JS::Array - Reference to a javascript Array
Arrays in javascript are actually Array
-objects. When returned to Perl side, they are encapsulated in this class and, by default, tied to make them usable as a normal Perl array-references.
my $arr = $ctx->eval(q|['foo', 'bar', 4]|);
print $arr->[1]; # 'bar'
print scalar @$arr; # 3
print shift @$arr; # 'foo'
print ref $arr; # 'ARRAY'
my $obj = tied @$arr;
print ref $obj; # 'JS::Array'
When a javascript array, i.e an instance of Array, enters perl space the object is wrapped by reference as a instance of JS::Array.
For transparency, and if the AutoTie
context option is TRUE, they will be tied
to a perl ARRAY and instead of the JS::Array object, the array-reference is returned, so the regular perl ARRAY operations and funtions will see a normal ARRAY.
All those ARRAYs are alive, that is, they refer to the original javascript array, .so if you modify them on one side, you are modifying both sides.
my $arr = $ctx->eval(q{
var Arr = ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'];
$arr->[1] = 'bor';
pop @$arr;
print $ctx->eval('Arr[1]'); # 'bor'
print $ctx->eval('Arr.length'); # 2
$ctx->eval(q{ Arr.push('fob') });
print $arr->[2]; # 'fob'
If you need the underlaying JS::Array object, it can be obtained using Perl's tied
my $jsarray = tied @$arr;
In javascript all arrays are objects, so this class inherits all JS::Object's features.
- length
Returns the length of the array.
- shift
- pop
- push
- unshift
- sort
- reverse
All performs the standard javascript array methods of the same name.