Changes for version 0.021 - 2018-04-06

  • Slight change to interface of AnyEvent handling


Duct Tape for the Internet of Things
Base role for all other Device::WebIO devices
Role for Analog-to-Digital Input Converters
Role for general-purpose digital input
Role for event-based digital input
Role for interrupt-driven input
Role for general-purpose digital output
Role for things that can do I2C read/write operations
Role for things that access I2C devices
Role for things that can do SPI
Role for Temperature Sensors
Role for callback-driven video


in lib/Device/WebIO/Device/
in lib/Device/WebIO/Device/
in lib/Device/WebIO/Device/
in lib/Device/WebIO/
in lib/Device/WebIO/
in lib/Device/WebIO/