HTML::Microformats::hCard - the hCard microformat


use HTML::Microformats::_context;
use HTML::Microformats::hCard;

my $context = HTML::Microformats::_context->new($dom, $uri);
my @cards   = HTML::Microformats::hCard->extract_all(
                  $dom->documentElement, $context);
foreach my $card (@cards)
  print $card->get_fn . "\n";


HTML::Microformats::hCard inherits from HTML::Microformats::BASE. See the base class definition for a description of property getter/setter methods, constructors, etc.


HTML::Microformats::hCard supports hCard as described at, with the following additions:

  • vCard 4.0 terms

    This module includes additional property terms taken from the latest vCard 4.0 drafts. For example the property 'impp' may be used to mark up instant messaging addresses for a contact.

    The vCard 4.0 property 'kind' is used to record the kind of contact described by the hCard (an individual, an organisation, etc). In many cases this is automatically inferred.

  • Embedded species microformat

    If the species microformat (see HTML::Microformats::species) is found embedded within an hCard, then this is taken to be the species of a contact.

  • Embedded hMeasure

    If the hMeasure microformat (see HTML::Microformats::hMeasure) is found embedded within an hCard, and no 'item' property is provided, then the measurement is taken to pertain to the contact described by the hCard.


Data is returned using the W3C's vCard vocabulary ( with some supplemental terms from Toby Inkster's vCard extensions vocabulary ( and occasional other terms.

After long deliberation on the "has-a/is-a issue", the author of this module decided that the holder of a vCard and the vCard itself should be modelled as two separate resources, and this is how the data is returned.


Please report any bugs to


HTML::Microformats::BASE, HTML::Microformats.


Toby Inkster <>.


Copyright 2008-2010 Toby Inkster

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.