Changes for version 0.028 - 2015-06-16

  • Hotfix: forgot to include a module in the prove plugin. How did this pass compile.t? A mystery.
  • Fix an issue where testrail-report incorrectly identified (or failed to identify) the file tested.
  • Add character encoding support to TestRail::API and all its callers (default to utf8)


Upload your TAP results to TestRail after they've finished
List runs in a TestRail project matching the provided filters
List tests in a TestRail run matching the provided filters


Upload your TAP results to TestRail in realtime
Provides an interface to something like TestRail's REST api in a bogus fashion
TestRail testing harness
Upload your TAP results to TestRail
Provides an interface to TestRail's REST api via HTTP
Utilities for the testrail command line functions.