TestRail::API - Provides an interface to TestRail's REST api via HTTP


version 0.028


use TestRail::API;

my ($username,$password,$host) = ('foo','bar','');
my $tr = TestRail::API->new($username, $password, $host);


TestRail::API provides methods to access an existing TestRail account using API v2. You can then do things like look up tests, set statuses and create runs from lists of cases. It is by no means exhaustively implementing every TestRail API function.


All the methods aside from the constructor should not die, but return a false value upon failure. When the server is not responsive, expect a -500 response, and retry accordingly. I recommend using the excellent Attempt module for this purpose.


new (api_url, user, password, encoding, debug)

Creates new TestRail::API object.

STRING API URL - base url for your TestRail api server.
STRING USER - Your TestRail User.
STRING PASSWORD - Your TestRail password, or a valid API key (TestRail 4.2 and above).
STRING ENCODING - The character encoding used by the caller. Defaults to 'UTF-8', see Encode::Supported and for supported encodings.
BOOLEAN DEBUG (optional) - Print the JSON responses from TL with your requests. Default false.

Returns TestRail::API object if login is successful.

my $tr = TestRail::API->new('http://tr.test/testrail', 'moo','M000000!');

Dies on all communication errors with the TestRail server. Does not do above checks if debug is passed.




Accessors for these parameters you pass into the constructor, in case you forget.


getUsers ()

Get all the user definitions for the provided Test Rail install. Returns ARRAYREF of user definition HASHREFs.




Get user definition hash by ID, Name or Email. Returns user def HASHREF.


Convenience method to translate a list of user names to TestRail user IDs.

ARRAY NAMES - Array of user names to translate to IDs.

Returns ARRAY of user IDs.

Throws an exception in the case of one (or more) of the names not corresponding to a valid username.


createProject (name, [description,send_announcement])

Creates new Project (Database of testsuites/tests). Optionally specify an announcement to go out to the users. Requires TestRail admin login.

STRING NAME - Desired name of project.
STRING DESCRIPTION (optional) - Description of project. Default value is 'res ipsa loquiter'.
BOOLEAN SEND ANNOUNCEMENT (optional) - Whether to confront users with an announcement about your awesome project on next login. Default false.

Returns project definition HASHREF on success, false otherwise.

$tl->createProject('Widgetronic 4000', 'Tests for the whiz-bang new product', true);

deleteProject (id)

Deletes specified project by ID. Requires TestRail admin login.

STRING NAME - Desired name of project.

Returns BOOLEAN.

$success = $tl->deleteProject(1);

getProjects ()

Get all available projects

Returns array of project definition HASHREFs, false otherwise.

$projects = $tl->getProjects;

getProjectByName ($project)

Gets some project definition hash by it's name

STRING PROJECT - desired project

Returns desired project def HASHREF, false otherwise.

$project = $tl->getProjectByName('FunProject');

getProjectByID ($project)

Gets some project definition hash by it's ID

INTEGER PROJECT - desired project

Returns desired project def HASHREF, false otherwise.

$projects = $tl->getProjectByID(222);


createTestSuite (project_id, name, [description])

Creates new TestSuite (folder of tests) in the database of test specifications under given project id having given name and details.

INTEGER PROJECT ID - ID of project this test suite should be under.
STRING NAME - Desired name of test suite.
STRING DESCRIPTION (optional) - Description of test suite. Default value is 'res ipsa loquiter'.

Returns TS definition HASHREF on success, false otherwise.

$tl->createTestSuite(1, 'broken tests', 'Tests that should be reviewed');

deleteTestSuite (suite_id)

Deletes specified testsuite.

INTEGER SUITE ID - ID of testsuite to delete.

Returns BOOLEAN.


getTestSuites (project_id)

Gets the testsuites for a project

STRING PROJECT ID - desired project's ID

Returns ARRAYREF of testsuite definition HASHREFs, 0 on error.

$suites = $tl->getTestSuites(123);

getTestSuiteByName (project_id,testsuite_name)

Gets the testsuite that matches the given name inside of given project.

STRING PROJECT ID - ID of project holding this testsuite
STRING TESTSUITE NAME - desired parent testsuite name

Returns desired testsuite definition HASHREF, false otherwise.

$suites = $tl->getTestSuitesByName(321, 'hugSuite');

getTestSuiteByID (testsuite_id)

Gets the testsuite with the given ID.


Returns desired testsuite definition HASHREF, false otherwise.

$tests = $tl->getTestSuiteByID(123);



Creates a section.

INTEGER SUITE ID - Parent TestSuite ID.
STRING NAME - desired section name.
INTEGER PARENT ID (optional) - parent section id

Returns new section definition HASHREF, false otherwise.

$section = $tr->createSection(1,1,'nugs',1);

deleteSection (section_id)

Deletes specified section.

INTEGER SECTION ID - ID of section to delete.

Returns BOOLEAN.


getSections (project_id,suite_id)

Gets sections for a given project and suite.

INTEGER PROJECT ID - ID of parent project.
INTEGER SUITE ID - ID of suite to get sections for.

Returns ARRAYREF of section definition HASHREFs.


getSectionByID (section_id)

Gets desired section.

INTEGER PROJECT ID - ID of parent project.
INTEGER SUITE ID - ID of suite to get sections for.

Returns section definition HASHREF.


getSectionByName (project_id,suite_id,name)

Gets desired section.

INTEGER PROJECT ID - ID of parent project.
INTEGER SUITE ID - ID of suite to get section for.
STRING NAME - name of section to get

Returns section definition HASHREF.



Convenience method to translate a list of section names to TestRail section IDs.

INTEGER PROJECT ID - ID of parent project.
INTEGER SUITE ID - ID of parent suite.
ARRAY NAMES - Array of section names to translate to IDs.

Returns ARRAY of section IDs.

Throws an exception in the case of one (or more) of the names not corresponding to a valid section name.


getCaseTypes ()

Gets possible case types.

Returns ARRAYREF of case type definition HASHREFs.


getCaseTypeByName (name)

Gets case type by name.

STRING NAME - Name of desired case type

Returns case type definition HASHREF.



Creates a test case.

STRING TITLE - Case title.
INTEGER TYPE_ID (optional) - desired test type's ID. Defaults to whatever your TR install considers the default type.
HASHREF OPTIONS (optional) - Custom fields in the case are the keys, set to the values provided. See TestRail API documentation for more info.
HASHREF EXTRA OPTIONS (optional) - contains priority_id, estimate, milestone_id and refs as possible keys. See TestRail API documentation for more info.

Returns new case definition HASHREF, false otherwise.

$custom_opts = {
    preconds => "Test harness installed",
    steps         => "Do the needful",
    expected      => "cubicle environment transforms into Dali painting"

$other_opts = {
    priority_id => 4,
    milestone_id => 666,
    estimate    => '2m 45s',
    refs => ['TRACE-22','ON-166'] #ARRAYREF of bug IDs.

$case = $tr->createCase(1,'Do some stuff',3,$custom_opts,$other_opts);

deleteCase (case_id)

Deletes specified section.

INTEGER CASE ID - ID of case to delete.

Returns BOOLEAN.


getCases (project_id,suite_id,section_id)

Gets cases for provided section.

INTEGER PROJECT ID - ID of parent project.
INTEGER SUITE ID - ID of parent suite.
INTEGER SECTION ID - ID of parent section

Returns ARRAYREF of test case definition HASHREFs.


getCaseByName (project_id,suite_id,section_id,name)

Gets case by name.

INTEGER PROJECT ID - ID of parent project.
INTEGER SUITE ID - ID of parent suite.
INTEGER SECTION ID - ID of parent section.
STRING <NAME> - Name of desired test case.

Returns test case definition HASHREF.


getCaseByID (case_id)

Gets case by ID.


Returns test case definition HASHREF.



createRun (project_id,suite_id,name,description,milestone_id,assigned_to_id,case_ids)

Create a run.

INTEGER PROJECT ID - ID of parent project.
INTEGER SUITE ID - ID of suite to base run on
STRING NAME - Name of run
STRING DESCRIPTION (optional) - Description of run
INTEGER MILESTONE ID (optional) - ID of milestone
INTEGER ASSIGNED TO ID (optional) - User to assign the run to
ARRAYREF CASE IDS (optional) - Array of case IDs in case you don't want to use the whole testsuite when making the build.

Returns run definition HASHREF.

$tr->createRun(1,1345,'RUN AWAY','SO FAR AWAY',22,3,[3,4,5,6]);

deleteRun (run_id)

Deletes specified run.

INTEGER RUN ID - ID of run to delete.

Returns BOOLEAN.


getRuns (project_id)

Get all runs for specified project. To do this, it must make (no. of runs/250) HTTP requests. This is due to the maximum result set limit enforced by testrail.

INTEGER PROJECT_ID - ID of parent project

Returns ARRAYREF of run definition HASHREFs.

$allRuns = $tr->getRuns(6969);

getRunsPaginated (project_id,limit,offset)

Get some runs for specified project.

INTEGER PROJECT_ID - ID of parent project
INTEGER LIMIT - Number of runs to return.
INTEGER OFFSET - Page of runs to return.

Returns ARRAYREF of run definition HASHREFs.

$someRuns = $tr->getRunsPaginated(6969,22,4);

getRunByName (project_id,name)

Gets run by name.

INTEGER PROJECT ID - ID of parent project.
STRING <NAME> - Name of desired run.

Returns run definition HASHREF.


getRunByID (run_id)

Gets run by ID.

INTEGER RUN ID - ID of desired run.

Returns run definition HASHREF.


closeRun (run_id)

Close the specified run.

INTEGER RUN ID - ID of desired run.

Returns run definition HASHREF on success, false on failure.



Returns array of hashrefs describing the # of tests in the run(s) with the available statuses. Translates custom_statuses into their system names for you.

ARRAY RUNS - runs obtained from getRun* or getChildRun* methods.

Returns ARRAY of run HASHREFs with the added key 'run_status' holding a hashref where status_name => count.




Extract the child runs from a plan. Convenient, as the structure of this hash is deep, and correct error handling can be tedious.

HASHREF PLAN - Test Plan definition HASHREF returned by any of the PLAN methods below.

Returns ARRAYREF of run definition HASHREFs. Returns 0 upon failure to extract the data.


HASHREF PLAN - Test Plan definition HASHREF returned by any of the PLAN methods below.
STRING NAME - Name of run to search for within plan.
ARRAYREF CONFIGURATIONS (optional) - Names of configurations to filter runs by.

Returns run definition HASHREF, or false if no such run is found. Convenience method using getChildRuns.

Will throw a fatal error if one or more of the configurations passed does not exist in the project.


createPlan (project_id,name,description,milestone_id,entries)

Create a test plan.

INTEGER PROJECT ID - ID of parent project.
STRING NAME - Name of plan
STRING DESCRIPTION (optional) - Description of plan
INTEGER MILESTONE_ID (optional) - ID of milestone
ARRAYREF ENTRIES (optional) - New Runs to initially populate the plan with -- See TestRail API documentation for more advanced inputs here.

Returns test plan definition HASHREF, or false on failure.

$entries = {
    suite_id => 345,
    include_all => 1,
    assignedto_id => 1

$tr->createPlan(1,'Gosplan','Robo-Signed Soviet 5-year plan',22,$entries);

deletePlan (plan_id)

Deletes specified plan.

INTEGER PLAN ID - ID of plan to delete.

Returns BOOLEAN.


getPlans (project_id)

Gets all test plans in specified project. Like getRuns, must make multiple HTTP requests when the number of results exceeds 250.

INTEGER PROJECT ID - ID of parent project.

Returns ARRAYREF of all plan definition HASHREFs in a project.


Does not contain any information about child test runs. Use getPlanByID or getPlanByName if you want that, in particular if you are interested in using getChildRunByName.

getPlansPaginated (project_id,limit,offset)

Get some plans for specified project.

INTEGER PROJECT_ID - ID of parent project
INTEGER LIMIT - Number of plans to return.
INTEGER OFFSET - Page of plans to return.

Returns ARRAYREF of plan definition HASHREFs.

$someRuns = $tr->getPlansPaginated(6969,222,44);

getPlanByName (project_id,name)

Gets specified plan by name.

INTEGER PROJECT ID - ID of parent project.
STRING NAME - Name of test plan.

Returns plan definition HASHREF.


getPlanByID (plan_id)

Gets specified plan by ID.


Returns plan definition HASHREF.



Returns hashref describing the various pass, fail, etc. percentages for tests in the plan. The 'totals' key has total cases in each status ('status' => count) The 'percentages' key has the same, but as a percentage of the total.

SCALAR plan_ID - ID of your test plan.

createRunInPlan (plan_id,suite_id,name,description,milestone_id,assigned_to_id,config_ids,case_ids)

Create a run in a plan.

INTEGER PLAN ID - ID of parent project.
INTEGER SUITE ID - ID of suite to base run on
STRING NAME - Name of run
INTEGER ASSIGNED TO ID (optional) - User to assign the run to
ARRAYREF CONFIG IDS (optional) - Array of Configuration IDs (see getConfigurations) to apply to the created run
ARRAYREF CASE IDS (optional) - Array of case IDs in case you don't want to use the whole testsuite when making the build.

Returns run definition HASHREF.


closePlan (plan_id)

Close the specified plan.

INTEGER PLAN ID - ID of desired plan.

Returns plan definition HASHREF on success, false on failure.



createMilestone (project_id,name,description,due_on)

Create a milestone.

INTEGER PROJECT ID - ID of parent project.
STRING NAME - Name of milestone
STRING DESCRIPTION (optional) - Description of milestone
INTEGER DUE_ON - Date at which milestone should be completed. Unix Timestamp.

Returns milestone definition HASHREF, or false on failure.

$tr->createMilestone(1,'Patriotic victory of world perlism','Accomplish by Robo-Signed Soviet 5-year plan',time()+157788000);

deleteMilestone (milestone_id)

Deletes specified milestone.

INTEGER MILESTONE ID - ID of milestone to delete.

Returns BOOLEAN.


getMilestones (project_id)

Get milestones for some project.

INTEGER PROJECT ID - ID of parent project.

Returns ARRAYREF of milestone definition HASHREFs.


getMilestoneByName (project_id,name)

Gets specified milestone by name.

INTEGER PROJECT ID - ID of parent project.
STRING NAME - Name of milestone.

Returns milestone definition HASHREF.


getMilestoneByID (milestone_id)

Gets specified milestone by ID.


Returns milestone definition HASHREF.



getTests (run_id,status_ids,assignedto_ids)

Get tests for some run. Optionally filter by provided status_ids.

INTEGER RUN ID - ID of parent run.
ARRAYREF STATUS IDS (optional) - IDs of relevant test statuses to filter by. get with getPossibleTestStatuses.
ARRAYREF ASSIGNEDTO IDS (optional) - IDs of users assigned to test to filter by. get with getUsers.

Returns ARRAYREF of test definition HASHREFs.


getTestByName (run_id,name)

Gets specified test by name.

INTEGER RUN ID - ID of parent run.
STRING NAME - Name of milestone.

Returns test definition HASHREF.


getTestByID (test_id)

Gets specified test by ID.


Returns test definition HASHREF.



Gets custom fields that can be set for tests.

Returns ARRAYREF of result definition HASHREFs.


Gets a test result field by it's system name. Optionally filter by project ID.

SYSTEM NAME - STRING: system name of a result field.
PROJECT ID - INTEGER (optional): Filter by whether or not the field is enabled for said project


Gets all possible statuses a test can be set to.

Returns ARRAYREF of status definition HASHREFs.


Convenience method to translate a list of statuses to TestRail status IDs. The names referred to here are 'internal names' rather than the labels shown in TestRail.

ARRAY NAMES - Array of status names to translate to IDs.

Returns ARRAY of status IDs.

Throws an exception in the case of one (or more) of the names not corresponding to a valid test status.


Creates a result entry for a test.

INTEGER TEST_ID - ID of desired test
INTEGER STATUS_ID - ID of desired test result status
STRING COMMENT (optional) - Any comments about this result
HASHREF OPTIONS (optional) - Various "Baked-In" options that can be set for test results. See TR docs for more information.
HASHREF CUSTOM OPTIONS (optional) - Options to set for custom fields. See buildStepResults for a simple way to post up custom steps.

Returns result definition HASHREF.

$options = {
    elapsed => '30m 22s',
    defects => ['TSR-3','BOOM-44'],
    version => '6969'

$custom_options = {
    step_results => [
            content   => 'Step 1',
            expected  => "Bought Groceries",
            actual    => "No Dinero!",
            status_id => 2
            content   => 'Step 2',
            expected  => 'Ate Dinner',
            actual    => 'Went Hungry',
            status_id => 2

$res = $tr->createTestResults(1,2,'Test failed because it was all like WAAAAAAA when I poked it',$options,$custom_options);


Get the recorded results for desired test, limiting output to 'limit' entries.

INTEGER TEST_ID - ID of desired test
POSITIVE INTEGER LIMIT (OPTIONAL) - provide no more than this number of results.
INTEGER OFFSET (OPTIONAL) - Offset to begin viewing result set at.

Returns ARRAYREF of result definition HASHREFs.



Gets the available configuration groups for a project, with their configurations as children. Basically a direct wrapper of The 'get_configs' api call, with caching tacked on.

INTEGER PROJECT_ID - ID of relevant project

Returns ARRAYREF of configuration group definition HASHREFs.


Gets the available configurations for a project. Mostly for convenience (no need to write a boilerplate loop over the groups).

INTEGER PROJECT_ID - ID of relevant project

Returns ARRAYREF of configuration definition HASHREFs. Returns result of getConfigurationGroups (likely -500) in the event that call fails.


Transforms a list of configuration names into a list of config IDs.

INTEGER PROJECT_ID - Relevant project ID for configs.
ARRAYREF CONFIGS - Array ref of config names

Returns ARRAYREF of configuration names, with undef values for unknown configuration names.



Convenience method to build the stepResult hashes seen in the custom options for getTestResults.

STRING CONTENT (optional) - The step itself.
STRING EXPECTED (optional) - Expected result of test step.
STRING ACTUAL (optional) - Actual result of test step
INTEGER STATUS ID (optional) - Status ID of result






Thanks to cPanel Inc, for graciously funding the creation of this module.


George S. Baugh <>


Neil Bowers <>


The development version is on github at and may be cloned from git://


This software is copyright (c) 2015 by George S. Baugh.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.