Changes for version 0.27 - 2016-11-30
- correct issue where the minute portion of the time was displaying only a single digit if minutes were less than 10 (fixes #23)
- clean up of all sample test files and random test code snips
- consolodated the JS graph routines into a single function
- all SQL prepare statements are now only created once, where possible (queries where structure elements can be hardcoded)
- /logout route now redirects back to the home page
- removed everything related to the water auxs; aux 4 and 5 are now just generic, unused auxs now
- all auxs are now listed in the HTML template (hidden if pin == -1)
- completely changed the way we track light times. Added set_light_times(). It's called once on webapp start, then at the end of each light-off event. It's all done with epoch now instead of DateTime objects
- the set_aux route has been broken out into two separate routes: set_aux_state and set_aux_override. (closes #30)
- we now save draggable widget locations if changed from default with HTML5's `localStorage`
- new menu header "System", with sub menu "Reset Layout", resets layout to defaults
- template layout changes
- JS code restructured entirely; all functions have been moved out of $(document).ready
- all auxs will now be hidden if the pin is set to -1 in the config/db
Configuration options for App::RPi::EnvUI
One-page asynchronous grow room environment control web application
Core API abstraction class for the App::RPi::EnvUI web app
Database manager for App::RPi::EnvUI environment control sysytem
Asynchronous events for the Perl portion of App::RPi::EnvUI
in lib/App/RPi/EnvUI/