Changes for version 0.29 - 2017-10-24
- this project is still in BETA status and should not be used in a production growing environment without extreme monitoring
- added DB::delete(), which will remove all data from a table
- stats DB table is now emptied on webapp load. This will make graphing easier (avoid gaps where the app was down)
- added new stats template and stats.js logic, Statistics in the menu load this template for the statistical graphs for temperature and humidity
- the various templates now have a div id, so that we can combine all of our javascript/jquery into a single file
- switched to $(document).on('pageshow') from $(document).ready() so that the appropriate js is executed on specific page loads (see above point)
- clean up debugging code in JS
- implemented more debug logging
- installer (Makefile.PL) now installs the Dancer2 config.yml file
- fix the -1 temp/hum from enabling devices on initial page load (work on #31)
- correct significant logging issues. We were initializing the system in a way that the log level was not set until long after we've performed numerous tasks in API
- fix issue where on app start, three API objects were being generated (closes #36)
- the fix above (three API objects) was also causing resets of auxs due to -1 values. (fixes #31)
- various log level adjustments
- fix Configuration POD issue (closes #32)
- change /time to add prepending zero to hours if the length is < 1
- we now display both the date and the time in the UI
- tweaks to the UI button layout, we've switched from label OVERRIDE to HOLD, and manipulated the size and indenting (closes #33)
- we now show a tooltip on the buttoms to inform the user that to make changes, they must be logged in. (closes #38)
- removed Travis CI integration (for lack of SQLite)
- added blurb about needing to be logged in to make changes (and included the default un/pw)
- bumped prereq of Async::Event::Interval to 0.04 for the updated status functionality
- added config directive, "event_timeout"
- updated src db and schema with new directives
- change to using RPi::Const instead of RPi::WiringPi::Const (closes #42)
- fix documentation for API::action_light() (closes #44)
- fix override issues (fixes #37)
- the main page now displays the limits for temp and humidity (closes #40)
- fix issue where the "toggle" config directive for the light aux was failing to prevent toggling (we now throw a JS alert). (closes #39)
- implemented much more robust logging throughout the override call chain (closes #29)
- removed the toggle option from the light config, and instead added the option to all auxillary channels
Configuration options for App::RPi::EnvUI
One-page asynchronous grow room environment control web application
Core API abstraction class for the App::RPi::EnvUI web app
Database manager for App::RPi::EnvUI environment control sysytem
Asynchronous events for the Perl portion of App::RPi::EnvUI
in lib/App/RPi/EnvUI/