armadito-agent - command line interface script used for Armadito Agent.


armadito-agent --server <server> --task <task>

    --help                 this menu

  Target definition options:
    --server server        Armadito Plugin for GLPI server URL

  Task selection options:
    --task task            Task to be executed
	--list-tasks           List supported tasks

  Antivirus selection options:
    --antivirus antivirus  Antivirus to be managed
	--list-avs             List supported antiviruses


% armadito-agent --server http://armadito-glpi/glpi/ --task "Enrolment"
% armadito-agent --server http://armadito-glpi/glpi/ --task "State"
% armadito-agent --server http://armadito-glpi/glpi/ --task "PullRequest"


armadito-agent is the command line interface for Armadito Agent.


Some options are available in a short form and a long form. For example, the two lines below are all equivalent:

% armadito-agent -s localhost
% armadito-agent --server localhost

Target definition options

-s, --server=URI

Send the results of tasks execution to given server.

In general, Armadito plugin URLs are like the following: http://servername/glpi/plugins/armadito/index.php

Task selection options


List all available tasks and exit


Run given task immediately.

See option --list-tasks for the list of available tasks.

Antivirus selection options


List all available antiviruses and exit


Mange the given Antivirus

See option --list-avs for the list of available antiviruses.

1 POD Error

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 164:

=over without closing =back