CGI::Search - Simple way of using a CGI to search flat-text database files.
use CGI::Search qw(:validators);
use CGI qw(:standard);
my $TMPL_FILE = '/path/to/template';
my $DB_FILE = '/path/to/flat_file';
my $DB_SEPERATOR = '\|'; # Be sure to escape any special regex chars and put in single-quotes
# This is not a good validator. Don't do this.
if($_[0] =~ /\A(.*)\z/) {
return (1, $1, "Passed");
else {
return (0, undef, "$_[0] is not valid");
# Database fields description
my @DB_FIELDS = (
[ 'num1', \&INTEGER, 1 ],
[ 'text1', \&WORD, 0 ],
[ 'email', \&EMAIL, 1 ],
[ 'num2', \&INTEGER, 0 ],
[ 'field1', $CUSTOM_VALIDATOR, 0 ],
# Paging options (not currently supported). All are automatically verfied as an INTEGER
my $MAX_RESULTS = 0; # Infinate
my $PAGE_NUMBER = param('PAGE') || 0;
# Search options
my %SEARCH = (
num1 => [ param("num1"), \&INTEGER ],
email => [ param("email"), \&EMAIL ],
my $search = CGI::Search->new(
script_name => $ENV{SCRIPT_NAME},
template => $TMPL_FILE,
db_file => $DB_FILE,
db_seperator => $DB_SEPERATOR,
db_fields => \@DB_FIELDS,
results_per_page => $RESULTS_PER_PAGE,
max_results => $MAX_RESULTS,
page_number => $PAGE_NUMBER,
search_fields => \%SEARCH,
# List context -- return array-of-hashes
my @data = $search->result(1) or die "Error: " . $search->errstr();
# Scalar context -- return HTML::Template object
my $tmpl = $search->result(1) or die "Error: " . $search->errstr();
my %new_search = (
num1 => [ param("num1"), \&INTEGER ],
email => [ param("old_email"), \&EMAIL ],
# Run a search with different parameters
my $new_tmpl = $search->result(1, \%new_search);
Many CGIs simply search flat-text databases and return the results to the browser. This object implements a generic interface for searching such databases and returning an HTML::Template object ready to be presented to the browser. Returning the data as a hash-of-arrays is also possible, although this will probably be less used in practice.
Input from the user and the database is easily verified, thus making it simple to write secure and more robust code.
An Object Oreinted Purist will note that two orthogonal concepts (searching and user input validation) are being put together. In this case, I have rejected the purist approach because binding these two together will make it so easy to do validation that there is no excuse for not doing it. If the purists want to use a different module (and probably write twice as much code doing it), that is fine with me.
Validators are used to check input from the database and the user. The data will be untainted after the pattern is matched.
Currently defined validators are:
INTEGER Base-10 (or smaller base) Integer
WORD Any alphanumeric text (whitespace and punctuation not allowed)
BLOB Any alphanumeric text (whitespace and punctuation allowed)
EMAIL An e-mail address (only checks for a valid format)
NONE Do no validation (will NOT be untainted)
All of these are exported via :validators.
Custom patterns are possible by passing a referance to a subroutine that will match and untaint the data. See the synopsis, where $CUSTOM_VALIDATOR contains a referance to a subroutine that will act as a (stupid) custom validator.
Be sure that your custom validator untaints the data, or weird things may or may not happen.
Custom validators need to return a three-element array. If the data was valid, then it returns a true value in the first element, the untained data in the second element and any string in the third element ("Passed" is typical, but don't rely on that). If the data failed to validate, then the first element is a false value, the second is undef, and the third element is an error message.
Note for INTEGER: This will not work for floating point numbers. Some systems have a buggy number-to-string converter, so an integer might become a float when the number is matched by a regex. Many of these problems are worked around in perl 5.8.0.
INTEGER will also fail to match a number in scientific notation (like "12.46e2")
All templates need to have certain variables and conditionals in order to handle error conditions. Here's an example of a good template:
<title>Search results</title>
<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
<h1>Search results</h1>
<TMPL_UNLESS NAME="results">
<!-- Shows up if there were no results in the search -->
<p>No results were found for your search</p>
<TMPL_LOOP NAME="results">
<!-- Show the fields from the database you wish to display -->
<p><TMPL_VAR NAME="field1"></p>
<p><TMPL_VAR NAME="field2"></p>
<p><TMPL_VAR NAME="field3"></p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<!-- Errors within the search results -->
<p>Error in database: <TMPL_VAR NAME="error"></p>
<!-- For pagination -->
<form action="<TMPL_VAR NAME="script_name">" method="GET">
<TMPL_LOOP NAME="search_fields">
<input type="hidden" name="<TMPL_VAR NAME="name">"
value="<TMPL_VAR NAME="value">">
<input type="hidden" name="cur_page" value="<TMPL_VAR NAME="cur_page">">
<p>Show <input type="text" name="results_per_page"
value="<TMPL_VAR NAME="results_per_page">" size="3"> results per page</p>
<p><TMPL_IF NAME="prev">
<input type="submit" name="prev" value="Previous"> </TMPL_IF>
<TMPL_IF NAME="next">
<input type="submit" name="next" value="Next"></TMPL_IF>
<!-- Errors for the overall search -->
<h1><TMPL_VAR NAME="error"></h1>
<p><TMPL_VAR NAME="errstr"></p> <!-- "errstr" contains a specific error message -->
Note where errors are handled within the template. There can be an error in the overall search or within a single search item, such as when a field in the database didn't validate correctly.
You can define other template variables outside the loop and fill them in yourself after the search is completed.
Within the results loop, variables are filled in according to the fields named in the "db_fields" option passed to new(). HTML::Template is called with "die_on_bad_params => 0", so any fields that pass the search result but aren't in the template won't kill the entire process.
Paging data tends to force certain structures on the templates. I'm not happy with it, but I don't see a way out of it without disallowing paging completely. I encrouage anyone who can to come up with a more flexible and elegant solution. Until then, we're stuck with the current implementation.
In your template, you need to place a new form that will call the next page. This form will take TMPL_LOOP params named "search_fields containing input fields. These are filled with the data you passed as the search terms.
<form action="<TMPL_VAR NAME="script_name">" method="POST">
<TMPL_LOOP NAME="search_fields">
<input type="hidden" name="<TMPL_VAR NAME="name">"
value="<TMPL_VAR NAME="value">">
If you want to let users change the search options, you could put the options into a text field instead, if you so choose.
Next, we define what the current page number is, how many results we want to see per page, and a next and previous button. Which button is pressed will determine if we go forward or back.
<input type="hidden" name="cur_page" value="<TMPL_VAR NAME="cur_page">">
<p>Show <input type="text" name="results_per_page"
value="<TMPL_VAR NAME="results_per_page">" size="3"> results per page</p>
<p><TMPL_IF NAME="prev">
<input type="submit" name="prev" value="Previous"> </TMPL_IF>
<TMPL_IF NAME="next">
<input type="submit" name="next" value="Next"></TMPL_IF>
In this case, the current page number is put into a hidden field, and the results per page is coming from a text box which defaults to the current value of results_per_page you passed to CGI::Search->new().
To determine the current page, your script should do something like this:
my $PAGE_NUMBER = param('cur_page') || 0;
$PAGE_NUMBER++ if param('next');
$PAGE_NUMBER-- if param('prev');
Notice that the 'cur_page' param is actually the value of the last page the user was on. If the user hit the 'next' button, we need to increment that value. If the user hit the 'previous' button, we decrement the value.
Constructor. Takes the following options in the hash:
# Database description options
db_file Path to database flat-file you want to search
db_lock Get a shared lock on the database file (default 1)
db_seperator The field seperator the flat file uses. Defaults to '|' (no quotes).
Be sure any special regex chars are escaped.
db_fields Referance to an array of arrays describing the fields in the flat-file.
# Search options
search_fields Referance to a hash of arrays describing the fields you need to search on.
# Paging options (not currently implemented)
results_per_page How many results to show on each page of output. Default is 0 (infinte).
max_results Maximum number of results to search for. Default is 0 (infinite).
page_number The current page number of output. Default is 0 (first page).
# These options are passed to HTML::Template. See the documentation of that module
# for more details.
template Path to the template file
cache Cache results (only helps under a persistent environment, like mod_perl)
file_cache File caching (helps in any situation)
file_cache_dir Place to store file caches (leave blank to use a default directory)
loop_context_vars Use context vars in loops (default 0)
global_vars Allow global variables inside a loop (default 0)
strict Strict matching of template tags (default 1)
result [ $or_search, \%search_fields ]
Searches the database and returns the result. In scalar context, it returns an HTML::Template object that has been filled out with the data searched for. In array context, it returns the actual data in an array of hashes (which can be used as a param in a HTML::Template object).
$or_search is used to decide if all fields need to match (AND search) or if only one of the fields needs to match (OR search). If set to a true value, it does an OR search. Otherwise, it does AND.
Optionally, you can pass a referance to a hash containing new search fields that override the terms passed to new().
Returns the page number of the previous page or undef if we're on the first page.
Returns the page number of the next page. Note that CGI::Search doesn't know if there will be any results on the "next" page, so this will happily return a value for page 249 if a user clicks that much, even if the results stoped at page 7.
Returns the last error in a string.
Please send bug reports (preferably with a patch attached) to
Add pagination support.
Reimplement INTEGER() using Regexp::Common::number (other validators, too?).
Using an SQL-like syntax to do searching instead of a hash of options (???)
Timm Murray
Copyright 2003, American Society of Agronomy. All rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either:
a) the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version, or
b) the "Artistic License" which comes with Perl.
perl(1). HTML::Template. CGI.