CLI::LaTeX::Table - provides a quick command tool that transforms almost any table to LaTeX snippet.
It rovides a quick tool to transform into suitable LaTeX snippets from (almost) any tables from Excel, SQL outputs used as a LaTeX table. Note that it also has functions to transform lengthy SQL sentences into suitable LaTeX snippets usable inside the footnote and the caption of a table.
Given the TSV formatted table such as copied region of an Excel worksheet or SQL output, you can easily get the LaTeX commands to produce same table even if it contains any alphabetical, numeral, symbolic characters unless they are ASCII or UTF-8. You can save a lot of time to draw tables by utilizing many option swithes for magnifying, rotating partly or totally, treating well on large numbers, hankaku-kana and so on.
1. latextable -- snippet generator from worksheet/scripts into LaTeX table/table-caption/text.
2. transpose -- flips a matrix over its diagonal. Input is copied from Excel/SQL output and so on.
3. saikoro -- random number/matrix generators of (various) uniform distributions.
4. csel -- an command line interface to handle TSV/CSV files easier than cut/AWK commands.
5. csv2tsv -- TSV formatter for regular CSV format files by Text::CSV_XS module.
All programs provides help-manual that is availble such as by "latextable --help".
If you want to see only "switch options", do "latextable --help opt(ions)".
If you want to see Japanese or English manual as you wish, do "latextable --help en" or "--help ja".
Please try :
# saikoro
# saikoro -g 12x5
# saikoro -g 12x5 -s123
# saikoro -g 12x5 -s123 | csel -d 3
# saikoro -g 12x5 -s123 | transpose
# saikoro -g 12x5 -s123 | latextable
# saikoro -g 12x5 -s123 | latextable -Cmn
# latextable # After opening some Excel or SQL ouput files, and copy and paste it.
Version 0.56
Copyright 2018 "Toshiyuki Shimono".
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see