Changes for version 1.922 - 2012-12-15
- (Documentation) Documented test suite.
- (Update) RDF::Trine now uses Moose, so there's no reason for Web::ID to continue using Any::Moose. All the old Any::Moose/Mouse stuff is now gone, and Web::ID now uses Moose and MooseX::Types.
- (Update) Switched from namespace::clean to namespace::sweep.
- Make test suite output cleaner (no openssl junk) if Capture::Tiny is available.
frequently asked questions about WebID
authentication middleware for WebID
implementation of WebID (a.k.a. FOAF+SSL)
an x509 certificate
role for Web::ID::Certificate
an RSA key
represents a single name from a certificate's subjectAltName field
represents subjectAltNames that are e-mail addresses
represents subjectAltNames that are URIs
type library for Web::ID and friends
utility functions used in Web-ID