Changes for version 2.2

  • * Made "-state => 'disabled'" actually work. Pbm. is that the underlying HList widget does NOT support disabling, so we had to manually emulate the feature by removing focusability, changing the foreground color, disable selecting items, etc. and then the ability to restore previous state when re-enabled, in order to work like a normal Tk::Listbox.
  • * Fixed issues involving setting background & foreground colors and allow taking advantage of our custom module to properly render the "active element"'s background. Color options should now work more like they do in Tk::Listbox.
  • * Added fixPalette() function for the rare cases it doesn't.weq
  • * Added -showimage, -showtext, and -bitmap options to the itemconfigure() function to be directly handled without it having to create an itemStyle, as these are supported in the Tk::DItem docs.
  • * Added -activeforeground, -selectforeground, and -selectbackground options.
  • * Fixed potential issue of improperly inserting text-only entries specified in hashref format, where either the wrong itemtype was being used causing an error, or the "-data" structure was being duplicated.
  • * Made -font option actually work. Default is "{MS Sans Serif} 8" on M$-Windows and "Helvetica -12 bold" otherwise, the defaults used by Tk::Listbox and Tk::HMListbox.
  • * REGRESSION: Due to the color-related changes above, other style options applied to individual entries are actually applied to all entries of that type, ie. all "imagetext", or all "text", etc. entries in the list. To apply custom style options to individual entries now, one must define a custom ItemStyle, due to the fact that to get the color optinos to work properly, we now create a "default ItemStyle" for each of the three valid "type"s and style options are applied to those (unless a "-style => $customItemStyle" is specified for the entry).


Tk Listbox widget supporting images and text entries, Tk::HList based drop-in replacement for Tk::Listbox.