, 'code', $context->{'mapping'}->{'code'} );
return 0 unless $act;
$context->{'stashed_activity_object'} = $act;
return 1;
# second pass
return $context->{'stashed_activity_object'}->delete( $context );
=head3 handler_put_activity_code
Handler for the 'PUT activity/code/:code' resource.
sub handler_put_activity_code {
my ( $self, $pass ) = @_;
$log->debug( "Entering " . __PACKAGE__ . "::handler_put_activity_code" );
my $context = $self->context;
# first pass
return 1 if ( $pass == 1 );
# second pass
# - create or modify?
my $code = $context->{'mapping'}->{'code'};
my $entity = $context->{'request_entity'};
if ( ! defined($entity) ) {
$self->mrest_declare_status( 'code' => 400, 'explanation' => 'Missing request entity' );
return $fail;
my $act = shared_first_pass_lookup( $self, 'code', $code );
# - perform insert/update operation
if ( $act ) {
return shared_update_activity( $self, $act, $entity );
} else {
return shared_insert_activity( $self, $code, $entity );
=head2 Component handlers
=head3 handler_get_component_all
Handler for 'GET component/all'
sub handler_get_component_all {
my ( $self, $pass ) = @_;
$log->debug( "Entering " . __PACKAGE__ . "::handler_get_component_all" );
# first pass
return 1 if $pass == 1 ;
# second pass
return App::Dochazka::REST::Model::Component::get_all_components(
=head3 handler_post_component_cid
Handler for 'POST component/cid' resource.
sub handler_post_component_cid {
my ( $self, $pass ) = @_;
$log->debug( "Entering " . __PACKAGE__ . "::handler_post_component_cid" );
# first pass
return 1 if $pass == 1;
# second pass
# - check that entity is kosher
my $status = shared_entity_check( $self, 'cid' );
return $status unless $status->ok;
my $context = $self->context;
my $entity = $context->{'request_entity'};
# - get cid and look it up
my $cid = $entity->{'cid'};
my $comp = shared_first_pass_lookup( $self, 'CID', $cid );
return $fail unless $cid;
# - perform the update
return shared_update_component( $self, $comp, $entity );
=head3 handler_post_component_path
Handler for 'POST component/path' resource. This is a little more complicated
because it can be either create or modify.
sub handler_post_component_path {
my ( $self, $pass ) = @_;
$log->debug( "Entering " . __PACKAGE__ . "::handler_post_component_path" );
# first pass
return 1 if $pass == 1;
# second pass
# - check that entity is kosher
my $status = shared_entity_check( $self, 'path' );
return $status unless $status->ok;
my $context = $self->context;
my $entity = $context->{'request_entity'};
# - create or modify?
my $path = $entity->{'path'};
my $comp = shared_first_pass_lookup( $self, 'path', $path );
# - perform the insert/update
if ( $comp ) {
return shared_update_component( $self, $comp, $entity );
} else {
my $status = shared_entity_check( $self, 'path', 'source', 'acl' );
return $status unless $status->ok;
return shared_insert_component( $self, $path, $entity );
=head3 handler_component_cid
Handler for the 'component/cid/:cid' resource.
sub handler_component_cid {
my ( $self, $pass ) = @_;
$log->debug( "Entering " . __PACKAGE__ . "::handler_component_cid" );
my $context = $self->context;
# first pass
if ( $pass == 1 ) {
my $comp = shared_first_pass_lookup( $self, 'cid', $context->{'mapping'}->{'cid'} );
return 0 unless $comp;
$context->{'stashed_component_object'} = $comp;
return 1;
# second pass
if ( $context->{'method'} eq 'GET' ) {
return $CELL->status_ok( 'DISPATCH_COMPONENT_FOUND',
payload => $context->{'stashed_component_object'}
} elsif ( $context->{'method'} eq 'PUT' ) {
return shared_update_component(
} elsif ( $context->{'method'} eq 'DELETE' ) {
return $context->{'stashed_component_object'}->delete( $context );
return $CELL->status_crit("Aaaabllaaaaaaahhh Component! Swallowed by the abyss" );
=head2 Employee handlers
=head3 handler_get_employee_count
Handler for 'GET employee/count/?:priv' resource.
sub handler_get_employee_count {
my ( $self, $pass ) = @_;
$log->debug( "Entering " . __PACKAGE__ . "::handler_get_employee_count" );
# first pass
return 1 if $pass == 1;
# second pass
my $result;
if ( my $priv = $self->context->{'mapping'}->{'priv'} ) {
$result = noof_employees_by_priv( $self->context->{'dbix_conn'}, lc $priv );
} else {
$result = noof_employees_by_priv( $self->context->{'dbix_conn'}, 'total' );
return $result;
=head3 handler_get_employee_list
Handler for 'GET employee/list/?:priv' resource.
sub handler_get_employee_list {
my ( $self, $pass ) = @_;
$log->debug( "Entering " . __PACKAGE__ . "::handler_get_employee_list" );
# first pass
return 1 if $pass == 1;
# second pass
my $result;
if ( my $priv = $self->context->{'mapping'}->{'priv'} ) {
$result = list_employees_by_priv( $self->context->{'dbix_conn'}, lc $priv );
} else {
$result = list_employees_by_priv( $self->context->{'dbix_conn'}, 'all' );
return $result;
=head3 handler_get_employee_team
Handler for 'GET employee/team' resource.
sub handler_get_employee_team {
my ( $self, $pass ) = @_;
$log->debug( "Entering " . __PACKAGE__ . "::handler_get_employee_team" );
# first pass
return 1 if $pass == 1;
# second pass
my $employee_obj = $self->context->{'current_obj'};
my $dbix_conn = $self->context->{'dbix_conn'};
my $status = $employee_obj->team_nicks( $dbix_conn );
return $status;
=head3 handler_whoami
Handler for GET requests on the 'whoami', 'employee/current', and
'employee/self' resources (which are all synonyms).
sub handler_whoami {
my ( $self, $pass ) = @_;
$log->debug( "Entering " . __PACKAGE__ . "::handler_whoami" );
# first pass
return 1 if $pass == 1;
# second pass
my $context = $self->context;
my $current_emp = $context->{'current'};
delete $current_emp->{'passhash'};
delete $current_emp->{'salt'};
delete $current_emp->{'remark'} unless $context->{'current_priv'} eq 'admin';
$CELL->status_ok( 'DISPATCH_EMPLOYEE_CURRENT', args =>
[ $current_emp->{'nick'} ], payload => $current_emp );
=head3 handler_get_employee_self_privsched
Handler for GET requests on 'employee/self/priv' and 'employee/current/priv',
which are synonymous resources.
sub handler_get_employee_self_privsched {
my ( $self, $pass ) = @_;
$log->debug( "Entering " . __PACKAGE__ . "::handler_get_employee_self_privsched" );
# first pass
return 1 if $pass == 1;
# second pass
my $context = $self->context;
my $conn = $context->{'dbix_conn'};
my $current_emp = $context->{'current'};
my $current_priv = priv_by_eid( $conn, $current_emp->{'eid'} );
my $current_sched = schedule_by_eid( $conn, $current_emp->{'eid'} );
args => [ $current_emp->{'nick'}, $current_priv ],
payload => {
'priv' => $current_priv,
'schedule' => $current_sched,
'current_emp' => $current_emp,
=head3 handler_put_employee_eid
Handler for 'PUT employee/eid/:eid' - can only be update.
sub handler_put_employee_eid {
my ( $self, $pass ) = @_;
$log->debug( "Entering " . __PACKAGE__ . "::handler_put_employee_eid" );
my $context = $self->context;
# first pass
if ( $pass == 1 ) {
# determine if this is an insert or an update
my $emp = shared_first_pass_lookup( $self, 'EID', $self->context->{'mapping'}->{'eid'} );
return 0 unless $emp;
return 0 unless shared_employee_acl_part1( $self, $emp ); # additional ACL checks
$context->{'stashed_employee_object'} = $emp;
return 1;
# second pass
return $fail unless shared_employee_acl_part2( $self );
return shared_update_employee(
=head3 handler_post_employee_eid
Handler for 'POST employee/eid' - can only be update.
sub handler_post_employee_eid {
my ( $self, $pass ) = @_;
$log->debug( "Entering " . __PACKAGE__ . "::handler_post_employee_eid" );
my $context = $self->context;
# first pass
return 1 if $pass == 1;
# second pass
my ( $eid, $emp );
if ( $eid = $context->{'request_entity'}->{'eid'} ) {
$emp = shared_first_pass_lookup( $self, 'EID', $eid );
return $fail unless $emp;
return $fail unless shared_employee_acl_part1( $self, $emp ); # additional ACL checks
return $fail unless shared_employee_acl_part2( $self );
} else {
$self->mrest_declare_status( code => 400,
explanation => 'DISPATCH_PROP_MISSING_IN_ENTITY', args => [ 'eid' ],
return $fail;
return shared_update_employee(
=head3 handler_put_employee_nick
Handler for 'PUT employee/nick/:nick' - a little complicated because it can
be insert or update, depending on whether or not the employee exists.
sub handler_put_employee_nick {
my ( $self, $pass ) = @_;
$log->debug( "Entering " . __PACKAGE__ . "::handler_put_employee_nick" );
my $context = $self->context;
# first pass
if ( $pass == 1 ) {
# determine if this is an insert or an update
my $emp = shared_first_pass_lookup( $self, 'nick', $self->context->{'mapping'}->{'nick'} );
if ( $emp ) {
$context->{'put_employee_func'} = 'update_employee';
} else {
$context->{'put_employee_func'} = 'insert_employee';
return 0 unless shared_employee_acl_part1( $self, $emp ); # additional ACL checks
$context->{'stashed_employee_object'} = $emp;
return 1;
# second pass
my $func = $context->{'put_employee_func'};
$log->debug( "PUT employee function is $func - " );
if ( $func eq 'update_employee' ) {
return $fail unless shared_employee_acl_part2( $self );
} elsif ( $func eq 'insert_employee' ) {
$context->{'request_entity'}->{'nick'} = $context->{'mapping'}->{'nick'};
} else {
return $iue_dispatch{$func}->(
=head3 handler_post_employee_nick
Handler for 'POST employee/nick' - a little complicated because it can
be insert or update, depending on whether or not the employee exists.
sub handler_post_employee_nick {
my ( $self, $pass ) = @_;
$log->debug( "Entering " . __PACKAGE__ . "::handler_post_employee_nick" );
my $context = $self->context;
# first pass
return 1 if $pass == 1;
# second pass
my ( $nick, $emp, $func );
if ( $nick = $context->{'request_entity'}->{'nick'} ) {
$emp = shared_first_pass_lookup( $self, 'nick', $nick );
$func = $emp ? 'update_employee' : 'insert_employee';
return $fail unless shared_employee_acl_part1( $self, $emp ); # additional ACL checks
} else {
$self->mrest_declare_status( code => 400,
explanation => 'DISPATCH_PROP_MISSING_IN_ENTITY', args => [ 'nick' ],
return $fail;
if ( $func eq 'update_employee' ) {
delete $context->{'request_entity'}->{'nick'};
return $fail unless shared_employee_acl_part2( $self );
} elsif ( $func eq 'insert_employee' ) {
$log->info( "Ready to insert new employee $nick" );
} else {
die "AAGAGAGAGGGGGGGGG self is undef" unless defined $self;
return $iue_dispatch{$func}->(
=head3 handler_post_employee_self
Handler for 'POST employee/{current,self}' resources. The request entity
is supposed to contain a list of key:value pairs where the keys are properties
of the employee object and the values are new values for those properties, e.g.:
"fullname" : "Bubba Jones",
"nick" : "bubba"
Note that it should be possible to set a property to null:
{ "fullname" : null }
The JSON will be converted into a Perl hashref, of course, and that will
be handed off to the DBI for insertion into placeholders in an UPDATE statement.
sub handler_post_employee_self {
my ( $self, $pass ) = @_;
$log->debug( "Entering " . __PACKAGE__ . "::handler_post_employee_self (pass $pass)" );
# first pass
return 1 if $pass == 1;
# second pass
my $context = $self->context;
return $fail unless shared_employee_acl_part2( $self );
return shared_update_employee(
=head3 handler_delete_employee_eid
Handler for 'DELETE employee/eid/:eid' resource.
sub handler_delete_employee_eid {
my ( $self, $pass ) = @_;
$log->debug( "Entering " . __PACKAGE__ . "::handler_delete_employee_eid" );
# first pass
if ( $pass == 1 ) {
return $self->handler_get_employee_eid( $pass );
# second pass
my $context = $self->context;
return $context->{'stashed_employee_object'}->delete( $context );
=head3 handler_get_employee_eid
Handler for 'GET employee/eid/:eid'
sub handler_get_employee_eid {
my ( $self, $pass ) = @_;
$log->debug( "Entering " . __PACKAGE__ . "::handler_get_employee_eid" );
return shared_get_employee( $self, $pass, 'EID', $self->context->{'mapping'}->{'eid'} );
=head3 handler_get_employee_ldap
Handler for 'GET employee/nick/:nick/ldap' resource.
sub handler_get_employee_ldap {
my ( $self, $pass ) = @_;
$log->debug( "Entering " . __PACKAGE__ . "::handler_get_employee_ldap" );
my $context = $self->context;
my $nick = $self->context->{'mapping'}->{'nick'};
if ( $pass == 1 ) {
if ( ! $site->DOCHAZKA_LDAP ) {
'code' => 501,
'explanation' => 'LDAP not configured on this server'
return 0;
} else {
$log->debug( "DOCHAZKA_LDAP site param is true: LDAP is enabled" );
my $emp = App::Dochazka::REST::Model::Employee->spawn( 'nick' => $nick );
$context->{'stashed_nick'} = $nick;
my $status = populate_employee( $emp );
return 0 unless $status->ok;
$context->{'stashed_ldap_status'} = $status;
$context->{'stashed_employee_object'} = $emp;
return 1;
return $CELL->status_ok( 'DOCHAZKA_LDAP_LOOKUP', payload => $context->{'stashed_employee_object'} );
=head3 handler_put_employee_ldap
Handler for 'PUT employee/nick/:nick/ldap' resource.
sub handler_put_employee_ldap {
my ( $self, $pass ) = @_;
$log->debug( "Entering " . __PACKAGE__ . "::handler_put_employee_ldap" );
my $context = $self->context;
if ( $pass == 1 ) {
return $self->handler_get_employee_ldap( $pass );
my $nick = $context->{'stashed_nick'};
# Get the employee object corresponding to the nick provided by the user.
my $emp = $context->{'stashed_employee_object'};
if ( ! $emp ) {
$self->mrest_declare_status( 'code' => 404, 'explanation' => "Nick ->$nick<- not found in LDAP" );
return $fail;
my $status = $emp->load_by_nick( $context->{'dbix_conn'}, $emp->nick );
if ( $status->ok ) {
# employee exists; update it
my $eid = $status->payload->eid;
$emp->eid( $eid );
return $emp->update( $context );
} elsif ( $status->level eq 'NOTICE' and $status->code eq 'DISPATCH_NO_RECORDS_FOUND' ) {
return $emp->insert( $context );
return $status;
=head3 handler_get_employee_minimal
Handler for 'GET employee/eid/:eid/minimal' resource.
Handler for 'GET employee/nick/:nick/minimal' resource.
Handler for 'GET employee/sec_id/:sec_id/minimal' resource.
sub handler_get_employee_minimal {
my ( $self, $pass ) = @_;
$log->debug( "Entering " . __PACKAGE__ . "::handler_get_employee_minimal" );
if ( $pass == 1 ) {
# determine key and value
my $resource_name = $self->context->{'resource_name'};
my ( $key, $value );
if ( $resource_name eq 'employee/eid/:eid/minimal' ) {
$key = 'EID';
$value = $self->context->{'mapping'}->{'eid'};
} elsif ( $resource_name eq 'employee/nick/:nick/minimal' ) {
$key = 'nick';
$value = $self->context->{'mapping'}->{'nick'};
} elsif ( $resource_name eq 'employee/sec_id/:sec_id/minimal' ) {
$key = 'sec_id';
$value = $self->context->{'mapping'}->{'sec_id'};
# ACL check
my $priv = $self->context->{'current_priv'};
if ( $priv eq 'passerby' ) {
if ( ! acl_check_is_me( $self, ( lc $key ) => $value ) ) {
$self->mrest_declare_status( code => 403, explanation => "DISPATCH_KEEP_TO_YOURSELF" );
return 0;
# populate $emp
my $emp = shared_first_pass_lookup( $self, $key, $value );
return 0 unless $emp;
# populate stashed value
die "AGACHCH! Problem with DOCHAZKA_EMPLOYEE_MINIMAL_FIELDS site param, which is set to " .
Dumper( $min_fields ) . " with the following sitedirs loaded: " .
Dumper( $meta->CELL_META_SITEDIR_LIST ) unless ref( $min_fields) eq 'ARRAY';
foreach my $prop ( @{ $site->DOCHAZKA_EMPLOYEE_MINIMAL_FIELDS } ) {
$self->context->{'stashed_value'}->{ $prop } = $emp->get( $prop );
return 1;
return $CELL->status_ok( 'DOCHAZKA_EMPLOYEE_MINIMAL', payload => $self->context->{'stashed_value'} );
=head3 handler_get_employee_eid_team
Handler for 'GET employee/eid/:eid/team'
sub handler_get_employee_eid_team {
my ( $self, $pass ) = @_;
$log->debug( "Entering " . __PACKAGE__ . "::handler_get_employee_eid_team" );
if ( $pass == 1 ) {
return $self->handler_get_employee_eid( $pass );
my $context = $self->context;
my $dbix_conn = $context->{'dbix_conn'};
return $context->{'stashed_employee_object'}->team_nicks( $dbix_conn );
=head3 handler_get_employee_nick_team
Handler for 'GET employee/nick/:nick/team'
sub handler_get_employee_nick_team {
my ( $self, $pass ) = @_;
$log->debug( "Entering " . __PACKAGE__ . "::handler_get_employee_nick_team" );
if ( $pass == 1 ) {
return $self->handler_get_employee_nick( $pass );
my $context = $self->context;
my $dbix_conn = $context->{'dbix_conn'};
return $context->{'stashed_employee_object'}->team_nicks( $dbix_conn );
=head3 handler_delete_employee_nick
Handler for 'DELETE employee/nick/:nick'
sub handler_delete_employee_nick {
my ( $self, $pass ) = @_;
$log->debug( "Entering " . __PACKAGE__ . "::handler_delete_employee_nick" );
# first pass
if ( $pass == 1 ) {
return $self->handler_get_employee_nick( $pass );
# second pass
my $context = $self->context;
return $context->{'stashed_employee_object'}->delete( $context );
=head3 handler_get_employee_nick
Handler for 'GET employee/nick/:nick'
sub handler_get_employee_nick {
my ( $self, $pass ) = @_;
$log->debug( "Entering " . __PACKAGE__ . "::handler_get_employee_nick" );
return shared_get_employee( $self, $pass, 'nick', $self->context->{'mapping'}->{'nick'} );
=head3 handler_get_employee_sec_id
Handler for 'GET employee/sec_id/:sec_id'
sub handler_get_employee_sec_id {
my ( $self, $pass ) = @_;
$log->debug( "Entering " . __PACKAGE__ . "::handler_get_employee_sec_id" );
return shared_get_employee( $self, $pass, 'sec_id', $self->context->{'mapping'}->{'sec_id'} );
=head3 handler_get_employee_search_nick
Handler for 'GET employee/search/nick/:key'
sub handler_get_employee_search_nick {
my ( $self, $pass ) = @_;
$log->debug( "Entering " . __PACKAGE__ . "::handler_get_employee_search_nick" );
# first pass
return 1 if $pass == 1;
# second pass
my $key = $self->context->{'mapping'}->{'key'};
$key = "%$key%" unless $key =~ m/%/;
my $status = $CELL->status_ok;
$status = load_multiple(
conn => $self->context->{'dbix_conn'},
class => 'App::Dochazka::REST::Model::Employee',
keys => [ $key ],
# check for 404
if ( $status->level eq 'NOTICE' and $status->code eq 'DISPATCH_NO_RECORDS_FOUND' ) {
$self->mrest_declare_status( code => 404,
explanation => "DISPATCH_SEARCH_EMPTY",
args => [ 'employee', "nick LIKE $key" ],
return $fail;
return $status if $status->not_ok;
# found some employee objects
foreach my $emp ( @{ $status->payload } ) {
$emp = $emp->TO_JSON;
return $status;
=head2 Genreport handlers
=head3 handler_genreport
Handler for the 'POST genreport' resource.
sub handler_genreport {
my ( $self, $pass ) = @_;
$log->debug( "Entering " . __PACKAGE__ . "::handler_genreport" );
# first pass
return 1 if $pass == 1;
# second pass
# - check that entity is kosher
my $status = shared_entity_check( $self, 'path' );
return $status unless $status->ok;
my $context = $self->context;
my $entity = $context->{'request_entity'};
# - get path and look it up
my $path = $entity->{'path'};
my $comp = shared_first_pass_lookup( $self, 'path', $path );
return $fail unless $path;
delete $entity->{'path'};
# - if there is a 'parameters' property, check that it is a hashref
my $parameters;
if ( $entity->{'parameters'} ) {
$log->debug( "Vetting parameters: " . Dumper $entity->{'parameters'} ) ;
if ( ref( $entity->{'parameters'} ) ne 'HASH' ) {
code => 400,
explanation => 'parameters must be given as key:value pairs'
return $fail;
# - convert $parameters hashref into $parameters arrayref for validation
my $count = 0;
foreach my $key ( keys %{ $entity->{'parameters'} } ) {
$parameters->[$count] = $key;
$count += 1;
$parameters->[$count] = $entity->{'parameters'}->{$key};
$count += 1;
# - if there is a validations property, convert it into a hashref
# and check the parameters against it
if ( $comp->{validations} ) {
my $validations = eval $comp->{validations};
$log->debug( "Validations before eval: " . Dumper $comp->{validations} );
$log->debug( "Validations after eval: " . Dumper $validations );
die "AGAAKH! validations is not a HASHREF: $validations" unless
ref( $validations ) eq 'HASH';
$parameters = {} if not defined $parameters;
$log->debug( "About to validate parameters: " . Dumper $parameters );
my $success = 1;
params => $parameters,
spec => $validations,
on_fail => sub {
my $errmsg = shift;
$self->mrest_declare_status( code => 400, explanation => $errmsg );
$success = 0;
return $fail unless $success;
} elsif ( $parameters ) {
$log->WARN( "Parameters were given to component, but component has no validations!" );
# - generate report
$parameters = [] if not defined $parameters;
return $CELL->status_ok(
payload => $comp->generate( my %paramhash = @$parameters )
=head2 History handlers
=head3 handler_history_self
Handler method for the '{priv,schedule}/history/self/?:tsrange' resource.
sub handler_history_self {
my ( $self, $pass ) = @_;
$log->debug( "Entering " . __PACKAGE__ . "::handler_history_self" );
# first pass
return 1 if $pass == 1;
# second pass
my $context = $self->context;
my %ARGS = (
'eid' => $context->{'current'}->{'eid'},
'nick' => $context->{'current'}->{'nick'},
if ( defined $context->{'mapping'}->{'tsrange'} ) {
$ARGS{'tsrange'} = $context->{'mapping'}->{'tsrange'};
if ( $context->{'components'}->[0] eq 'priv' ) {
return get_privhistory( $context, %ARGS );
} elsif ( $context->{'components'}->[0] eq 'schedule' ) {
return get_schedhistory( $context, %ARGS );
=head3 handler_history_get
Handler method for GET requests on the '/{priv,schedule}/history/eid/..' and
'/{priv,schedule}/history/nick/..' resources.
sub handler_history_get {
my ( $self, $pass ) = @_;
$log->debug( "Entering " . __PACKAGE__ . "::handler_history_get" );
my ( $context, $method, $mapping, $tsrange, $key, $value ) = shared_history_init( $self->context );
# first pass
if ( $pass == 1 ) {
my $emp = shared_first_pass_lookup( $self, $key, $value );
return 0 unless $emp;
$self->context->{'stashed_employee_obj'} = $emp;
return 1;
# second pass
my ( $class, $prop, undef ) = shared_get_class_prop_id( $self->context );
my $emp = $self->context->{'stashed_employee_obj'};
my $status = App::Dochazka::REST::Model::Shared::get_history(
eid => $emp->eid,
nick => $emp->nick,
tsrange => $tsrange,
# - process return value
if ( $status->level eq 'NOTICE' and $status->code eq 'DISPATCH_NO_RECORDS_FOUND' ) {
$self->mrest_declare_status( code => 404, explanation => "No history for $key $value $tsrange" );
return $fail;
} elsif ( $status->not_ok ) {
$self->mrest_declare_status( code => 500, explanation => $status->text );
return $fail;
return $status;
=head3 handler_history_post
Handler method for POST requests on the '/{priv,schedule}/history/eid/..' and
'/{priv,schedule}/history/nick/..' resources.
sub handler_history_post {
my ( $self, $pass ) = @_;
$log->debug( "Entering " . __PACKAGE__ . "::handler_history_post" );
my ( $context, $method, $mapping, $tsrange, $key, $value ) = shared_history_init( $self->context );
# first pass
if ( $pass == 1 ) {
# get employee object from key+value
my $emp = shared_first_pass_lookup( $self, $key, $value );
return 0 unless $emp;
$self->context->{'stashed_employee_obj'} = $emp;
$self->context->{'post_is_create'} = 1;
return 1;
# second pass
my ( $class, $prop, $id ) = shared_get_class_prop_id( $self->context );
my $emp = $context->{'stashed_employee_obj'};
# - check entity for presence of certain properties
my $status = shared_entity_check( $self, $prop, 'effective' );
return $status unless $status->ok;
my $entity = $context->{'request_entity'};
# - run the insert operation
my $ho;
try {
$ho = $class->spawn(
eid => $emp->eid,
effective => $entity->{'effective'},
$prop => $entity->{$prop},
remark => $entity->{'remark'},
} catch {
return $CELL->status_crit("DISPATCH_HISTORY_COULD_NOT_SPAWN", args => [ $_ ] );
$status = $ho->insert( $context );
if ( $status->not_ok ) {
$self->context->{'create_path'} = $status->level;
if ( $status->code eq 'DOCHAZKA_MALFORMED_400' ) {
return $self->mrest_declare_status( code => 400, explanation => "Check syntax of your request entity" );
return $self->mrest_declare_status( code => 500, explanation => $status->code, args => $status->args );
$self->context->{'create_path'} = '.../history/phid/' . ( $status->payload->{$id} || 'UNDEF' );
return $status;
=head3 handler_history_get_phid
Handler for 'GET priv/history/phid/:phid'
sub handler_history_get_phid {
my ( $self, $pass ) = @_;
$log->debug( "Entering " . __PACKAGE__ . "::handler_history_get_phid" );
# first pass
if ( $pass == 1 ) {
my $p_obj = shared_first_pass_lookup( $self, 'PHID', $self->context->{'mapping'}->{'phid'} );
return 0 unless $p_obj;
$self->context->{'stashed_history_object'} = $p_obj;
return 1;
# second pass
return $CELL->status_ok(
payload => $self->context->{'stashed_history_object'},
=head3 handler_history_post_phid
Handler for 'POST priv/history/phid/:phid'
sub handler_history_post_phid {
my ( $self, $pass ) = @_;
$log->debug( "Entering " . __PACKAGE__ . "::handler_history_post_phid" );
# first pass
if ( $pass == 1 ) {
my $p_obj = shared_first_pass_lookup( $self, 'PHID', $self->context->{'mapping'}->{'phid'} );
return 0 unless $p_obj;
$self->context->{'stashed_history_object'} = $p_obj;
return 1;
# second pass
return shared_update_history(
=head3 handler_history_delete_phid
sub handler_history_delete_phid {
my ( $self, $pass ) = @_;
$log->debug( "Entering " . __PACKAGE__ . "::handler_history_delete_phid" );
return $self->handler_history_get_phid(1) if $pass == 1;
return $self->context->{'stashed_history_object'}->delete( $self->context );
=head3 handler_history_get_shid
Handler for 'GET schedule/history/shid/:shid'
sub handler_history_get_shid {
my ( $self, $pass ) = @_;
$log->debug( "Entering " . __PACKAGE__ . "::handler_history_get_shid" );
# first pass
if ( $pass == 1 ) {
my $s_obj = shared_first_pass_lookup( $self, 'SHID', $self->context->{'mapping'}->{'shid'} );
return 0 unless $s_obj;
$self->context->{'stashed_history_object'} = $s_obj;
return 1;
# second pass
return $CELL->status_ok(
payload => $self->context->{'stashed_history_object'},
=head3 handler_history_post_shid
Handler for 'POST priv/history/shid/:shid'
sub handler_history_post_shid {
my ( $self, $pass ) = @_;
$log->debug( "Entering " . __PACKAGE__ . "::handler_history_post_shid" );
# first pass
if ( $pass == 1 ) {
my $p_obj = shared_first_pass_lookup( $self, 'SHID', $self->context->{'mapping'}->{'shid'} );
return 0 unless $p_obj;
$self->context->{'stashed_history_object'} = $p_obj;
return 1;
# second pass
return shared_update_history(
=head3 handler_history_delete_shid
sub handler_history_delete_shid {
my ( $self, $pass ) = @_;
$log->debug( "Entering " . __PACKAGE__ . "::handler_history_delete_shid" );
return $self->handler_history_get_shid(1) if $pass == 1;
return $self->context->{'stashed_history_object'}->delete( $self->context );
=head2 Interval handlers
=head3 handler_interval_eid
Handler for
GET interval/eid/:eid/:tsrange
DELETE interval/eid/:eid/:tsrange
#FIXME: implement a configurable limit on the tsrange
sub handler_interval_eid {
my ( $self, $pass ) = @_;
$log->debug( "Entering " . __PACKAGE__ . "::handler_interval_eid " );
return $self->_handler_intlock( 'Interval', 'eid', $pass );
=head3 handler_get_lock_eid
Handler for 'GET lock/eid/:eid/:tsrange'
#FIXME: implement a configurable limit on the tsrange
sub handler_get_lock_eid {
my ( $self, $pass ) = @_;
$log->debug( "Entering " . __PACKAGE__ . "::handler_get_lock_eid " );
return $self->_handler_intlock( 'Lock', 'eid', $pass );
=head3 handler_interval_nick
Handler for
GET interval/nick/:nick/:tsrange
DELETE interval/nick/:nick/:tsrange
#FIXME: implement a configurable limit on the tsrange
sub handler_interval_nick {
my ( $self, $pass ) = @_;
$log->debug( "Entering " . __PACKAGE__ . "::handler_interval_nick " );
return $self->_handler_intlock( 'Interval', 'nick', $pass );
=head3 handler_get_lock_nick
Handler for 'GET lock/nick/:nick/:tsrange'
#FIXME: implement a configurable limit on the tsrange
sub handler_get_lock_nick {
my ( $self, $pass ) = @_;
$log->debug( "Entering " . __PACKAGE__ . "::handler_get_lock_nick " );
return $self->_handler_intlock( 'Lock', 'nick', $pass );
=head3 handler_interval_self
Handler for
GET interval/self/:tsrange
DELETE interval/self/:tsrange
#FIXME: implement a configurable limit on the tsrange
sub handler_interval_self {
my ( $self, $pass ) = @_;
$log->debug( "Entering " . __PACKAGE__ . "::handler_interval_self " );
return $self->_handler_intlock( 'Interval', 'self', $pass );
=head3 handler_get_lock_self
Handler for 'GET lock/self/:tsrange'
#FIXME: implement a configurable limit on the tsrange
sub handler_get_lock_self {
my ( $self, $pass ) = @_;
$log->debug( "Entering " . __PACKAGE__ . "::handler_get_lock_self " );
return $self->_handler_intlock( 'Lock', 'self', $pass );
sub _handler_intlock {
my ( $self, $intlock, $key, $pass ) = @_;
my $context = $self->context;
# first pass
if ( $pass == 1 ) {
# determine the employee
my $value;
if ( $key eq 'self' ) {
$key = 'eid';
$value = $context->{'current'}->{'eid'};
} else {
$value = $context->{'mapping'}->{ $key };
if (
! acl_check_is_me( $self, $key => $value ) and
! acl_check_is_my_report( $self, $key => $value )
$self->mrest_declare_status( code => 403, explanation => "DISPATCH_KEEP_TO_YOURSELF" );
return 0;
my $emp = shared_first_pass_lookup( $self, $key, $value );
return 0 unless $emp;
# determine the tsrange
my $status = _tsrange_from_context( $context );
return $status unless $status->ok;
my $tsr = $status->payload;
my @ARGS = (
my $method = $self->context->{'method'};
my $resource = $self->context->{'resource_name'};
$log->debug( "_handler_intlock: resource is $resource" );
if ( $method eq 'GET' and $intlock eq 'Interval' ) {
$status = fetch_intervals_by_eid_and_tsrange( @ARGS );
} elsif ( $method eq 'GET' and $intlock eq 'Lock' ) {
$status = fetch_locks_by_eid_and_tsrange( @ARGS );
} elsif ( $method eq 'GET' and $intlock eq 'Summary' ) {
$status = generate_interval_summary( @ARGS );
if ( $status->level eq 'ERR' and
$self->mrest_declare_status( 'code' => 400,
'explanation' => $status->text );
return 0;
} elsif ( $method eq 'DELETE' and $intlock eq 'Interval' ) {
$status = delete_intervals_by_eid_and_tsrange( @ARGS );
} else {
die "AGACHCH!! Horrible, horrible: " . ( $intlock || "undef" );
if ( $status->level eq 'NOTICE' and $status->code eq 'DISPATCH_NO_RECORDS_FOUND' ) {
$self->mrest_declare_status( explanation => 'DISPATCH_NOTHING_IN_TSRANGE',
args => [ 'attendance intervals', $tsr ]
return 0;
$context->{'stashed_attendance_status'} = $status;
return 1;
# second pass
return $context->{'stashed_attendance_status'};
=head3 handler_interval_new
Handler for 'POST interval/new'
sub handler_interval_new {
my ( $self, $pass ) = @_;
$log->debug( "Entering " . __PACKAGE__. "::handler_interval_new" );
my $context = $self->context;
# first pass
if ( $pass == 1 ) {
$context->{'post_is_create'} = 1;
return 1;
# second pass
my $status = shared_entity_check( $self, 'aid', 'intvl' );
return $fail if $status->not_ok;
if ( check_acl_context( $context )->not_ok ) {
$self->mrest_declare_status( code => 403, explanation => 'DISPATCH_KEEP_TO_YOURSELF' );
return $fail;
return shared_insert_interval( $self );
=head3 handler_post_interval_iid
Handler for 'POST interval/iid'.
sub handler_post_interval_iid {
my ( $self, $pass ) = @_;
$log->debug( "Entering " . __PACKAGE__. "::handler_post_interval_iid" );
my $context = $self->context;
# first pass
return 1 if $pass == 1;
# second pass
# - get IID
my $status = shared_entity_check( $self, 'iid' );
return $fail unless $status->ok;
my $iid = $context->{'request_entity'}->{'iid'};
# - is there an interval with this IID?
my $int = shared_first_pass_lookup( $self, 'IID', $iid );
return $fail unless $int;
# - additional ACL check
if ( ! acl_check_is_me( $self, 'eid' => $int->eid ) ) {
$self->mrest_declare_status( code => 403, explanation => "DISPATCH_KEEP_TO_YOURSELF" );
return $fail;
# - perform the operation
return shared_update_intlock( $self, $int, $context->{'request_entity'} );
=head3 handler_get_interval_iid
Handler for 'GET interval/iid/:iid' resource.
sub handler_get_interval_iid {
my ( $self, $pass ) = @_;
$log->debug( "Entering " . __PACKAGE__. "::handler_get_interval_iid" );
my $context = $self->context;
# first pass
if ( $pass == 1 ) {
# - get IID
my $iid = $self->context->{'mapping'}->{'iid'};
return 0 unless $iid;
# - is there an interval with this IID?
my $int = shared_first_pass_lookup( $self, 'IID', $iid );
return 0 unless $int;
# - additional ACL check
if (
! acl_check_is_me( $self, 'eid' => $int->eid ) and
! acl_check_is_my_report( $self, 'eid' => $int->eid )
$self->mrest_declare_status( code => 403, explanation => "DISPATCH_KEEP_TO_YOURSELF" );
return 0;
$context->{'stashed_interval_object'} = $int;
return 1;
# second pass
my $int = $context->{'stashed_interval_object'};
my $method = $context->{'method'};
if ( $method eq 'GET' ) {
return $CELL->status_ok( 'DISPATCH_INTERVAL_FOUND', payload => $int );
die "AAGAGAGGGGGGGGGGHHGHGHKD! method is " . ( $method || "undef" );
=head3 handler_interval_iid
Handler for 'interval/iid/:iid' resource.
sub handler_interval_iid {
my ( $self, $pass ) = @_;
$log->debug( "Entering " . __PACKAGE__. "::handler_interval_iid" );
my $context = $self->context;
# first pass
if ( $pass == 1 ) {
# - get IID
my $iid = $self->context->{'mapping'}->{'iid'};
return 0 unless $iid;
# - is there an interval with this IID?
my $int = shared_first_pass_lookup( $self, 'IID', $iid );
return 0 unless $int;
# - additional ACL check
if ( ! acl_check_is_me( $self, 'eid' => $int->eid ) ) {
$self->mrest_declare_status( code => 403, explanation => "DISPATCH_KEEP_TO_YOURSELF" );
return 0;
$context->{'stashed_interval_object'} = $int;
return 1;
# second pass
my $int = $context->{'stashed_interval_object'};
my $method = $context->{'method'};
if ( $method =~ m/^(PUT)|(POST)$/ ) {
return shared_update_intlock( $self, $int, $context->{'request_entity'} );
} elsif ( $method eq 'DELETE' ) {
return $int->delete( $context );
die "AAGAGAGGGGGGGGGGHHGHGHKD! method is " . ( $method || "undef" );
=head3 handler_get_interval_summary
Handler for "GET interval/summary/eid/:eid/:tsrange"
sub handler_get_interval_summary {
my ( $self, $pass ) = @_;
$log->debug("Reached " . __PACKAGE__ . "::handler_get_interval_summary" );
my $context = $self->context;
# first pass
if ( $pass == 1 ) {
my $rv = $self->_handler_intlock( 'Summary', 'eid', $pass );
return 0 unless $rv;
return $context->{'stashed_attendance_status'};
=head2 Lock handlers
=head3 handler_lock_new
Handler for 'POST lock/new'
sub handler_lock_new {
my ( $self, $pass ) = @_;
$log->debug( "Entering " . __PACKAGE__. "::handler_lock_new" );
my $context = $self->context;
# first pass
if ( $pass == 1 ) {
$context->{'post_is_create'} = 1;
return 1;
# second pass
my $status = shared_entity_check( $self, 'intvl' );
return $fail if $status->not_ok;
if ( check_acl_context( $context )->not_ok ) {
$self->mrest_declare_status( code => 403, explanation => 'DISPATCH_KEEP_TO_YOURSELF' );
return $fail;
return shared_insert_lock( $self );
=head3 handler_post_lock_lid
Handler for 'POST lock/lid'.
sub handler_post_lock_lid {
my ( $self, $pass ) = @_;
$log->debug( "Entering " . __PACKAGE__. "::handler_post_lock_lid" );
my $context = $self->context;
# first pass
return 1 if $pass == 1;
# second pass
# - get LID
my $status = shared_entity_check( $self, 'lid' );
return $fail unless $status->ok;
my $lid = $context->{'request_entity'}->{'lid'};
# - is there a lock with this LID?
my $lock = shared_first_pass_lookup( $self, 'LID', $lid );
return $fail unless $lock;
# - additional ACL check
if ( ! acl_check_is_me( $self, 'eid' => $lock->eid ) ) {
$self->mrest_declare_status( code => 403, explanation => "DISPATCH_KEEP_TO_YOURSELF" );
return $fail;
# - perform the operation
return shared_update_intlock( $self, $lock, $context->{'request_entity'} );
=head3 handler_get_lock_lid
Handler for 'GET lock/lid/:lid' resource.
sub handler_get_lock_lid {
my ( $self, $pass ) = @_;
$log->debug( "Entering " . __PACKAGE__. "::handler_get_lock_lid" );
my $context = $self->context;
# first pass
if ( $pass == 1 ) {
# - get LID
my $lid = $self->context->{'mapping'}->{'lid'};
return 0 unless $lid;
# - is there a lock with this LID?
my $lock = shared_first_pass_lookup( $self, 'LID', $lid );
return 0 unless $lock;
# - additional ACL check
if (
! acl_check_is_me( $self, 'eid' => $lock->eid ) and
! acl_check_is_my_report( $self, 'eid' => $lock->eid )
$self->mrest_declare_status( code => 403, explanation => "DISPATCH_KEEP_TO_YOURSELF" );
return 0;
$context->{'stashed_lock_object'} = $lock;
return 1;
# second pass
my $lock = $context->{'stashed_lock_object'};
my $method = $context->{'method'};
if ( $method eq 'GET' ) {
return $CELL->status_ok( 'DISPATCH_LOCK_FOUND', payload => $lock );
die "AAGAGAGGGGGGGGGGHHGHGHKD! method is " . ( $method || "undef" );
=head3 handler_lock_lid
Handler for 'lock/lid/:lid' resource.
sub handler_lock_lid {
my ( $self, $pass ) = @_;
$log->debug( "Entering " . __PACKAGE__. "::handler_lock_lid" );
my $context = $self->context;
# first pass
if ( $pass == 1 ) {
# - get LID
my $lid = $self->context->{'mapping'}->{'lid'};
return 0 unless $lid;
# - is there a lock with this LID?
my $lock = shared_first_pass_lookup( $self, 'LID', $lid );
return 0 unless $lock;
# - additional ACL check
if (
! acl_check_is_me( $self, 'eid' => $lock->eid )
$self->mrest_declare_status( code => 403, explanation => "DISPATCH_KEEP_TO_YOURSELF" );
return 0;
$context->{'stashed_lock_object'} = $lock;
return 1;
# second pass
my $lock = $context->{'stashed_lock_object'};
my $method = $context->{'method'};
if ( $method =~ m/^(PUT)|(POST)$/ ) {
return shared_update_intlock( $self, $lock, $context->{'request_entity'} );
} elsif ( $method eq 'DELETE' ) {
return $lock->delete( $context );
die "AAGAGAGGGGGGGGGGHHGHGHKD! method is " . ( $method || "undef" );
=head2 Priv handlers
=head3 handler_priv_get_eid
sub handler_priv_get_eid {
my ( $self, $pass ) = @_;
$log->debug( "Entering " . __PACKAGE__ . ":handler_priv_get_eid" );
my $eid = $self->context->{'mapping'}->{'eid'};
return shared_get_privsched( $self, 'priv', $pass, 'EID', $eid );
=head3 handler_priv_get_nick
sub handler_priv_get_nick {
my ( $self, $pass ) = @_;
$log->debug( "Entering " . __PACKAGE__ . ":handler_priv_get_nick" );
my $nick = $self->context->{'mapping'}->{'nick'};
return shared_get_privsched( $self, 'priv', $pass, 'nick', $nick );
=head3 handler_priv_get_self
sub handler_priv_get_self {
my ( $self, $pass ) = @_;
$log->debug( "Entering " . __PACKAGE__ . ":handler_priv_get_self" );
return shared_get_privsched( $self, 'priv', $pass, 'EID', $self->context->{'current'}->{'eid'} );
=head2 Schedule handlers
=head3 schedule_all
Works for both 'GET schedule/all' and 'GET schedule/all/disabled'
sub handler_schedule_all {
my ( $self, $pass ) = @_;
$log->debug( "Entering " . __PACKAGE__ . "::handler_schedule_all" );
# first pass
if ( $pass == 1 ) {
my $disabled = grep( /disabled/, @{ $self->context->{'components'} } );
my $status = get_all_schedules( conn => $self->context->{'dbix_conn'}, disabled => $disabled );
if ( $status->level eq 'NOTICE' and $status->code eq 'DISPATCH_NO_RECORDS_FOUND' ) {
my $explanation = ( $disabled )
$self->mrest_declare_status( explanation => $explanation );
return 0;
$self->context->{'stashed_all_schedules_status'} = $status;
# second pass
return $self->context->{'stashed_all_schedules_status'};
=head3 handler_get_schedule_eid
sub handler_get_schedule_eid {
my ( $self, $pass ) = @_;
$log->debug( "Entering " . __PACKAGE__ . ":handler_get_schedule_eid" );
return shared_get_privsched( $self, 'schedule', $pass, 'EID', $self->context->{'mapping'}->{'eid'} );
=head3 handler_fillup
Handler for POST interval/fillup. For a description of what we're trying to
sub handler_fillup {
my ( $self, $pass ) = @_;
my $context = $self->context;
my $method = $context->{'method'};
my $entity = $context->{'request_entity'};
# first pass
if ( $pass == 1 ) {
# get the key and value indicating the subject employee
my ( $key, $value );
# the key can be one and only one of the following:
# eid, nick, sec_id (in that order; additional keys are ignored)
if ( $entity->{eid} ) {
$key = 'eid';
$value = $entity->{eid};
} elsif ( $entity->{nick} ) {
$key = 'nick';
$value = $entity->{nick};
} elsif ( $entity->{sec_id} ) {
$key = 'sec_id';
$value = $entity->{sec_id};
} else {
code => 404,
return 0;
map { delete $entity->{$_} } ( 'eid', 'nick', 'sec_id' );
if ( ! acl_check_is_me( $self, $key => $value ) ) {
$self->mrest_declare_status( code => 403, explanation => "DISPATCH_KEEP_TO_YOURSELF" );
return 0;
my $emp = shared_first_pass_lookup( $self, $key, $value );
return 0 unless $emp->isa( 'App::Dochazka::REST::Model::Employee' );
# create Fillup object
my $fillup = App::Dochazka::REST::Fillup->new(
context => $context,
tsrange => $context->{'mapping'}->{'tsrange'},
emp_obj => $emp,
if ( ! defined( $fillup ) ) {
code => 500,
explanation => "No Fillup object"
return 0;
if ( ! $fillup->constructor_status or
! $fillup->constructor_status->isa( 'App::CELL::Status' ) )
code => 500,
explanation => "No constructor_status in Fillup object"
return 0;
if ( $fillup->constructor_status->not_ok ) {
my $status = $fillup->constructor_status;
$status->{'http_code'} = ( $status->code eq 'DOCHAZKA_DBI_ERR' )
? 500
: 400;
$self->mrest_declare_status( $status );
$context->{'stashed_fillup_object'} = $fillup;
return 1;
# second pass
my $fo = $context->{'stashed_fillup_object'};
my $dry_run;
if ( $method eq 'GET' ) {
$dry_run = 1;
} elsif ( $method eq 'POST' ) {
$dry_run = 0;
} else {
$fo->dry_run( 1 );
my $status = $fo->commit;
if ( $status->not_ok ) {
$self->mrest_declare_status( code => 500, explanation => $status->text );
return $fail;
my $intervals = $status->payload;
my $count = ( ref( $intervals ) eq 'ARRAY' )
? scalar @$intervals
: 0;
if ( $method eq 'GET' ) {
return $CELL->status_ok( 'DISPATCH_RECORDS_FOUND',
args => [ $count ],
count => $count,
payload => $intervals,
return $status;
=head3 handler_get_schedule_nick
sub handler_get_schedule_nick {
my ( $self, $pass ) = @_;
$log->debug( "Entering " . __PACKAGE__ . ":handler_get_schedule_nick" );
return shared_get_privsched( $self, 'schedule', $pass, 'nick', $self->context->{'mapping'}->{'nick'} );
=head3 handler_get_schedule_self
sub handler_get_schedule_self {
my ( $self, $pass ) = @_;
$log->debug( "Entering " . __PACKAGE__ . ":handler_get_schedule_self" );
return shared_get_privsched( $self, 'schedule', $pass, 'EID', $self->context->{'current'}->{'eid'} );
=head3 handler_schedule_new
Handler for the 'schedule/new' resource.
sub handler_schedule_new {
my ( $self, $pass ) = @_;
$log->debug( "Entering " . __PACKAGE__ . "::handler_schedule_new" );
my $context = $self->context;
# first pass
if ( $pass == 1 ) {
$context->{'post_is_create'} = 1;
return 1;
# second pass
my ( $status, $code );
$status = shared_entity_check( $self, 'schedule' );
return $fail if $status->not_ok;
if ( ref( $context->{'request_entity'}->{'schedule'} ) ne "ARRAY" ) {
$self->mrest_declare_status( code => 400, explanation => 'Check schedule syntax' );
return $fail;
# first, spawn a Schedintvls object
my $intvls = App::Dochazka::REST::Model::Schedintvls->spawn;
$log->debug( "Spawned Schedintvls object " . Dumper( $intvls ) );
# note that a SSID has been assigned
my $ssid = $intvls->ssid;
$log->debug("Spawned Schedintvls object with SSID $ssid");
# assume that these are the intervals
$intvls->{'intvls'} = $context->{'request_entity'}->{'schedule'};
# insert the intervals
$status = $intvls->insert( $context->{'dbix_conn'} ); # schedintvls is not audited
if ( $status->not_ok ) {
$self->mrest_declare_status( code => 500, explanation => $status->text );
return $fail;
$log->info( "schedule/new: Scratch intervals inserted" );
# convert the intervals to get the 'schedule' property
$status = $intvls->load( $context->{'dbix_conn'} );
if ( $status->not_ok ) {
$intvls->delete( $context->{'dbix_conn'} );
$self->mrest_declare_status( code => 400, explanation => $status->text );
return $fail;
$log->info( "schedule/new: Scratch intervals converted" );
# spawn Schedule object
my @ARGS = ( 'schedule' => $intvls->json );
if ( my $scode = $context->{'request_entity'}->{'scode'} ) {
push @ARGS, ( 'scode' => $scode );
my $sched = App::Dochazka::REST::Model::Schedule->spawn( @ARGS );
# insert schedule object to get SID
$status = $sched->insert( $context );
if ( $status->ok ) {
if ( $status->code eq 'DOCHAZKA_SCHEDULE_EXISTS' ) {
$self->context->{'create_path'} = '.../schedule/shid/' . $sched->sid;
$log->info( "POST schedule/new: Returning existing schedule, unchanged" );
$sched = $status->payload;
} elsif ( $status->code eq 'DOCHAZKA_SCHEDULE_UPDATE_OK' ) {
$self->context->{'create_path'} = '.../schedule/shid/' . $sched->sid;
$log->info( "POST schedule/new: Existing schedule updated" );
} elsif ( $status->code eq 'DOCHAZKA_SCHEDULE_INSERT_OK' ) {
$self->context->{'create_path'} = '.../schedule/shid/' . $sched->sid;
$log->info( "POST schedule/new: New schedule inserted" );
} else {
die "AGGHGHG! could not handle App::Dochazka::REST::Model::Schedule->insert status: "
. Dumper( $status );
} else {
$self->mrest_declare_status( code => 500, explanation =>
"schedule/new: Model/>insert failed: " . $status->text );
$intvls->delete( $context->{'dbix_conn'} );
return $fail;
# delete the schedintvls object
$status = $intvls->delete( $context->{'dbix_conn'} ); # schedintvls is not audited
if ( $status->not_ok ) {
$self->mrest_declare_status( code => 500, explanation => "Could not delete schedintvls: " . $status->text );
return $fail;
$log->info( "schedule/new: scratch intervals deleted" );
# success
return $CELL->status_ok( $code, payload => $sched->TO_JSON );
=head3 handler_get_schedule_sid
Handler for '/schedule/sid/:sid'
sub handler_get_schedule_sid {
my ( $self, $pass ) = @_;
$log->debug( "Entering " . __PACKAGE__ . ":handler_get_schedule_sid" );
# first pass
if ( $pass == 1 ) {
my $sched = shared_first_pass_lookup( $self, 'SID', $self->context->{'mapping'}->{'sid'} );
return 0 unless $sched;
$self->context->{'stashed_schedule_object'} = $sched;
return 1;
# second pass
return $CELL->status_ok(
payload => $self->context->{'stashed_schedule_object'},
=head3 handler_put_schedule_sid
Handler for 'PUT schedule/sid/:sid'
sub handler_put_schedule_sid {
my ( $self, $pass ) = @_;
$log->debug( "Entering " . __PACKAGE__ . ":handler_put_schedule_sid" );
my $context = $self->context;
my $sid = $context->{'mapping'}->{'sid'};
# first pass
if ( $pass == 1 ) {
my $sched = shared_first_pass_lookup( $self, 'SID', $sid );
return 0 unless $sched;
$context->{'stashed_schedule_object'} = $sched;
return 1;
# run the update operation
return shared_update_schedule(
=head3 handler_delete_schedule_sid
Handler for '/schedule/sid/:sid'
sub handler_delete_schedule_sid {
my ( $self, $pass ) = @_;
$log->debug( "Entering " . __PACKAGE__ . ":handler_delete_schedule_sid" );
my $context = $self->context;
# first pass
if ( $pass == 1 ) {
return $self->handler_get_schedule_sid( $pass );
# second pass
return $context->{'stashed_schedule_object'}->delete( $context );
=head3 handler_get_schedule_scode
Handler for '/schedule/scode/:scode'
sub handler_get_schedule_scode {
my ( $self, $pass ) = @_;
$log->debug( "Entering " . __PACKAGE__ . ":handler_get_schedule_scode" );
# first pass
if ( $pass == 1 ) {
my $sched = shared_first_pass_lookup( $self, 'scode', $self->context->{'mapping'}->{'scode'} );
return 0 unless $sched;
$self->context->{'stashed_schedule_object'} = $sched;
return 1;
# second pass
return $CELL->status_ok(
payload => $self->context->{'stashed_schedule_object'},
=head3 handler_put_schedule_scode
Handler for 'PUT schedule/scode/:scode'
sub handler_put_schedule_scode {
my ( $self, $pass ) = @_;
$log->debug( "Entering " . __PACKAGE__ . ":handler_put_schedule_scode" );
my $context = $self->context;
my $scode = $context->{'mapping'}->{'scode'};
# first pass
if ( $pass == 1 ) {
my $sched = shared_first_pass_lookup( $self, 'scode', $scode );
return 0 unless $sched;
$context->{'stashed_schedule_object'} = $sched;
return 1;
# run the update operation
return shared_update_schedule(
=head3 handler_delete_schedule_scode
Handler for '/schedule/scode/:scode'
sub handler_delete_schedule_scode {
my ( $self, $pass ) = @_;
$log->debug( "Entering " . __PACKAGE__ . ":handler_delete_schedule_scode" );
my $context = $self->context;
# first pass
if ( $pass == 1 ) {
return $self->handler_get_schedule_scode( $pass );
# second pass
return $context->{'stashed_schedule_object'}->delete( $context );
=head2 Helper functions
=head3 _tsrange_from_context
Given a mapping containing either a C<tsrange> property or, alternatively,
a pair of properties C<ts> and C<psqlint> (i.e. a timestamp and a PostgreSQL
interval), return a status object that, if the delta add operation is
successful, will contain a proper timestamp.
sub _tsrange_from_context {
my $context = shift;
my $mapping = $context->{'mapping'};
my ( $status, $tsr );
$tsr = $mapping->{'tsrange'} if $mapping->{'tsrange'};
if ( $mapping->{'ts'} and $mapping->{'psqlint'} ) {
$status = timestamp_delta_plus(
return $status unless $status->ok;
$tsr = "[ " . $mapping->{ts} . ", " . $status->payload . " )";
return $CELL->status_ok( 'SUCCESS', payload => $tsr );