Changes for version 0.25 - 2016-10-16

  • separated out API::new() initialization code into _init(), which loads _test_mode() or _prod_mode() to make things cleaner (closes #18)
  • the t/15-api.t file was split apart into numerous files, each one now tests a specific part of the API (closes #17)
  • due to Event tests needing to mock out certain subs within the test file itself (as opposed to API handling this), created a new flag/getter & setter "test_mock", which is sent into the API::new() when we're testing Event routines
  • test files (other than one that tests Event code) no longer need to mock out hardware-based subs themselves. The API now does this in _test_mode()
  • added debug_sensor, log_level and log_file core config directives to the Configuration POD
  • aux overrides for temp/humidity now have tests
  • if 'stats' table is empty on first API::env() call, we now return an href where the temp and hum are both -1 (added tests as well)
  • fixed an issue where the DB::new() connect() call wasn't able to be tested thoroughly (thanks 'NetWallah' from Perlmonks:
  • added a check to ensure we found the config file ok in API
  • added initial user authentication implementation (outside of normal run modes for now)


Configuration options for App::RPi::EnvUI


One-page asynchronous grow room environment control web application
Core API abstraction class for the App::RPi::EnvUI web app
Database manager for App::RPi::EnvUI environment control sysytem
Asynchronous events for the Perl portion of App::RPi::EnvUI


in lib/App/RPi/EnvUI/